
Kang'enbeprost @ joined hands with three new products to make a blockbuster appearance at the 2024 Wuzhen Health Conference

author:The number one conveniency

When it comes to men's health, we always feel that there are not many problems, but there are many problems. Men's own "thick branches and leaves", coupled with cigarettes when they are tired from work, and a glass of wine when they are depressed, their health is gradually affected. In particular, prostate disease, which has a very high incidence in men, is a "male" problem that plagues most people.

Recently, with the spirit of "creating a better world" as the meeting, "resilience · The Wuzhen Health Conference, a pharmaceutical industry event with the theme of "Controlling Change", was held as scheduled at the Wuzhen Internet International Convention and Exhibition Center. ® At the meeting, Wang Dong, deputy general manager of Zhejiang Kangenbei Pharmaceutical Sales Co., Ltd., shared a keynote speech on "Super Brand is Super Category--- Prostate Leads ® the Breakthrough of Prostate Category".

Kang'enbeprost @ joined hands with three new products to make a blockbuster appearance at the 2024 Wuzhen Health Conference

As the first pure pollen preparation for the professional treatment of prostate diseases in China, Prostate has ® always focused on the field of prostate health in the course of 39 years of development, taking users as the core, always adhering to the original intention of the brand of "caring for prostate health", constantly making breakthroughs and innovations, enriching product lines, and aiming to provide one-stop solutions to prostate problems for male friends. At present, the younger trend of prostate diseases is increasing, but the medical treatment rate is less than 50%, and Prostate has ® proposed a "super brand" strategy, which is to redefine the prostate category and inject new energy into the growth of the brand and category. Further break through the circle of new scenes, reach new groups, consolidate the niche market of middle-aged and elderly people, open up new needs of new groups, "downward expansion" to rejuvenate the brand, more comprehensively and more perfect to meet the prostate care needs of the target group, and awaken people's scientific and correct understanding of prostate diseases.

On the afternoon of April 8th, Prostacom ® held a grand "Healthy China Pilot Prostate, Prostacom ® Three New Product Launch Conferences", and launched Prostakang ® Prostate Hot Compress Patch, Prostakang ® Lycopene Soft Capsules, and Prostacom ®

Kang'enbeprost @ joined hands with three new products to make a blockbuster appearance at the 2024 Wuzhen Health Conference

The three innovative products of vitamin tablets have been extended to the fields of adjuvant treatment, health care prevention and daily maintenance through the product matrix.

It is worth mentioning that at this conference, with 39 years of strong brand power and strong market appeal, Prostacom ® has always been deeply trusted and supported by consumers and pharmacy staff, and won the "West Lake Award, the most popular star product in pharmacies" award with its strength. This award will motivate Prostate to ® continue to move forward, continue to improve, and make greater contributions to the cause of men's health and family happiness.

Kang'enbeprost @ joined hands with three new products to make a blockbuster appearance at the 2024 Wuzhen Health Conference
Kang'enbeprost @ joined hands with three new products to make a blockbuster appearance at the 2024 Wuzhen Health Conference

In the future, Prostacom ® will continue to provide more effective, professional and considerate services for men's prostate health, not forgetting the original intention, so that the brand is full of power and patients are healthier!