
What do you think of the current state of existence of teachers?

author:Shuangqi Town Inn

Text丨Shuangqi Town Inn (We don't have much time in this world, it's not worth wasting time trying to please those vulgar and despicable scoundrels!)

Just today, somewhere in Hunan, a fellow teacher in his thirties disappeared like a meteor into the starry sky last night.

She jumped from the high-rise building in her residential area, and threw herself into the dark earth dotted with thousands of lights, and quickly bloomed into a flower that no one knew.

The teacher spent the night motionless in the crook of Mother Earth's arms.

When the sun rose the next day, the teacher was discovered by the morning exercisers who got up early.

What do you think of the current state of existence of teachers?

The authoritative version given by the official is that the matter has been properly handled.

What exactly is the "proper handling method", the official did not give further introduction and explanation.

We can reasonably guess that the official intention is probably this: since the matter has been "properly handled", everyone's eyes can be taken away. You can go to see the wind and snow, and see all kinds of positive energy, without having to start from this incident and pay attention to the current state of existence of teachers, right?

If you think that the official "proper handling" means that the cause of the incident has been identified, then you are very wrong, because another paragraph given by the official is that "Six Doors" has intervened and the cause of the incident is under investigation.

The cause of the incident is in the process of being investigated? Do you know the "procrastination trick"? The teacher's departure is destined to be silent and will not cause a ripple in the education ecology!

What do you think of the current state of existence of teachers?

If you don't believe it, you can think about the hot spots that have emerged one after another in the past few years, including the hot spots of the suicide of all teachers.

If the computer allows me to do responsible hooking, I can give you many examples of teachers who have chosen to commit suicide in recent years—they have gone out of their lives unusually and early.

However, the computer did not allow me to do responsible hooking. After all, in these examples, the teachers who committed suicide used their lives to annotate the most cruel aspects of the current education ecology, and these cruelest aspects are often not "positive" enough.

For example, a 23-year-old young teacher said: "I am overwhelmed by the various tasks of the school, including the endless formalistic work, every day when I walk into the schoolyard, it is like walking into a cage – the cage is shrinking day by day, and as a teacher, I am always carrying my last breath to work."

What do you think of the current state of existence of teachers?

For another example, a 28-year-old teacher in the prime of his life was slapped in the face by the school's "fork poles" and "horse and birds" because he was on the wrong side in the factional struggle at the school, causing him to lose face.

He can't resist, this is the era when the double sword of Damocles hangs over the county management school recruitment and teacher exit mechanism, and the administrative "fork poles" are well known - they are no longer the orderlies of teachers.

The choice that this "official" teacher can make is nothing more than to say to his parents when the new semester comes: I am afraid of that school, and then he jumped into the world and left this world "selfishly", leaving the selfless "fork poles" and "horses and birds" in the school to laugh at the world.

The picture below is the party -

What do you think of the current state of existence of teachers?

For example, a teacher in his thirties with a psychology teacher qualification left an abrupt feeling in his WeChat circle of friends: "Injustice to one person is a threat to everyone", and resolutely bid farewell to this world.

What do you think of the current state of existence of teachers?

If the computer allows me to speak freely – in the last three to five years, I can cite many, many similar examples!

Even if they feel the pressure to suffocate them in the current education ecology, they rarely choose to end their lives on campus, and most of their falls are outside the campus!

Forgetfulness is an absolute trait of the crowd! Many people only pay attention to some hot spots in search of temporary stimulation, and soon, these people will quickly forget all kinds of hot spots in the burning of passion in the past.

In other words, people are unconscious cows and horses who are led by the nose by the artificial tendency of public opinion, and people will selectively filter out some news.

Today's public opinion tends to be a bit of "hatred of teachers and schools, hatred of education", and today's people's attention is only on their own children. Parents only care about their children's joys and sorrows, and do not care about the disappearance of teachers.

They want their children to break all rules and orders, and they don't care whether they are public or not.

What do you think of the current state of existence of teachers?

For example, many parents of today's students have reversed their old respect for teachers and education in their hearts, and they despise the cultural traditions that nourished their ancestors like garbage. They identified the teaching profession as follows: "The teaching profession is equivalent to a service industry that is equivalent to street foot massage and 'a certain root and a certain bath', so why should students respect teachers?"

If the teachers can't let their children's hidden animality be revealed, parents will be angry that they are destroying their children's personalities!

Parents of students often blame the teachers for the indispensable criticism and discipline of their children from a strange perspective and high degree of criticism, just like the landlord who carries the lantern, and they make bullying in the school inevitable.

What do you think of the current state of existence of teachers?

When the problem of bullying in the education ecology has become an unavoidable tragic problem, the parents of students have to shamelessly and sacrifice their roots to ask the teacher group: As teachers, have you done your duty?!

The rabble will never reflect on the education of their own families of origin, nor will they reflect on the problems that exist in their world outlook, values, and outlook on life! They regard teachers as Da Luo Jinxian who has been enslaved and driven by themselves.

This is the state of existence of teachers today. In this state of teacher existence, who can express a little sadness for the loss of a teacher?

What do you think of the current state of existence of teachers?

One day, we will all disappear into the dust. Let's hope we can find the home of our hearts before we disappear into the dust, instead of blindly being a destroyer - for example, destroying the living space of teachers, and then destroying the living space of all of us, okay?
