
Party Newspaper Read Every Day: 2024-04-09 People's Daily Golden Sentences (Issue 4345)

Party Newspaper Read Every Day: 2024-04-09 People's Daily Golden Sentences (Issue 4345)

On the front line of spring management and spring ploughing, all regions and departments have put the large-scale improvement of grain yield in a more prominent position, and more modern agricultural scientific and technological achievements have gathered in the fields. Farmers work hard, improve seeds, good opportunities, and good methods, and tap the potential of grain yield in the whole link and the whole process.

Promotion of good seeds - good seeds bring good harvests

Good opportunity to give power - small agricultural machinery in hilly and mountainous areas shows their skills

Good law is proper - crops are "well fed and drunk" and grow well

Food security is the "great thing of the country". Agricultural scientific research personnel and agricultural extension organizations at all levels should continue to innovate agricultural technology extension service methods, so that agricultural scientific and technological achievements can be transformed into real productivity more quickly and smoothly.

  Good breeds are the foundation. With the deepening of the revitalization of the seed industry, the contribution rate of improved varieties to the increase of agricultural output in the mainland has increased to more than 45%. Good law is the key, speed up maturation and optimize a number of high-yield, high-quality and high-efficiency key technologies, and continuously improve the technology in place and coverage. All kinds of agricultural machinery help the whole process of farming, management and harvesting, and significantly improve the efficiency and quality of agricultural production.

  On the implementation path of promoting the integration and promotion of good varieties and good methods, it is necessary to continue to promote the deep integration of leading varieties, main promotion technologies and main models, optimize leading varieties, promote main promotion technologies, upgrade main models, promote agricultural production to improve quality, transfer methods, and increase efficiency, integrate and apply the whole process of mechanized production mode according to local conditions, help the national grain yield increase in a large area, and solidly promote a new round of 100 billion catties of grain production capacity improvement action.

  In terms of safeguard measures, it is necessary to strengthen the typical demonstration drive, strengthen the construction of "100 acres of fields, 1,000 acres of square meters, and 10,000 acres of fields", create a typical model for yield improvement, demonstrate and promote new varieties, new technologies, and new agricultural machinery, so that more small farmers can truly feel the real effect of high-yield technology to increase yield;

Be a tree planter" (People's Forum)

Xiang Xianbiao

People's Daily (2024-04-10 Edition 04)

  The spring breeze blows the green of a thousand mountains. It's the season of afforestation again, and the land of China is full of new greenery.

  General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "The predecessors planted trees and the later people enjoyed the shade, and each of us is a shader, but we must be tree planters." "It's about planting trees, but it's not just about planting trees. Tree people are like trees, the so-called "those who plant trees must cultivate their roots, and those who plant virtue must nourish their hearts". Party members and cadres should take the lead in participating in voluntary tree planting, planting more trees, planting good trees, and managing trees well; they should also enhance their historical consciousness, cultivate their feelings for the people, plant trees for the people, and bring benefits to the masses through tree planting.

  There is a detail in the report on the "greening general" Zhang Lianyin, which is very insightful. Holding a pine seedling in his left hand and the soil at the root with his right hand, he said to a group of "red scarves": "If the seedlings are planted with soil connected to the roots, the survival rate will be high and the growth will be good." Just like us, we must have roots, and we must not forget our roots wherever we go. "The ground on which a person stands is also fertile ground for his spiritual growth. Only by taking deep roots in the soil can we be grounded and strengthened. Zhang Lianyin cherished the "rooted soil", retired and returned to his hometown to plant trees for 20 years, and led the team to plant more than 2 million trees. What he left behind was not only a green shade, but also a firm belief and a lofty realm.

  Trees do not forget their roots, and people do not forget their roots. Once, when Comrade Zhu De returned to his hometown to visit relatives, the villagers who had not seen him for many years said, "When I became the commander-in-chief, I still look like a farmer." Zhu De smiled: "What is the commander-in-chief? Without everyone and the masses, what else is the commander-in-chief!" Party members and cadres should always ask "who am I?" and they should be "officials of the common people" and be ordinary people. Party members and cadres should take this party discipline study and education as an opportunity to learn discipline, know discipline, know discipline, abide by discipline, establish a correct view of power, always be loyal, clean and responsible, and be a good public servant of the people.

