
Fifteen graduate students of BUPT reported that their tutors abused their power for personal gain, and the students: everything that should not be done has been done



It's crazy, have you heard? A major teacher ethics scandal broke out at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications! Fifteen graduate students jointly reported their supervisors, saying that the tutors did not regard them as students, but as a group of cheap laborers, which is unbelievable! You read that right, these 15 poor graduate students were forced to do all kinds of things that had nothing to do with their studies.

For example, picking up and dropping off tutor friends, helping with cleaning, and even helping tutor's daughter cheat! God, this tutor is simply a pervert, how can he treat his students as his own servants? What is even more terrifying is that this tutor often forces students to work overtime until late at night, controls students' daily routines, and does not even give them basic personal freedom.

Fifteen graduate students of BUPT reported that their tutors abused their power for personal gain, and the students: everything that should not be done has been done

It is so outrageous that I can do such an inhumane thing as a tutor at a good university, and it is simply a disgrace to the dignity of teachers! This is so outrageous that I can't imagine how much these 15 graduate students have suffered. They were supposed to concentrate on their studies and research, but in the end they were reduced to being the servants of their mentors.

What will they learn from this, and what benefits will it bring to their future careers? I am really sad in my heart, and as a student, I can understand how painful and hopeless they must be feeling right now. After all, no one expected that entering such an excellent university would meet such an unscrupulous mentor.

Fifteen graduate students of BUPT reported that their tutors abused their power for personal gain, and the students: everything that should not be done has been done

I feel that this tutor is simply playing with the future of the students and trampling on the duties of the teacher! I heard that the school has intervened in the investigation, and I really hope that this matter can be completely resolved. If this guru really does such a illegal and immoral thing, I think he must be severely punished.

Otherwise, it will not only cause serious harm to the future of these 15 students, but also affect the learning atmosphere of the entire campus. As an excellent university, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications has always been known for its rigorous school spirit and noble academic style. But now such a scandal has broken out, which is really disappointing and angry.

Fifteen graduate students of BUPT reported that their tutors abused their power for personal gain, and the students: everything that should not be done has been done

How can a proper education be gradual and patiently guided? I don't think this is an isolated incident for this teacher. Perhaps in other universities, there is a similar problem, where some tutors abuse their power and treat students as free labor. Such behavior not only seriously violates the original intention of teaching and educating people, but also greatly damages the social reputation of teachers.

We all know that the smooth growth of students is inseparable from the guidance and help of good teachers. However, tutors like this completely deviate from their duty to teach and educate people, and instead become a burden and an obstacle for students. This not only ruined the future of young people, but also greatly affected the country's future talent training.

Fifteen graduate students of BUPT reported that their tutors abused their power for personal gain, and the students: everything that should not be done has been done

I think that for this incident, the school must strictly investigate and must not cover it up. If the conviction is confirmed, then the mentor should be punished accordingly. At the same time, schools should also deeply reflect on the construction of their own teaching staff, and formulate a more rigorous teacher ethics training and assessment system to ensure that the school's teaching staff is healthy and orderly.

In addition, I think all sectors of society should continue to pay attention to the follow-up development of this incident. We should applaud the 15 graduate students who bravely came forward to report it, and at the same time urge the university to deal with this matter seriously. Only through the joint participation of all sectors of society can we truly create a fair, just and positive educational environment.

Fifteen graduate students of BUPT reported that their tutors abused their power for personal gain, and the students: everything that should not be done has been done

As one of the thousands of students, I feel very sorry for these 15 graduate students. But at the same time, I firmly believe that as long as we work together, we will make this society warmer and kinder. Every student deserves to be treated fairly and justly, with the respect and care they deserve.

Only in this way can we truly cultivate outstanding talents and make due contributions to the future development of the country and the nation. Let's hope that the final result of this scandal will definitely give an explanation to all teachers and students. I believe that as long as we adhere to justice and adhere to the educational concept of serving students, we will be able to arouse the resonance of all walks of life and make the world a more civilized and beautiful place!

Fifteen graduate students of BUPT reported that their tutors abused their power for personal gain, and the students: everything that should not be done has been done


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