
The price has risen by more than 10 times! Many people have collapsed: "How can I live without you......

author:Voice of West Lake


There are many netizens who posted


The price of Taining bolt has increased by more than 10 times

Some netizens said,

"The same size of the Taining plug,

The cheapest time online was also sold for 398 yuan / box. ”

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The price of Taining bolts has also changed greatly

The average price is around 250 yuan

The price has risen by more than 10 times! Many people have collapsed: "How can I live without you......

Why did the price increase and out-of-stock of Taining bolts across the board?

One copy of the pharmaceutical manufacturer

Respond to consumer emails

The reasons behind it are revealed:

Due to the shortage of raw material compound caratoate

The company has been in action since November last year

The production and market supply of Taining suppositories was discontinued

On the afternoon of the 8th

The reporter called the manufacturer

This statement was also confirmed

"Based on the main active raw material of compound caratorialate

Naturally derived and non-renewable,

Currently worldwide

There is no sustainable supply of raw materials for production. ”

The price has risen by more than 10 times! Many people have collapsed: "How can I live without you......

The Taining bolt that is out of stock and has risen in price

Why do you make netizens "sad"?

A search for "Taining bolt" on a popular social platform shows more than 1,300 pieces of relevant information. Unlike most cosmetics and skin care products, the content of the link is basically the user's own experience of use, as well as the anxiety of publishing due to the discontinuation of production.

The price has risen by more than 10 times! Many people have collapsed: "How can I live without you......
The price has risen by more than 10 times! Many people have collapsed: "How can I live without you......

"Taining bolt, how can I live without you?" A netizen in Anhui "Qingqing" said that he is an anal fissure patient, "I haven't committed (illness) for more than half a year, and I felt very painful after going to the toilet at the end of last month, so I immediately thought about buying a box of Taining bolts to use it back, but I didn't expect to look for a circle." ”

Qingqing said that since he suffered from anal fissure, he has been using Taining suppositories under the recommendation of doctors, "The price was very cheap before, and it didn't hurt when I used it, and the effect was very good." Qingqing hopes that there will be a replacement for pharmaceutical manufacturers as soon as possible.

The price has risen by more than 10 times! Many people have collapsed: "How can I live without you......

Tying suppositories are also well received among pregnant women. Many people said that they were heartbroken when they heard the news of the suspension of production. Netizen "Keke" said after learning that the Taining suppository was discontinued, "It is difficult for pregnant women to have this, and the only hemorrhoid medicine that can be used is this." ”

Shanghai First Maternity and Infant Health Hospital previously released an article on constipation during pregnancy also mentioned that pregnant women with hemorrhoids complicated by constipation can use Taining suppositories, which is an anal suppository containing seaweed extract (carrotinate), which has a lubricating effect and makes the feces easy to discharge, Taining suppositories also contain titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, which have the effect of relieving itching, reducing congestion and inflammation of the anorectal canal, astringency and promoting healing.

In addition, a popular science article released by Shanxi Provincial Anorectal Hospital also mentioned that the seaweed extract carrotate can form a membrane covering on the surface of the anorectal mucosa in contact with the anorectum in a humid environment, and the latter can remain on the surface of the anorectal mucosa for 8-12 hours, which plays a protective role in damaged or inflammated mucosa.

Netizen comments

After the price of Taining bolts skyrocketed,

Many netizens began to panic:

The price has risen by more than 10 times! Many people have collapsed: "How can I live without you......
The price has risen by more than 10 times! Many people have collapsed: "How can I live without you......
The price has risen by more than 10 times! Many people have collapsed: "How can I live without you......
The price has risen by more than 10 times! Many people have collapsed: "How can I live without you......

After the discontinuation of the Taining plug,

How can patients with hemorrhoids take alternative medications?

In this regard,

The staff of the manufacturer of the drug introduced:

"The company does not have a substitute for this drug.

Patients are advised to consult a doctor,

Alternative medicines are prescribed by the doctor depending on the severity of the patient's illness. ”

Doctor advises

Zhai Dong, an attending TCM physician in the anorectal department of Zhongshan Hospital in Zhejiang Province, said that clinically according to whether hemorrhoids can be retracted after defecation and the criteria for judging the severity of internal hemorrhoids are generally divided into four grades.

The price has risen by more than 10 times! Many people have collapsed: "How can I live without you......

Hemorrhoids grade I

The poop is bloody and dripping, and it will stop on its own after defecation, and I feel that there is no hemorrhoidal prolapse.

Hemorrhoids grade II

Hemorrhoids come out during poop and will automatically retract after defecation.

Hemorrhoids grade III

Hemorrhoids that come out during bowel movements, prolonged standing, coughing, exertion, or weight-bearing require a hand pushback.

Hemorrhoids grade IV

If the hemorrhoidal nucleus prolapses out and cannot be pushed back, or if it is pushed back and then prolapsed, incarcerated necrosis may occur.

Dr. Zhai explained that in general, grade I., grade II and grade III can be tried first with quadruple therapy, i.e. "oral medication + hemorrhoid suppository + hemorrhoid cream + Chinese medicine sitz bath". Grade IV and grade I., grade II, and grade III that do not improve after conservative treatment are recommended for surgical treatment.

For specific treatments, it is best to let the doctor give a specific solution according to each person's specific situation.


Potassium permanganate sitz bath

When external hemorrhoids occur, potassium permanganate is soaked or wet compressed, which has the effects of disinfection, astringency, and hemostasis. When treating hemorrhoids, it is generally diluted to a sitz bath of 0.1% concentration, i.e. 0.1 grams per small tablet dissolved with 100 ml of water. Potassium permanganate solution should be prepared and used immediately, and the longer it is placed after preparation, the more the efficacy will be reduced.


Oral antiswelling medications

If symptoms are severe, oral medications can be used to control symptoms by reducing local blood flow to the hemorrhoids, and if the pain is caused by gangrene, ulcers, or thrombosis, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs may be used to relieve symptoms.


Hemorrhoids creams and hemorrhoidal suppositories

First of all, pay attention to whether hemorrhoid cream and hemorrhoid suppositories contain musk and borneol, if so, pregnant women, breastfeeders, prostate patients and people with glaucoma should use with caution, and consult a doctor or pharmacist before application.

Hemorrhoids plugs should be inserted into the anus 1~2 cm deep, so that it can slide naturally into the rectum, and it is easy to slip off if it is too shallow. Suppositories are a relatively good dosage form, which can avoid gastrointestinal reactions, have rapid onset, high local concentrations, and avoid some liver first-pass effects and improve drug efficacy.

Source: Guangzhou Daily is synthesized from Ningbo Evening News, News Square, Xiaoxiang Morning News, China Business Daily, Dawan News, Zhejiang Zhongshan Hospital, and Guangzhou First People's Hospital