  Rooted in practice, worship the masses as teachers. The grassroots are the best classrooms, and the masses are the best teachers. During his work in Lankao, Comrade Jiao Yulu, a good example of the secretary of the county party committee, relied on a bicycle and a pair of iron feet to visit and conduct research on more than 120 of the county's 149 production brigades, and asked the masses for advice face-to-face. It was this kind of in-depth investigation and study that enabled him to sum up effective methods for controlling sandstorms in a relatively short period of time. There are thousands of difficulties, but it is not difficult to ask the masses. Going deep into the grassroots and among the masses and "being willing to be primary school students" should become the normal state of work for the vast number of party members and cadres.

  Standing up to the sky and spreading "green shade". Think of yourself as a tree, rooted in the soil, not only to absorb nutrients and strengthen yourself, but also to support a green shade to shelter the masses. Our goal is grand and simple, and it boils down to making life better for ordinary people. Only by firmly rooted in the people, establishing a correct view of political achievements, and doing our best to seek well-being for the people, can we win the reputation and trust of the masses with our actual achievements, and can we also obtain a steady stream of spiritual nourishment and burst out the inexhaustible motivation to move forward bravely and resolutely.

Efforts will be made to optimize the business environment, support foreign-funded enterprises to continue to deepen and develop better in China, and continue to expand high-level opening-up

The rule of law goes hand in hand with opening-up, and persisting in promoting high-level opening-up on the basis of the rule of law will create a more stable, fair, transparent and predictable investment environment for the majority of foreign-funded enterprises

Clothing is the carrier of cultural etiquette, and the "national tide" clothing highlights the combination of tradition and modernity. More and more "national tide" costumes appear in the streets and alleys and integrate into people's lives, which invisibly deepens people's understanding of Chinese aesthetics and enhances the attractiveness of China's excellent traditional culture. Nowadays, in the international runway show, clothing designs with Chinese elements are frequently unveiled, reflecting the Chinese culture to a broader stage. By understanding the aesthetic value and cultural significance behind the popularity of "New Chinese Style" and continuing the Chinese culture in the process of inheritance and innovation, we will surely make the beauty of uniforms bloom with new brilliance and tell the Chinese story to the world.

Resolutely implementing the strategy of expanding domestic demand and expanding household consumption is an important focus.

Many old machines and old things have the potential to "turn waste into treasure". Smooth the resource recycling chain, improve convenience and cost performance, and form a complete closed loop of production, consumption, recycling and reuse, which will provide strong support for trade-in, and can also truly maximize the utilization of renewable resources.

Promote the "close neighbors" who are close to each other geographically and personally, and gradually become "teammates" who are connected by industries and integrated development, and the "potential energy" of major development strategies will continue to be transformed into the "kinetic energy" of regional coordinated development

According to local conditions, create a beautiful courtyard construction model with its own characteristics

Gradually explore, summarize and form operable standards and demonstrations

Upgrading the file, the beautiful courtyard helps the beautiful economy

Persist in Combining Self-Supervision and People's Supervision

Tang Xiaoqin

People's Daily (2024-04-10 Edition 09)

  Supervision is an intrinsic element of governance, and it occupies an important position and plays an important role in the management of the party, the party, and the country. At the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly put forward the practical requirements of "nine to" to further promote the party's self-revolution, one of which is "to combine self-supervision and people's supervision as a strong driving force". Adhere to the combination of self-supervision and people's supervision, in order to transmit the pressure of supervision, gather the power of supervision, form a joint force of supervision, enhance the deterrent effect of supervision, ensure that party members and cadres use power impartially, in accordance with the law, honestly, and provide an important guarantee for civil rights.

  Strengthening supervision is an important path for upholding the comprehensive and strict governance of the party and promoting the party's self-revolution. As far as our party is concerned, external supervision is necessary, and at the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen self-supervision. The party's ruling position determines that intra-party supervision is the most basic and first among the various forms of supervision by the party and the state. For more than 100 years, our party has relied on developing people's democracy and accepting the people's supervision externally, and on comprehensively and strictly administering the party, promoting self-revolution, having the courage to uphold the truth and correct mistakes, and having the courage to turn inward and scrape the bones to cure the poison, thus ensuring the party's long-term prosperity and continuous development and growth.

