
Gold panning in the palm of your hand - VR panorama leads a new experience of luxury gold stores

author:Cool Rayman VR panorama

The international gold price continues to rise, and many local gold store customers have begun to flow in an endless stream, but there are also many gold stores that have begun to thunderstorm and cause a crisis of trust.

Gold panning in the palm of your hand - VR panorama leads a new experience of luxury gold stores

There are more and more gold and silver jewelry stores, and the same competitive pressure is also very high, and improving the competitiveness of their own gold stores is a problem that every jewelry store is worried about. The application of VR panorama in the gold, silver and jewelry industry can effectively solve this problem.

Gold panning in the palm of your hand - VR panorama leads a new experience of luxury gold stores

One of the advantages of VR panorama is that it restores the scene of offline stores, and gold and silver jewelry stores apply virtual reality technology to physical stores to provide consumers with an immersive shopping experience. Especially for the purchase of fine gold jewellery and jewelry, the meticulous and authentic store environment can help increase consumer trust in the brand, and demonstrate the professionalism and high-quality image of the gold store.

Gold panning in the palm of your hand - VR panorama leads a new experience of luxury gold stores

The VR panorama highly restores the space, products and service environment of the physical gold store online, making consumers feel as if they are in the scene, making consumers have a novel understanding of the gold store brand, and further enhancing the competitiveness of the gold store brand in the market.

Gold panning in the palm of your hand - VR panorama leads a new experience of luxury gold stores

Consumers can view the internal layout and jewelry display of the gold store through mobile phones and computers at any location, and the shopping is realistic, without blind spots, and customers can also enlarge and shrink gold jewelry products at will, breaking the space constraints to the greatest extent, and this novel model is also favored by the majority of customers.

Gold panning in the palm of your hand - VR panorama leads a new experience of luxury gold stores

Gold and silver jewelry is generally a traditional industry, products, styles, models, types and other categories are innumerable, and it is impossible for merchants to put each product on the leaflet;

Gold panning in the palm of your hand - VR panorama leads a new experience of luxury gold stores

The emergence of VR panorama facilitates the process of customer selection, stores can present gold and silver jewelry in an all-round and three-dimensional way in 720 degrees, and even have functions such as virtual try-on and try-on; combined with e-commerce, VR panorama can allow customers to understand the product display environment more intuitively, and facilitate remote purchase, especially for those who need visual experience to decide the purchase intention, etc., VR panoramic display can amplify its value.

Gold panning in the palm of your hand - VR panorama leads a new experience of luxury gold stores

In addition, VR panoramic shooting is also a precious means of recording the decoration and decoration of gold stores and the layout of activity scenes, which can be used for later review, comparison and upgrade reference. The application of VR panoramic technology in the field of gold stores not only helps to enhance the brand image of gold stores, but also effectively broadens sales channels, injects new vitality into the operation of gold stores, and makes consumers more trusted.