
Many music festivals have been cancelled or postponed due to "force majeure"→?


Recently, Taizhou Feilong Lake Midi Music Festival, Wenzhou Xingchao Secret Music Festival, Wuxi Jiulong Bay Music Festival have all been postponed due to "force majeure", the Xingchao Secret Music Festival originally scheduled to be held in Guangzhou on March 30-31 has been postponed due to force majeure, the Guangzhou Culture and Music Festival originally scheduled to be held in Conghua on April 13-14 has also been postponed due to force majeure, and the Foshan Haichao Universe Music Festival has canceled its performance on April 14 due to force majeure factors......

Many music festivals have been cancelled or postponed due to "force majeure"→?
Many music festivals have been cancelled or postponed due to "force majeure"→?

Frequent "force majeure"

What exactly?

Why are they all "force majeure"?

According to the relevant laws, "force majeure" refers to unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable objective circumstances, mainly including natural disasters, such as typhoons, floods, earthquakes, etc., government actions, such as expropriation and requisition, and abnormal social events.

And these festivals that have been postponed or canceled

Usually not directly related to the above situation

Famous music critics are glorious and directly pointed

More because the tickets were sold so poorly

"Force majeure" becomes a fig leaf

Mr. Yang, an industry insider, also said

Many music festivals are purely commercial

There will be lineups that are not attractive enough or too repetitive

Tickets are overpriced

The surrounding supporting services are not good

The unprofessional behavior of the grass platform team led to a poor experience

and other specific factors

If the box office does not meet expectations

There is no way to cover the cost

The organizer will then choose to cancel or postpone

From flowering everywhere to frequent slots

Is it getting harder to do commercial music festivals?

During last year's May Day, there were nearly 50 large and small music festivals across the country, and many companies or capitals that were not engaged in music festivals and performance business before entered the game. According to incomplete statistics, there are nearly 30 music festivals during this year's May Day schedule, which is significantly lower than last year.

Many music festivals have been cancelled or postponed due to "force majeure"→?

Mr. Huang, who has been engaged in music festivals and large-scale performances for many years, said that music festivals are now more social or even purely social, and many organizers are aiming at this business model to try to harvest. But music festivals are different from concerts, superstars have their own fixed fan groups as the basic plate, and music festivals are all singer platters, so there is a lot of uncertainty.

Mr. Huang further said that the production cost and the cost of artists are rising year by year, and it is difficult for the festival to make a profit by relying on tickets alone, but once the ticket price rises, the number of audiences is bound to decline, so many organizers are looking for local governments or businesses to cooperate and share the risk.

How to choose a music festival to "avoid pitfalls"?

I finally got the tickets

I booked a wine itinerary

In case of sudden cancellation or postponement

It definitely affects the mood

So, how do you choose a reliable music festival?

The oldest music festival brand in China, "Midi", also had to be postponed, which shows that there will still be variables in the finalization of the music festival. For ordinary music fans, it is still necessary to choose a relatively old and well-known music festival, and many temporary "interlopers" or organizers who do not know how to accumulate brands often have more pitfalls.

Many music festivals have been cancelled or postponed due to "force majeure"→?

In addition to large outdoor music festivals

Music fans can also choose

Relatively niche or vertical

"Small but beautiful" music festival

Music festivals of a single music genre, such as the "Spring Outing" music festival with a good reputation in recent years, because the organizers are perennial practitioners of this type of music, know how to avoid pitfalls, and to a certain extent, will help music fans avoid pitfalls; These niche festivals are not as expensive as larger music festivals, so they are less risky.

Have you ever been to a music festival?

Ever stepped on a pit?

The chatterbox is synthesized from Nandu Entertainment

Edit: Rose Sand

Editor in charge: Yan Ping

Many music festivals have been cancelled or postponed due to "force majeure"→?

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