  Self-supervision and people's supervision are intrinsically unified, and both are aimed at building our party well and strongly, ensuring that the party will never change its quality, color, or taste, and that the party will always become a strong core of leadership. Both self-supervision and people's supervision are carried out by focusing on prominent problems such as the party's work style, government style, and corruption, which are strongly resented by the masses, and are carried out under the constitution, laws, and rules and regulations, and the party and state supervision system are used to strengthen the restraint and supervision of the exercise of power. Self-supervision and people's supervision complement each other and promote each other. Since its birth, the Communist Party of China has always represented the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people and insisted on ruling for and by the people. Our party does not have any special interests of its own, so it is able to examine itself in the spirit of thorough self-revolution and resolutely struggle against all factors that undermine the party's advanced nature and purity. At the same time, people's supervision can help our party understand its own problems in an all-round way and without blind spots. By intensifying people's supervision, better upholding the people's dominant position, and following the party's mass line, the masses of the people will trust and support our party more and sincerely help us correct our shortcomings and deviations. Closely integrating self-supervision with people's supervision is conducive to weaving a dense supervision network in the course of systematic governance, forming a joint supervisory force, and jointly promoting the in-depth development of the party's self-revolution.

  Since the beginning of the new era, our party has viewed the issue of supervision from the perspective of promoting self-revolution, and has always maintained the party's advanced nature and purity by strengthening supervision to continuously remove impurities, strengthen immunity, and strengthen muscles and bones. The CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has unswervingly promoted the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party in the spirit of thorough self-revolution, regarded the restraint and supervision of power as an important guarantee for maintaining the health of the Party, and promoted other supervision through intra-Party supervision. From bringing all public officials exercising public power into the scope of state supervision to gradually forming a pattern of "four full coverage", and from vigorously promoting "tangible coverage" to "effective coverage", we have built a supervision system with unified leadership, comprehensive coverage, authority and high efficiency of the party.

  Sunlight is the best antiseptic, and supervision is a weapon to prevent corruption. On the new journey, with the combination of self-supervision and people's supervision as a powerful driving force, we must further promote the party's self-revolution and deepen the reform of the party and state supervision system. It is necessary to integrate intra-party supervision with supervision by state organs, democratic supervision, judicial supervision, mass supervision, and public opinion supervision, enhance the seriousness, coordination, and effectiveness of supervision, realize the benign interaction and complementarity of self-discipline and other discipline, give full play to the overall effectiveness of supervision, and make supervision cover all links and aspects of the exercise of power. Focusing on strengthening responsibility, standardizing the use of power, and encouraging responsibility, we will continuously improve the system of organic combination of the party's self-supervision and people's supervision, improve the substantive systems and procedural regulations on the restraint and supervision of the operation of power, unblock the channels for the people's suggestions and suggestions, criticism and supervision, and form an incentive and restraint mechanism in which power must be responsible, responsibility must be assumed, power use is supervised, and failure to do so must be investigated, so as to ensure that the power given by the party and the people is always used to seek development for the cause and happiness for the people.

Cultivate new talents of the era who can better take on the new cultural mission

He Xiuchao

People's Daily (2024-04-10 Edition 09)

  Culture rejuvenates the country and prospers, culture is strong, and the nation is strong. Xi Jinping Cultural Thought has clarified the new cultural mission of the new era: to continue to promote cultural prosperity, build a cultural power, and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation at a new starting point. The grand blueprint is inspiring, and the mission and tasks are inspiring. To better undertake the new cultural mission, we need the power of youth, and we need to give full play to the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of young people. In the new era and new journey, colleges and universities should thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's cultural thought, work hard to adhere to cultural self-reliance, strengthen cultural self-confidence, and achieve cultural self-improvement, so as to cultivate contemporary college students into newcomers of the era who can better undertake new cultural missions, and strive to become pillars worthy of the construction of a strong country and the great task of national rejuvenation.

