
Dry your clothes like this, just wait to get sick! Many people insist on the wrong method and don't know it

author:Home Miscellaneous Altar


Text/Home Miscellaneous Altar

Living at home is inevitably inseparable from washing and drying clothes.

For most households, laundry is done by hanging it in one place to dry.

However, there are actually right and incorrect practices when it comes to drying clothes.

The correct approach can make our clothes very comfortable to wear after drying, and clean and hygienic.

Dry your clothes like this, just wait to get sick! Many people insist on the wrong method and don't know it

And if the wrong drying method is used, it can lead to illness. And many people insist on the wrong method and don't know it yet.

Do you know how clothes should be dried?

Dry your clothes like this, just wait to get sick! Many people insist on the wrong method and don't know it

How do you dry your clothes and wait to get sick?

First of all, let me give you an answer to the incorrect way to dry clothes, that is: shade drying.

However, this drying method has many problems, and it is possible that you will really get sick.

However, many friends still use the method of drying clothes in the shade.

The so-called shade drying is to put the clothes in a cool place, let them evaporate naturally, and dry the clothes.

However, for shady drying, there are high requirements for air temperature and air circulation.

Often, we don't pay attention to these aspects.

Dry your clothes like this, just wait to get sick! Many people insist on the wrong method and don't know it

So, the following problems arise:

(1) The clothes after drying have a very bad smell. This is what we call it, it smells covered and feels stinky.

(2) Clothes may breed bacteria, fungi, etc. If you wear these clothes closely, you may cause skin allergies and cause skin diseases.

(3) If you wear these dry clothes for a long time, you may also inhale some bacteria or fungi into your body, causing allergies such as sneezing.

Therefore, you must not blindly dry your clothes, but choose the right temperature and air circulation. Otherwise, the problems that come with it are indeed many.

Dry your clothes like this, just wait to get sick! Many people insist on the wrong method and don't know it

How should clothes be dried?

In fact, most friends know that they should be dried in the sun.

However, the way we dry it is also different for different clothes.

The following is for different clothes, to share with you the correct way to dry.

Dry your clothes like this, just wait to get sick! Many people insist on the wrong method and don't know it

The first is to be exposed to direct sunlight and let the sun shine on the clothes we are drying.

In this method, the clothes are quickly dried through sunlight and air circulation.

For this method, it is suitable for the following four types of clothing.

Dry your clothes like this, just wait to get sick! Many people insist on the wrong method and don't know it

(1) Cotton and linen coats

For cotton and linen clothes, it feels rougher, and the dyeing effect is heavier.

In addition, for most cotton and linen clothes, there is no need to worry about deformation or fading.

Therefore, for this kind of clothing, we can put it under the sun normally.

Dry your clothes like this, just wait to get sick! Many people insist on the wrong method and don't know it

(2) Underwear and underwear

For intimate clothing, such as underwear and underwear, many friends may be used to hanging in the bathroom.

However, drying clothes in the bathroom is dry in the shade. Clothes are often difficult to dry, and they smell after a long time.

Therefore, for underwear and underwear, it is also recommended that everyone dry in the sun.

Dry your clothes like this, just wait to get sick! Many people insist on the wrong method and don't know it

Because it is dried in the sun, it can be sterilized by sunlight, and the clothes are more thorough and more comfortable to wear.

If there is no good sunlight, then it is recommended to put it in a location with good ventilation of the tuyere and air dry.

When drying, it is recommended that you do not turn it over to dry. Because, this situation may fall dust. Wearing it close to the body may affect your health.

In fact, there is a little trick for drying underwear and underwear, which is to dry it upside down. This dries faster.

Dry your clothes like this, just wait to get sick! Many people insist on the wrong method and don't know it

(3) Children's clothes

For the children's clothes at home, especially the baby's clothes, it is a special situation.

For this kind of clothing, it is generally recommended to expose it to the sun, which can play an effective sterilizing role.

Everyone should also know that the skin of a child or baby is generally more tender. So, there can't be too much stimulation.

Coupled with these clothes, there is no worry about deformation and fading. Because the frequency of replacement will be high.

Therefore, we can expose the baby or the child's clothes to the sun if they can be exposed to the sun.

Dry your clothes like this, just wait to get sick! Many people insist on the wrong method and don't know it

(4) Clothes that do not fade

When drying clothes, pay attention to one situation, that is, clothes that are easy to fade.

For those clothes that are prone to fading and deforming, avoid sun exposure.

In fact, everyone should have an understanding of this, that is, the shirts that are often worn are exposed to the sun and can easily fade.

Therefore, we also need to pay attention to this when drying clothes.

And for clothes that don't fade, you can rest assured that they will be exposed to the sun.

If you find that the clothes are more likely to fade, try to put them in the vents and let them air dry.

Dry your clothes like this, just wait to get sick! Many people insist on the wrong method and don't know it

Drying clothes can't just know about exposure to the sun, and there is a type of clothing that should be avoided from the sun.

Another method of drying is the scattering of sunlight.

