
Do you use an individual license to open a Douyin store? or a business license?

author:E-commerce small V

Hello everyone, I am an e-commerce V

A business license is required to open a Douyin shop, and many novices are very confused about what license should be used to open a store? What is the difference between an individual license and an enterprise license? Let's explain in detail today, novices should avoid stepping on the pit when doing a store.

Do you use an individual license to open a Douyin store? or a business license?

Business licenses are divided into two types: individual and enterprise licenses, if you say that you want to open a shake shop, it is recommended to apply for an individual business license, why do you say that? Let's continue to look down:

The first point: the category deposit is not the same

The category deposit that needs to be paid for the enterprise license is twice that of the individual license, for example: for the same category, the individual license needs to pay 2000 category deposit, and the enterprise license needs to pay 4000 category deposit.

The second point: the receiving account is not the same

The collection account of the enterprise store opened by the enterprise license must be a corporate account, and the collection account of the individual store opened by the individual license is directly withdrawn to their own private bank card, so that the withdrawal of future funds is very convenient.

Do you use an individual license to open a Douyin store? or a business license?

So how should we choose a business license when we open a store?

Let's start with the type of store:

The store types of Douyin stores are divided into: individual stores, flagship stores, specialty stores, and franchise stores.

The individual business license can only open individual stores, of course, we are only a part-time individual or a full-time individual to operate, we can open a personal store, the type of individual store and the flagship store, the type of store is no different,

Enterprise licenseWe can open ordinary stores, flagship stores, specialty stores, franchise stores, if we say that we do brand goods, we need to use the enterprise license to open a store,

Don't we need to upload brand product qualifications when we do the individual store opened by our individual license, if we don't do brand goods, let's just open an individual store.

If you also have branded goods, after the store opens, you can also send the corresponding trademark registration certificate when you create specific products.

If you have brand resources, you can consider using the enterprise license to open a franchise store, a specialty store or a flagship store.

Generally speaking, if a novice is part-time and does it full-time, it is basically an ordinary product, so let's just open a private store.

Do you use an individual license to open a Douyin store? or a business license?

I am Xiao V, a post-90s generation who has been doing e-commerce for 7 years I currently focus on Douyin small store or video number small store, obsessed with e-commerce and silent experience, proficient in product selection logic and platform rules, familiar with e-commerce team management, and now has a team of 70+ people!

There is a specialization in the art industry, and if you have questions, you should ask experienced people for advice, and you will quickly rise yourself without shame in asking.

Official account: E-commerce small V

Do you use an individual license to open a Douyin store? or a business license?
Do you use an individual license to open a Douyin store? or a business license?