  Adhere to cultural self-reliance. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "If any culture wants to stand and go far, it must have its own subjectivity if it wants to have leadership, cohesion, shaping and radiation. "To insist on cultural self-reliance, we must constantly consolidate cultural subjectivity. Since its founding, the Communist Party of China has persistently integrated the basic tenets of Marxism with China's specific realities and with China's excellent traditional culture, led the Chinese people to creatively transform and innovatively develop China's excellent traditional culture, inherit revolutionary culture, and develop advanced socialist culture, drawing on and absorbing all outstanding achievements of human civilization, and establishing our cultural subjectivity. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese Communists, with Comrade Xi Jinping as the main representative, have founded Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, which is the most powerful embodiment of this cultural subjectivity. The adherence of contemporary youth to cultural subjectivity shows the spiritual outlook of the young generation, and is related to the confidence and confidence to undertake a new cultural mission. On the new journey of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation, to cultivate new people of the era who can better undertake the new cultural mission, it is necessary to guide young students to unremittingly use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to cast their souls. Efforts should be made to deepen internalization and transformation, guide young students to deeply understand the historical consciousness of Xi Jinping Cultural Thought and adhere to cultural self-reliance, fully understand their own historical mission and responsibility of the times in the inheritance and development of culture, continuously consolidate cultural subjectivity, realize spiritual independence, and contribute youth wisdom and strength to promoting cultural prosperity, building a cultural power, and building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

  Strengthen cultural self-confidence. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Cultural self-confidence is a more basic, broader and deeper self-confidence, and a more basic, deeper and more lasting strength. "Strengthening cultural self-confidence is a major issue related to the rise and fall of the country, cultural security, and national spiritual independence. To strengthen self-confidence in the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, theoretical self-confidence, and institutional self-confidence, in the final analysis, it is necessary to strengthen cultural self-confidence. Since the beginning of the new era, General Secretary Xi Jinping has put forward the major thesis of "second combination" on the basis of profoundly summarizing the historical experience of the Sinicization and modernization of Marxism and profoundly grasping the law of the development of Chinese civilization, indicating that our party's historical and cultural self-confidence has reached a new height, and that our party's consciousness of promoting cultural innovation in inheriting the excellent traditional Chinese culture has reached a new height. Both history and reality have shown that persistently integrating the basic tenets of Marxism with the fine traditional Chinese culture is conducive to stimulating the impetus for cultural construction, firming up the direction of cultural development, and promoting the prosperity and development of culture. In today's era, young students are in the era of big data with rapid information change, and they are facing a more culturally diverse environment. This requires colleges and universities to pay more attention to the main role of schools and guide students to strengthen their cultural self-confidence. On the new journey of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation, colleges and universities should continue to improve the cultural curriculum system, improve the teaching quality of teachers, innovate teaching content, and stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning. In particular, ideological and political courses in colleges and universities should play a key role in cultivating people with virtue, talk about the latest achievements of the party's theoretical innovation, talk about the history of the party, the history of new China, the history of reform and opening up, the history of socialist development, and the history of the development of the Chinese nation, and deeply reflect the historical heritage and practical role of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, so as to cast the soul and educate people, enlighten wisdom and increase wisdom, continue to enhance the cultural self-confidence of college students, and promote them to better undertake the new cultural mission.

  Achieve cultural self-improvement. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Chinese-style modernization requires great material wealth, spiritual wealth, and self-confidence and self-improvement in ideology and culture. "Cultural self-improvement is the meaning of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. On the new journey of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation, while we continue to strengthen the material foundation of modernization and consolidate the material conditions for the people's happy life, we must also vigorously promote cultural prosperity, inherit the Chinese civilization, promote the all-round enrichment of materials and the all-round development of people, and constantly promote the trend of cultural self-improvement. Facing the future, colleges and universities should implement the fundamental task of cultivating people with virtue, adhere to the fundamental system of Marxism's guiding position in the ideological field, take the core values of socialism as the guide, run Xi Jinping cultural thought through the whole process and all aspects of the training of young students, guide them to base themselves on the great historical practice and contemporary practice of the Chinese nation, and inject youthful vitality into the prosperity and prosperity of Chinese culture in the new era to promote the development and progress of human civilization. Teachers of colleges and universities should vigorously carry forward the spirit of educators, persist in educating people with culture and culture, and cultivate new people of the era who will take on the great task of national rejuvenation while paying attention to cultural infiltration, infection, and edification. The vast number of teachers should consciously integrate the Marxist world outlook, outlook on life, and values into the teaching of knowledge, and educate and guide young students to learn from all the outstanding achievements of civilization created by mankind more actively through knowledge dissemination, ability impartation, and cultural inheritance, and constantly improve their ability to achieve cultural self-improvement in their respective fields, so as to make positive contributions to promoting the construction of a socialist cultural power.

