
India's defense minister announced the deterioration of Sino-Indian relations, once again denied China's sovereignty, and 200,000 Indian troops have arrived at the border

author:Eastern Point Soldiers

According to Indian media reports, India's defense minister recently denied China's sovereignty again and made provocative remarks on China's internal affairs, saying that the deterioration of Sino-Indian relations was caused by China, and India has further strengthened the deployment of China-India border troops, and 200,000 Indian troops have been assembled in the Sino-Indian border area.

India's defense minister announced the deterioration of Sino-Indian relations, once again denied China's sovereignty, and 200,000 Indian troops have arrived at the border

The Indian defense minister made provocative remarks

Previously, the website of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of China issued an announcement, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, together with relevant departments, has standardized some place names in southern Tibet, and now officially announces the fourth batch of additional place names for public use in southern Tibet, a total of 30.

India's defense minister announced the deterioration of Sino-Indian relations, once again denied China's sovereignty, and 200,000 Indian troops have arrived at the border

External Affairs Minister of India S Jaishankar

In response, Indian Foreign Minister S Jaishankar provocatively said that "Arunachal Pradesh" (actually China's southern Tibetan territory) was, is and will be a state of India. Changing the name won't do any good.

India's defense minister announced the deterioration of Sino-Indian relations, once again denied China's sovereignty, and 200,000 Indian troops have arrived at the border

Indian Defense Minister Manmohan Singh

Indian Defense Minister Manmohan Singh further said that southern Tibet is an "inalienable part" of India, saying that China's naming of Indian-occupied Chinese territory is the cause of the deterioration of relations between the two countries, and that Singh also threatened that "if someone tries to damage our honor, India has the ability to respond appropriately."

India's defense minister announced the deterioration of Sino-Indian relations, once again denied China's sovereignty, and 200,000 Indian troops have arrived at the border

Indian Infantry Division

India's defense minister announced the deterioration of Sino-Indian relations, once again denied China's sovereignty, and 200,000 Indian troops have arrived at the border

On the Sino-Indian border, the Indian army has gathered more than 200,000 troops

In recent years, the Indian army has greatly strengthened the deployment of the Sino-Indian border, and what is known is that in the eastern section of the Sino-Indian border area, the 14th Army of the Northern Military Region of the Indian Army deployed the Sino-Indian border, under the jurisdiction of the Third Infantry Division and the Eighth Mountain Division, and at the same time, in view of the possible conflict between China and India, the Central Military Region of the Indian Army formed the 18th Army as a reserve.

According to Indian media reports, it consists of one division (about 15,000 to 18,000 combat soldiers) and three separate brigades.

India's defense minister announced the deterioration of Sino-Indian relations, once again denied China's sovereignty, and 200,000 Indian troops have arrived at the border

Indian Mountain Division

The 1st Army of the Indian Army will be transferred from the Southern Military Region to the Central Military Region in 2021, with an infantry division, a mountain division and an independent armored brigade under its jurisdiction, and its strength cannot be underestimated.

In the southern section of the Sino-Indian border, that is, in the southern Tibet region, the Eastern Military Region of the Indian Army has assembled ground combat forces of unprecedented scale, and the Indian army in southern Tibet has assembled three armies, the 3rd, 4th, and 33rd armies, under the jurisdiction of 9 mountain divisions, and at the same time the 17th Strike Army as a reserve.

India's defense minister announced the deterioration of Sino-Indian relations, once again denied China's sovereignty, and 200,000 Indian troops have arrived at the border

Indian Army Armored Forces

In the face of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) in southern Tibet, the total number of troops that the Indian army can mobilize is 12 mountain divisions. Along the entire Sino-Indian border, India has deployed a total of 17 divisions and 4 brigades of combat forces, with more than 200,000 troops.

In addition, in order to establish military superiority over the PLA, the Indian military is actively building forward military airfields on the Sino-Indian border, deploying fighter jets, deploying a large number of air defense systems in the Sino-Indian border areas, and introducing advanced South Korean self-propelled artillery.

India's defense minister announced the deterioration of Sino-Indian relations, once again denied China's sovereignty, and 200,000 Indian troops have arrived at the border

Indian Defense Minister Manmohan Singh

This time, India's foreign minister and defense minister have made provocative remarks one after another on the issue of China's core interests, which may mean that India is ready to take a new round of provocative actions against China.

It can be said that since the deterioration of Sino-US relations in 2017, India has seized the opportunity to launch several cross-border provocations against China on the border, and India has been coveting Chinese territory for a long time.

