
Don't just look at the strength of the great priest, his body is full of traditional beauty, I don't know if you have noticed?

author:Nana, a little fan of the game

Da Si Ming is a very fun hero.,I'm sure you've experienced it these days.,Although I know you're just playing the strength of this hero.,But don't be so superficial.,Okay.,The hero who has gone to great lengths to make the official is also a look.。

Don't just look at the strength of the great priest, his body is full of traditional beauty, I don't know if you have noticed?

As long as you read some of the design introductions about Da Si Ming, you can't stop at all, and his design elements have a deep traditional meaning.

When designing the Great Priest's Order, the official extracted several keywords in the [Nine Songs], and extended many elements around these, which constitute a total of three identity characteristics related to the Great Priest's Destiny.

Don't just look at the strength of the great priest, his body is full of traditional beauty, I don't know if you have noticed?

In the game, he is one of the nine gods and witches of Yunmengze, and he shoulders the mission of "patrolling life and death, and punishing evil", which is the first identity trait.

And Yun Mengze is a mysterious place in the canyon, so the official Da Si Ming has added a lot of elements of interlaced tree roots to the model of Da Si Ming, which symbolizes "returning to the roots" and echoes the theme of his characters.

Don't just look at the strength of the great priest, his body is full of traditional beauty, I don't know if you have noticed?

The weapon used by the great priest is "Ge", named "Sugui", [Nine Songs] is a product of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and "Ge" is the ritual vessel used for sacrifice at that time, and the bell that was needed for ancient sacrifices was hung on it.

Don't just look at the strength of the great priest, his body is full of traditional beauty, I don't know if you have noticed?

The second identity feature of Da Si Ming is on the face, Da Si Ming's left eye is a "different pupil", which is the key element of Da Si Ming's grasp of life and death, and his eyes can see all the fog in the world.

Don't just look at the strength of the great priest, his body is full of traditional beauty, I don't know if you have noticed?

This is also the embodiment of the great priest's command of life and death, and at the same time, his head is also officially endowed with elements such as "roots" to symbolize "life".

The last identity trait is the mask, and the heroes who wear the mask in the canyon will give people a sense of mystery, and the same is true for the Grand Priest.

Don't just look at the strength of the great priest, his body is full of traditional beauty, I don't know if you have noticed?

In fact, the Great Priest was just a lively and cheerful little boy at the beginning, and after inheriting the will of the previous Great Priest, he lost his emotions, and the mask could give everyone a cold and majestic look.

In terms of color matching, the overall color of Da Si Ming is blue and black, the former is in line with the background setting of Yun Mengze in the game, and the latter is echoed by "Beidou Injection of Death", in ancient times, it was believed that "death" was black, so the color of Da Si Ming's clothing was mostly black.

Don't just look at the strength of the great priest, his body is full of traditional beauty, I don't know if you have noticed?

Although the great priest in charge of life and death is lonely but temperamental, I wonder if everyone here can imagine the softness under that mask?