Vigorously promote red culture in the new era (in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era)

Du Feijin

People's Daily (2024-04-10 Edition 09)

  General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Chinese-style modernization is the modernization of material civilization and spiritual civilization in harmony, and it is necessary to carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, make good use of the red culture, develop the advanced socialist culture, and enrich the people's spiritual and cultural life", "protect and use the red resources, strengthen the revolutionary tradition and patriotism education, guide the cadres and the masses to carry forward the fine traditions, continue the red blood, practice the core values of socialism, and cultivate the new style and new look of the times". Red culture is an advanced culture created and accumulated by the Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China in the great practice of revolution, construction and reform, and contains a powerful spiritual force that guides our party and people to strengthen their faith, conviction and confidence, defeat all strong enemies, overcome all difficulties, and win all victories. In the new era and new journey, it is of great significance to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on making good use of red resources and continuing red blood, vigorously promote red culture, and draw spiritual power from it to forge ahead and unite and struggle, which is of great significance for in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping's cultural thought, and comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization.

  Fully understand the profound connotation of red culture

  General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "red is the brightest background color of the Communist Party of China and the People's Republic of China". Red culture was formed with the spread of Marxism in China. It was created in the period of the new democratic revolution, developed in the period of socialist revolution and construction, flourished in the new historical period of reform and opening up, and sublimated in the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

  Marxism is the ideological soul of red culture. Red culture, whether it is the red ideological culture, red spiritual culture, red material culture, and red institutional culture contained in it, is the cultural expression of the Sinicization of Marxism and the era, the cultural fruits under the guidance of Sinicized Marxism, and the cultural form with socialist attributes. Taking Marxism as the ideological soul determines that red culture has a distinct political position, lofty goal pursuit, profound mass foundation, and broad world mind, and is a powerful spiritual force to promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

  The spiritual pedigree of the Chinese Communists and the Chinese spirit are the spiritual core of red culture. The Communist Party of China (CPC) is the leading force in creating and promoting red culture. The spiritual pedigree of the Chinese Communists profoundly embodies their firm belief in Marxism and the lofty ideals of communism, embodies the Party's firm conviction, fundamental purpose, and fine work style, and embodies the great character of the Chinese Communists in working hard, sacrificing and dedicating, and forging ahead in a pioneering spirit. The Chinese people are the main force in creating and promoting red culture. The national spirit with patriotism as the core has always been the spiritual force that unites the Chinese nation strongly, and the spirit of the times with reform and innovation as the core has always been the spiritual force that inspires us to keep pace with the times in reform and opening up. Red culture takes the spiritual lineage of the Chinese Communists and the Chinese spirit as the spiritual core, embodies the political nature and feelings of the Chinese Communists, embodies the great dreams and value pursuit of the Chinese people, is an inexhaustible spiritual force that strengthens our party to never forget its original intention and keep its mission in mind, and is a powerful spiritual driving force that inspires the Chinese people to forge ahead on a new journey.

  The supremacy of the people is the fundamental position of red culture. The people's character is the most distinctive character of Marxism, and the people's stand is the fundamental political stand of a Marxist political party. Whether it is the stormy revolutionary years, the construction period, the surging reform era, or the magnificent new era, all the struggles carried out by the people under the leadership of our party are for the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of the people, and all the new cultures created by the people under the leadership of our party adhere to the fundamental stand of putting the people first. Taking the supremacy of the people as the fundamental position, it is determined that red culture is the spiritual home shared by the Chinese people, and constantly inspires the Chinese people to make unremitting efforts for the prosperity and strength of the country, the rejuvenation of the nation, and the happiness of the people.