India's defense minister announced the deterioration of Sino-Indian relations, once again denied China's sovereignty, and 200,000 Indian troops have arrived at the border
India's defense minister announced the deterioration of Sino-Indian relations, once again denied China's sovereignty, and 200,000 Indian troops have arrived at the border

India's provocative plot will not succeed

The Indian media believe that at present, Chinese mainland's main energy is to deal with the China-Myanmar issue, the South China Sea issue, the Taiwan Strait issue, and the Korean Peninsula issue, and these things have distracted most of Chinese mainland's energy, so the Indian side can "steal chickens and dogs" at the border, adopt the method of "slicing sausages", gradually encroach on China's territory, and at the same time strengthen the infrastructure work for occupying China's territory.

India's defense minister announced the deterioration of Sino-Indian relations, once again denied China's sovereignty, and 200,000 Indian troops have arrived at the border

The Indian army is not at all an opponent of the PLA in the conflict

However, despite the continuous series of provocative actions of the Indian side, which did not take any advantage, in the Doklam incident in 2017, the Indian army had to withdraw under the strong pressure of the PLA after crossing the border, and in the Galwan Valley incident in 2020, a battalion of Indian troops shamelessly attacked the PLA with fewer people, and the Indian army suffered more than 100 casualties in the conflict, which was directly defeated by the PLA, which shows the quality level of the Indian army.

India's defense minister announced the deterioration of Sino-Indian relations, once again denied China's sovereignty, and 200,000 Indian troops have arrived at the border

Despite the fact that the Indian army has a so-called numerical superiority in the border areas, the Indian army has always been "stabilized" by the PLA in terms of the level of key weapons and equipment, the technical and tactical level of officers and men, the ability of information construction, the command and combat capability of the troops, and the combat capability of the system. Facing the Indian army in the Sino-Indian border area are the PLA's Western Theater troops, which have more powerful ground combat forces and air power.

India's defense minister announced the deterioration of Sino-Indian relations, once again denied China's sovereignty, and 200,000 Indian troops have arrived at the border

What is even more noteworthy is that the Indian army's poor infrastructure and logistical support level make it simply unable to provide all-weather supply to the Sino-Indian border areas, especially after the onset of winter, the Indian Army has to withdraw part of the Indian troops deployed in the plateau area to ease the pressure on logistics and transportation.

India's defense minister announced the deterioration of Sino-Indian relations, once again denied China's sovereignty, and 200,000 Indian troops have arrived at the border

The level of roads and infrastructure on the front lines of the Indian army is extremely different

Therefore, it can be said that not to mention the deployment of so many troops by India, it is completely symbolic, as mentioned earlier, the level of infrastructure in India can be called sparse, especially in the plateau area of the Sino-Indian border, the lack of sufficient roads and infrastructure, and the supply of logistics in wartime is a big problem.

India's defense minister announced the deterioration of Sino-Indian relations, once again denied China's sovereignty, and 200,000 Indian troops have arrived at the border

Some military experts have pointed out in this regard that the Indian army's series of actions on the Sino-Indian border are just "slapping a swollen face and becoming fat." Don't look at the deployment of so many troops, in fact, it is useless, and the PLA has a way to do it in wartime.

For example, in wartime, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) can rely on its powerful precision strike capability to use air power to concentrate on hitting roads, supply depots, railway stations, railways, tunnels, bridges, and other important transportation hubs in the plateau area of the Indian army.

India's defense minister announced the deterioration of Sino-Indian relations, once again denied China's sovereignty, and 200,000 Indian troops have arrived at the border

Then the use of missiles or even long-range fire units, focusing on striking the forward airfields built by the Indian army, can suddenly make the front-line Indian army fall into the predicament of material supply interruption, once the front line cannot obtain enough supplies, in the Sino-Indian border area, such a complex environment of the plateau area, the Indian army will not want to fight the PLA, and even the basic survival needs can not be satisfied.

India's defense minister announced the deterioration of Sino-Indian relations, once again denied China's sovereignty, and 200,000 Indian troops have arrived at the border

However, the Indian leadership, especially the top government and military leaders, is obviously well aware of this, so they have not dared to "use guns and artillery" against the PLA in the border areas in recent years, after all, it is the basic operation of the Indian leadership to take tough and provocative actions against China, divert internal contradictions, and cover up domestic class contradictions with nationalist narratives.

India's defense minister announced the deterioration of Sino-Indian relations, once again denied China's sovereignty, and 200,000 Indian troops have arrived at the border

And if a substantial armed provocation is launched against the PLA, things will slide to the brink of uncontrollability. The PLA's military might is strong enough to ensure that any provocation by the Indian army is hammered, and once the Indian people learn the truth about the Indian army's crushing defeat, domestic pressure will immediately turn back on the Modi government.

India's defense minister announced the deterioration of Sino-Indian relations, once again denied China's sovereignty, and 200,000 Indian troops have arrived at the border

Some of the content sources in the article: 1. The Indian Foreign Minister criticized Nehru's China policy again: he said at that time that "India is second, China is first"

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