
Zhou Zhenyu investigated the construction of urban flood control and drainage emergency capacity and the ecological restoration and management of water environment

author:Changde release
Zhou Zhenyu investigated the construction of urban flood control and drainage emergency capacity and the ecological restoration and management of water environment
Zhou Zhenyu investigated the construction of urban flood control and drainage emergency capacity and the ecological restoration and management of water environment

Zhou Zhenyu investigated the construction of urban flood control and drainage emergency capacity building and water environment ecological restoration and governance

Continuously enhance the people's sense of security and happiness

On April 10, Zhou Zhenyu, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and mayor, went to Wuling District to investigate the construction of urban flood control and drainage emergency capacity and the ecological restoration and management of the water environment. He emphasized that it is necessary to deeply study and practice Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and instructions during his inspection in Hunan, and comprehensively promote the construction of urban flood control and drainage emergency response capacity and water environment ecological restoration and governance with a high degree of political consciousness and strong measures, and support the high-quality development of Changde with a high-quality ecological environment.

Zhou Zhenyu investigated the construction of urban flood control and drainage emergency capacity and the ecological restoration and management of water environment

Zhou Zhenyu conducted on-site research on the comprehensive improvement project of the Chuanzi River water system in Jiangbei District, Changde City

Zhou Zhenyu successively went to the People's Gate, Maohu Port Gate, and Chenjiagang Comprehensive Treatment Project of the Chuanzi River Water System Improvement Project in Jiangbei City to inspect the planning and design of the flood control and drainage system, the construction of pipe network facilities, etc., to supervise and inspect the work of pollution interception and control, dredging and dredging, and put forward specific requirements for the follow-up environmental improvement work.

Zhou Zhenyu stressed that it is necessary to attach great importance to the design and construction of urban flood control and drainage systems to ensure the safety of urban flood control and drainage. Thinking from the perspective of the overall situation, taking into account flood control and drainage and ecological restoration of the water environment, and scientifically planning and designing related projects according to local conditions. It is necessary to give full play to the drainage function of the existing pumping stations and water systems, and do a good job of maintenance work in a timely manner to ensure the normal operation of relevant facilities and equipment. It is necessary to comprehensively and scientifically optimize infrastructure construction, strengthen the upgrading and transformation of old facilities and equipment, accurately do a good job in dredging and dredging, further optimize the emergency mechanism of related work, and ensure the absolute safety of flood control and drainage in the central urban area of Changde.

Zhou Zhenyu stressed that it is necessary to continue to fight the tough battle of pollution prevention and control, vigorously implement dredging and dredging projects, improve hydrological conditions and river water quality, continue to improve the ecological environment, so that the water is clear, the river is smooth, and the bank is green, and strive to achieve the unity of ecological, economic and social benefits. It is necessary to take the initiative to shoulder responsibilities, press the responsibility of the local entity, work hard to solve the stubborn disease, and strive to create a good ecological and livable environment. It is necessary to unswervingly follow the road of "ecological priority and green development", firmly guard the bottom line of ecological environmental protection, comprehensively improve the level of ecological environmental protection, and continuously enhance the people's sense of happiness in the improvement of the ecological environment.

Wang Weirui, Secretary-General of the Municipal Government, participated in the investigation.

END Source: Changde Rong Media Author: Chen Huan Editor: Lai Yongyan Second Trial: You Tao Third Trial: Wang Weikai

Final review: Liu Jun

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