  Red resources are the carriers of red culture, and red genes are the codes for the inheritance of red culture from generation to generation. In the vast land of more than 9.6 million square kilometers on the mainland, red resources are dotted everywhere, witnessing the arduous and glorious struggle of our party. Every revolutionary hero, every revolutionary spirit, and every revolutionary cultural relic have continuously enriched and expanded the red gene pool. Revolutionary museums, memorial halls, party history museums, and martyrs' cemeteries are all telling the stories of the party, revolution, and heroes. The red gene has been deeply integrated into the blood and soul of the Chinese nation, inspiring and motivating the people of Chinese to constantly overcome difficulties and move from victory to victory.

  To better undertake the new cultural mission, we must write a new chapter of red culture

  Entering the new era, General Secretary Xi Jinping has positioned the party's cultural responsibility with a broad global vision and profound historical insights, and put forward the new cultural mission of "continuing to promote cultural prosperity, building a cultural power, and building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation at a new starting point", which has pointed out the way forward for us to enhance the historical consciousness of civilization inheritance and cultural innovation, better build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, and enrich and develop the new form of human civilization. The new cultural mission is the concrete embodiment of the party's central task in the cultural field in the new era and new journey. To better undertake the new cultural mission at a new starting point, it is necessary to deeply study and comprehend Xi Jinping's cultural thought, unify the promotion of red culture with the new cultural mission, vigorously inherit the red gene, and write a new chapter of red culture.

  The premise of cultural prosperity is to strengthen cultural self-confidence and establish cultural subjectivity, and red culture is an important source of cultural self-confidence and an important foundation for establishing cultural subjectivity. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Cultural self-confidence comes from our cultural subjectivity. This subjectivity was established by the CPC under the leadership of the Chinese people on the land of China; it was established on the basis of creative transformation and innovative development of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, inheritance of revolutionary culture, and development of advanced socialist culture, and on the basis of drawing on and absorbing all the outstanding achievements of human civilization; and by integrating the basic tenets of Marxism with China's specific reality and with China's excellent traditional culture. "Red culture has witnessed the history of struggle of the party leading the people in China for more than 100 years, recorded the glorious course of the party leading the people to achieve national independence and people's liberation, the prosperity and strength of the country and the happiness of the people, and is the spiritual crystallization of the combination of the basic principles of Marxism and the specific reality of China and the excellent traditional culture of China. Only by vigorously inheriting the red gene and writing a new chapter of red culture can we better make the spiritual edifice of the Chinese nation stand majestically and let the prosperity and development of socialist culture gain a steady stream of power.

  The fundamental guarantee for building a socialist cultural power is to adhere to the party's leadership, and the red culture contains the answer to why to adhere to the party's leadership and how to adhere to the party's leadership. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "Every time I go to the old revolutionary base area for investigation and research, I go to pay homage to the revolutionary historical memorial sites, which is to warn the comrades of the whole party not to forget how the red regime came about, how New China came about, and how today's happy life came about, and to declare that the Communist Party of China will always hold high the red banner, firmly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and constantly push forward the cause pioneered by our ancestors." "Red culture contains our party's profound grasp of the laws of the Communist Party's governance, socialist construction, and the development of human society, and contains the historical, theoretical, and practical logic of why the Communist Party of China can, why Marxism works, and why socialism with Chinese characteristics is good, and also shows the far-sightedness and strategic deployment of the Communist Party of China always representing the direction of China's advanced culture and leading the people to carry out cultural construction. Only by vigorously inheriting the red gene and writing a new chapter in the red culture can we firmly grasp the party's leadership over ideological work and build a socialist ideology with strong cohesion and leadership; only then can we undertake the mission and task of raising the banner, gathering the hearts of the people, educating new people, rejuvenating culture, and displaying the image, so as to better build the Chinese spirit, Chinese values, and Chinese strength, and consolidate the common ideological foundation for the unity and struggle of the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country.