To put it bluntly, the sun is not allowed to shine directly, but some astigmatism, scattered and scattered.

There are still a lot of such clothes, which are generally more expensive, and there are three kinds of summary as follows.

Dry your clothes like this, just wait to get sick! Many people insist on the wrong method and don't know it

(1) Wool and other woolen clothing

There are still a lot of wool clothes. For example, our common cashmere sweaters, cashmere coats and so on.

The outer layer of the oleamine film on the surface of this kind of woolen clothing will oxidize due to high temperatures.

In the end, the result is that the clothes are hard to the touch, and the comfort becomes worse.

Therefore, for this kind of clothing, it is generally not recommended that everyone be exposed to the sun.

When drying, you can put it on the balcony, where there is astigmatism coming in, and you can dry it naturally.

For wool clothing, it is also important to use warm or cold water as much as possible, and never use hot water.

Dry your clothes like this, just wait to get sick! Many people insist on the wrong method and don't know it

(2) Silk clothing

Silk clothes are also relatively expensive and high-end clothes.

The most common of these kinds of clothing may be those that belong to the silk category.

Because this type of clothing is made of silk. So, there are a lot of silk threads, and the silk threads are not particularly strong.

For silk clothing, it is also recommended that you do not expose yourself to the sun.

Because we expose this kind of silk clothes to the sun, it will cause the silk to break, deform, and fade.

In the end, we found that the clothes became smaller after drying. In fact, it's just shrunk, and I can't even wear it.

Therefore, for silk clothes, we should also be very careful, and try to put them in a well-ventilated place and air dry naturally.

Dry your clothes like this, just wait to get sick! Many people insist on the wrong method and don't know it

(3) Cotton clothing

Nowadays, most of my friends wear more and more cotton clothes.

However, there is a characteristic of pure cotton clothes, that is, it is particularly easy to fade.

And over time, you will find that the surface of this type of clothing is prone to redness and yellowing.

If exposed to the sun, there will also be a situation where the surface of the fabric gradually hardens.

Therefore, for some cotton clothes, it is recommended that you also dry them astigmatically.

There is a little trick when drying, which is to turn the clothes inside out and dry them.

All in all, for cotton items, avoid sun exposure and try to let the sun shine as little as possible.

Dry your clothes like this, just wait to get sick! Many people insist on the wrong method and don't know it

How do you dry your laundry without sunlight?

Speaking of this, some friends may ask: If there is no sunshine, how can you dry your clothes?

In fact, there is no sunlight to dry clothes, which is still a relatively common situation.

For example, everyone is familiar with the Huinantian, in this season, the sun is not particularly good most of the time.

So for this kind of situation, I have summarized the following methods for drying clothes, which may be able to help you.

Dry your clothes like this, just wait to get sick! Many people insist on the wrong method and don't know it

(1) - Drying

If there is no sunlight, then it is recommended that the preferred method is to dry. The corresponding is the dryer.

In fact, this is also a very important reason why dryers are popular.

We put the washed clothes directly into the dryer, set them to dry, and basically wear them when they are taken out.

And for most dryers, the dried clothes smell a fragrance and have the function of sterilization.

The only flaw is that there is no familiar smell of sunlight.

Therefore, when there is less sunlight or there is no place to dry at home, you can indeed consider buying a dryer.

Dry your clothes like this, just wait to get sick! Many people insist on the wrong method and don't know it

(2) - Blow drying

When there is no sunlight, if we want to dry our clothes, we can also consider blow drying.

Of course, this can only be done for clothes that need to be worn in an emergency. If you have a lot of clothes, it can be a hassle.

It's also very simple, for example, if it's one or two pieces of clothing, we can use a hair dryer to dry the clothes.

If you have a lot of clothes, but also some thin clothes, you can use an electric fan.

We can put a drying rack somewhere on the balcony and hang the clothes on it, and then put a fan in front of it and blow the clothes.

This method is actually natural air drying, although there is no sunlight, but the drying effect is better than shade drying.

Dry your clothes like this, just wait to get sick! Many people insist on the wrong method and don't know it

(3) - emergency response to quick-drying clothes

In the last case, if there is no condition to dry clothes, then you can use quick-drying clothes for emergencies.

In fact, this situation is for some rainy seasons, such as the season of returning to the south in the south.

Because for this season, if we do our laundry, we find that the clothes are always not dry, and they can be moldy and smelly.

Therefore, for the season of returning to the south of the sky, try to wash as little clothes as possible, then you can use quick-drying clothes for emergency at this time.

Because, after this kind of clothes are washed, they can basically be worn with dry water. It won't have any taste, and the effect is really good, but it can only be emergency.

Dry your clothes like this, just wait to get sick! Many people insist on the wrong method and don't know it

Written at the end of the article

Although we may need to wash and dry our clothes every day, there are many friends who do not know the correct way to dry them.

I believe that many friends have encountered it, that is, they hang their clothes directly in the bathroom, and they are stinky for a long time. Actually, these are all wrong methods. And the correct method has been shared with you in the article, I hope you can help you!

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