
翠花走千村 | 镇赉镇南岗子村:助农“麦”向致富路

author:Ji Pao investigation
翠花走千村 | 镇赉镇南岗子村:助农“麦”向致富路

Planting Xiaoice wheat has increased income in a short and flat manner. On April 5, this reporter walked into Nangangzi Village, Zhenzhao Town, Zhenxian County, where farmers were grabbing the agricultural time, preparing the land, applying fertilizer, and sowing Xiaoice wheat, and the fields showed a busy scene.

翠花走千村 | 镇赉镇南岗子村:助农“麦”向致富路

Early in the morning, in the fields of Nangangzi Village, Zhenxian County, agricultural machinery roared, and farmers began to rush to plant Xiaoice wheat. Wang Yan, chairman of the Guochun Planting, Storage and Transportation Farmers Professional Cooperative, told reporters that they have very mature planting experience through planting Xiaoice wheat for many years. The reporter learned that Xiaoice wheat has been promoted in a large area around Zhenxian County, and farmers also recognize it. This year, the cooperative adopted the order model and planted 1,000 acres of Xiaoice wheat.

翠花走千村 | 镇赉镇南岗子村:助农“麦”向致富路

In recent years, Nangangzi Village has adopted the "Party Branch + Cooperative + Farmer Household Model" to help farmers increase their income, and has become a new force in rural economic development. Founded in 2016, the Guochun Planting, Storage and Transportation Farmers' Cooperative mainly cooperates in the mode of "farmers sign orders to promote production" to drive farmers to increase production and income. In 2018, the cooperative installed a complete set of Xiaoice wheat flour processing equipment, modern grinding technology, well received by consumers. In the past, farmers earned their income by selling raw grain, but now villagers can process Xiaoice wheat and then sell Xiaoice wheat flour. Profits can be increased by up to 30% on the original basis. Wheat stubble is replanted with winter storage vegetables, and the profit is twice that of wheat.

翠花走千村 | 镇赉镇南岗子村:助农“麦”向致富路

Walking into the Hemai Xiang Xiaoice Wheat Flour Processing Factory of the Guochun Planting, Storage and Transportation Farmers' Professional Cooperative, the machines here are roaring and the workers are busy processing order flour. A grain of Xiaoice wheat is selected, threshed, impurities, milled and other processes to finally become high-quality flour. Because flour is rich in nutrition and has a delicate taste, it is deeply loved by consumers. It is reported that the Xiaoice wheat used in the factory is from the local area, and the cooperative provides farmers with high-quality seeds, technical guidance, market information and other resources to promote local farmers to join the ranks of Xiaoice wheat planting, and the cabbage replanted after the harvest of Xiaoice wheat also brings considerable economic benefits to farmers. At present, the Xiaoice wheat flour processing plant has brought employment to dozens of local farmers, providing them with a stable source of income. Farmers have not only received better economic benefits, but also injected new impetus into rural revitalization.

翠花走千村 | 镇赉镇南岗子村:助农“麦”向致富路

Rural revitalization, industrial development is the foundation. It is understood that the Xiaoice wheat variety planted in Nangangzi Village is "No. 33", which has taken root and grown in the land of Nangangzi Village after years of exploration and development since it was introduced from the Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

This year, Nangangzi Village adopted the "water and fertilizer integration" technology of the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences, which dissolves fertilizer in irrigation water. This technology not only saves water and fertilizer costs, but also increases the yield of Xiaoice wheat, bringing more income to farmers. This year, Nangangzi Village plans to plant 3,000 acres of Xiaoice wheat.

Produced by Jilin Daily

Author: Jilin Daily all-media reporter Wang Chunsheng

Curator: Han Xuejie

Executive Editor-in-Chief: Yu Yue

Editor: Han Yuhong