  To build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, it is necessary to highlight Chinese characteristics, and the red culture highlights the distinctive background of Chinese characteristics. The Chinese civilization has outstanding continuity, innovation, unity, inclusiveness, and peace, which fundamentally determines that the Chinese nation will inevitably follow its own path, determines the Chinese nation's enterprising spirit of upholding the right and not keeping the old, respecting the past and not going back to the past, and the fearless character of not being afraid of new challenges and having the courage to accept new things, determines that a strong and unified country is the destiny of the people of all ethnic groups, determines the Chinese culture's open-mindedness to the eclecticism of world civilizations, and determines that China will always be a builder of world peace and a contributor to global development. The defender of the international order has revealed the inheritance code of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation. At the same time, the development of red culture in modern times has greatly promoted the leap of Chinese civilization from tradition to modernity, promoted the renewal of life and modern transformation of Chinese civilization, injected modern genes into Chinese civilization, and highlighted the distinctive background of Chinese civilization. Only by vigorously inheriting the red gene and writing a new chapter of red culture can we further consolidate and improve the modernity of Chinese civilization and further promote the condensation and sublimation of Chinese culture and Chinese spirit.

  In the new era, we must vigorously inherit the red gene and write a new chapter of red culture, we must adhere to and use the scientific methods such as "two combinations" and "six must be adhered to" proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping, dig deeper into the ideological connotation behind the red resources, accurately grasp the main theme and mainstream essence of the party's historical development, inspire morale and guide the direction with the party's struggle process and great achievements, strengthen faith and cohesion with the party's glorious tradition and fine style, and use the party's historical experience and practice to create enlightening wisdom. Temper character, educate and guide the whole party to always adhere to the guidance of scientific theory, always adhere to ideals and beliefs, always adhere to the original mission, always adhere to the glorious revolutionary tradition, and always adhere to the promotion of self-revolution, so that the red culture will shine with a more dazzling brilliance of the times, and continue to carry forward the red culture under the conditions of the new era.

  Adhere to integrity and innovation, tell Chinese stories well, and use red culture to unite and cultivate people

  General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "Inherit the red gene well and ensure that the red country will never change color". To inherit the red gene and ensure that the red country will never change its color, we must adhere to integrity and innovation in promoting the red culture, and take a clear stand against and resist historical nihilism. Upholding integrity means guarding the cultural leadership of the Communist Party of China and the cultural subjectivity of the Chinese nation, and guarding the ideological soul, spiritual core, and fundamental stance of the red culture; innovation is to constantly enrich and develop the connotation and expression of the red culture on the basis of inheritance, in combination with the new conditions of the times and the practical requirements, and to highlight the value and characteristics of the times. Integrity and innovation are effective tools to resist historical nihilism. In carrying forward the red culture, we should adhere to the principle of integrity and innovation, and implement it in concrete actions, it is necessary to strengthen ideological guidance and theoretical analysis, clarify the source, consolidate the foundation, and clarify the vague understanding and one-sided understanding of some major historical issues in the history of the party; deeply study the rich ideological and spiritual resources contained in the red culture, build a red gene bank, and create an online and offline platform for the display and promotion of red culture; use modern scientific and technological means to innovate communication methods, and through holding red culture exhibitions, producing red film and television works, Develop red new media products and other forms, vigorously tell the story of China, connect the painful and glorious past, the ever-changing present, and the bright and grand future, so that the red culture is more vivid and vivid in front of people.

  Tell the story of the party's determination to fulfill its original mission for the people. Our party is a party that serves the people wholeheartedly, and there is no other political party in the world that has encountered so many hardships and obstacles, experienced so many tests of life and death, and made so many tragic sacrifices like our party. We must tell well the story of the party's arduous struggle, sacrifice and dedication, and pioneering spirit for the people, the story of the great spirit of the Chinese communists, show the firm belief, fundamental purpose, and fine style of our party, and show the character and quality of our party that is not afraid of strong enemies, risks, struggle, and victory.

  Tell the story of the party and the people being connected by flesh and blood, and the deep love between fish and water. Our red country was bought by thousands of revolutionary martyrs with their blood and lives. The people are the root of our party's life, the foundation of its ruling power, and the source of its strength. The masses of the people built the "iron wall" of the Red Army period, converged into the "vast sea" in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, used small cars to launch the victory of the Huaihai Campaign, and rowed out the victory of the battle of crossing the river with small boats, and made great achievements in socialist revolution, construction, reform and opening up, and created new glories in the new era. We must tell the story of the party always maintaining flesh-and-blood ties with the masses of the people, breathing the same breath, sharing the same fate, and connecting hearts with the people, so as to show the deep affection and concerted efforts of the party and the people.

  Tell the story of the party leading the people in the great struggle. The history of our party is a history in which the party and the people share the same heart, share weal and woe, and work in unity. All the achievements made by our party have been achieved by closely relying on the people. Revolutionary holy places, red sites, and revolutionary historical commemorative sites all over the motherland carry and record the indomitable struggle of the people under the leadership of the Party in a visible and tangible way. We must tell well the story of the party leading the people in carrying out the great struggle, dig deep into every period of the history of the struggle of the party and the people, and make it a vivid teaching material for education in ideals and beliefs.

  Tell the story of a good heroic model. It is precisely by relying on the selfless dedication of thousands of advanced elements with a high degree of political consciousness that our party has won one arduous struggle after another. For more than 100 years, under the inspiration of ideals and beliefs, a large number of revolutionary martyrs, a large number of heroes who fought tenaciously, and a large number of advanced models of selfless dedication have written a great epic that moved the heavens and the earth, and composed heroic songs that swallowed mountains and rivers. These heroic models have embodied the powerful spirit of revolution and hard work, the fine work style of modesty and prudence, guarding against arrogance and rashness, hard struggle, diligence and thrift, and the fearless courage of not fearing strong enemies, risks, struggle, and victory. We must tell the stories of heroes and models, guide people to take heroes and models as examples, respect heroes, learn from heroes, and strive to be heroes, so that the new era will become a great era of heroes.

  Tell the story of Chinese modernization. Chinese modernization is socialist modernization under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, which not only has the common characteristics of the modernization of all countries, but also has Chinese characteristics based on its own national conditions, and its unique world outlook, values, historical outlook, civilization outlook, democratic outlook, ecological outlook and its great practice, which is a major innovation in the theory and practice of world modernization, and provides a new choice for the vast number of developing countries to move towards modernization independently. We should tell the story of Chinese-style modernization, help people deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", further enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve the "two safeguards", enhance people's confidence and fighting spirit in realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and inspire people to work tenaciously and courageously on the new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the best way to govern society is to resolve contradictions before they occur and risks to be invisible. It is necessary to do a good job in the source, monitoring, and control of contradictory risks, improve the ability of prediction, early warning, and prevention, and strive to prevent first, detect early, and deal with them in a small way.

  In recent years, the people's courts in all regions have actively practiced the "Fengqiao Experience" in the new era, based on and extending their adjudication functions, and have done a solid job of guiding the statutory functions of dispute mediation, and on the basis of "bringing in" multiple dispute resolutions, they have paid more attention to "going out", doing professional industry mediation, and effectively improving the level of rule of law in conflict and dispute resolution, and helping social governance. Recently, the Supreme People's Court released the sixth batch of cases on the construction of people's courtrooms in the new era, and our reporters visited people's courts in many places to create a distinctive brand of mediation and gather innovative practices to resolve conflicts and disputes.

In order to allow more migrant workers to return to their hometowns to start businesses and take root in the countryside, it is necessary to develop and expand industries that enrich the people, so that returnees have the determination to start a business and have confidence in employment

Promoting the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas is a systematic project. On the basis of building industries that enrich the people, it is also necessary to continuously optimize rural infrastructure, provide various policy support, and increase educational resources, implement medical security and other measures to make returnees determined to start a business and have confidence in finding employment.

By fully implementing the opinions and supporting measures to promote the development and growth of the private economy, and effectively unblocking points, improving confidence, breaking down barriers, and solving problems, we can continuously optimize the development environment of private enterprises and help them thrive