
Following the hardships endured by the United States, the German Chancellor is going to visit China to discuss major matters, and it seems that he has really woken up

author:Aspen Observation Room

Recently, more and more representatives of European countries have been visiting Beijing in the hope of deepening cooperation with China. Germany is clearly already lagging behind other countries. If no immediate action is taken, the Chinese market could be monopolized by other European countries. According to British media reports, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will visit China this month, and along with the German Chancellor, there is also a luxury business group, such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Bayer Group and many other German giants have applied to accompany him.

So why is the German Chancellor in such a hurry to visit China this time?

Following the hardships endured by the United States, the German Chancellor is going to visit China to discuss major matters, and it seems that he has really woken up

In fact, in the first year of the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Scholz led a delegation to visit China, when the German manufacturing industry was in danger due to the loss of cheap energy support, and BASF and other large enterprises began to move to China. A year and a half on, Germany is still facing the same dilemma, despite becoming the world's third-largest economy.

The Russian-Ukrainian war has been going on for two years, and Germany has found itself the biggest victim in Europe, with the EU being calculated by the United States and the United Kingdom. Cheap Russian energy supply has been cut off, domestic inflation, economic growth has stagnated or even declined, and many industrial chains have been transferred to the United States, sending a lot of money and materials to Ukraine, but the return is difficult to see.

Trump's campaign claim that he could end the Russia-Ukraine war in one day has confused the entire European Union and Germany, who realize that they are just cannon fodder and that the dream of a greater Europe has been shattered. France advocates a continuation of the confrontation with Russia, but there is still a lot of estrangement between Germany and many Eastern European countries, and if the situation expands, it will still be Germany that is unlucky. European countries are pondering what to do next.

Today, China is Germany's largest trading partner and is of vital importance to Germany. Under the influence of the "de-risking" and "decoupling" policies promoted by the United States, the German federal government has formulated the first comprehensive strategy of "systemic competition and the need to reduce economic dependence on China". Prior to this, the German economy minister said before his visit to China that "restricting the import of Chinese photovoltaic products will hinder the development of green energy in Europe, leading to the rise in European photovoltaic prices." At the same time, he opposed the European Union's investigation into China's new energy vehicles. ”

Following the hardships endured by the United States, the German Chancellor is going to visit China to discuss major matters, and it seems that he has really woken up

Germany's actions are motivated by its own national interests, on the one hand, to deal with US pressure, and on the other hand, to continue to profit in the Chinese market. The choice between cooperation with the United States and China is a necessary choice for European countries such as Germany. Working with the U.S. can be at risk of being betrayed, as is evident in the Russia-Ukraine war, while working with China could bring more benefits and less risk. This time, the German chancellor took BMW and Mercedes-Benz to China, apparently continuing Merkel's policy of strengthening mutually beneficial cooperation with China to save the losses caused by the Russia-Ukraine war.

Therefore, for the current Germany, if it is not to lag behind France too much, it must closely follow the pace of France and seize every opportunity that can promote Germany's development. As far as China is concerned, as one of the largest economies in Europe, cooperation with Germany can not only help China enter the German market, increase trade cooperation opportunities, and further expand China's influence in the European market.

At the same time, Germany, as an industrial powerhouse, has a high demand for resources and energy. Cooperation with Germany can provide resources for Germany, and at the same time, Germany can also help China obtain advanced technology and knowledge, promote China's scientific and technological innovation and industrial upgrading, and jointly promote cooperation and mutual benefit between the two sides. However, it should be noted that the mainland must also take into account Germany's China policy in cooperation. After all, Germany does not have a high level of strategic autonomy like France, and is vulnerable to American influence in many respects.

Because the relationship between countries is always inseparable from the drive of interests. According to traditional Chinese culture, "the world is bustling, everything is for the sake of profit", this sentence is particularly apt in German-Chinese relations.

Following the hardships endured by the United States, the German Chancellor is going to visit China to discuss major matters, and it seems that he has really woken up

It should be noted that this is talking about German-Chinese relations, not Sino-German relations. Because in this process and purpose, the initiative was in the hands of Germany. If Germany chooses to continue the adventure, we will not stop it. If Germany wants to grasp the straw, we will take it in stride.

As far as China is concerned, it is okay to cooperate with Germany in any way! Cooperation brings a win-win situation! Merkel is a typical example. During Merkel's administration, Germany's economy continued to flourish, overtaking France to become the European leader.

At present, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is considering changing his strategy to reverse the downward trend of the German economy. Under pressure from national interests and large business, Scholz must decide between continuing to follow the United States in "decoupling" and seeking new options.

Therefore, this time it depends on whether Scholz is here to be friends or to take advantage, and we will respond accordingly according to his sincerity. If Scholz is willing to cooperate sincerely to promote trade between the two sides, strengthen cooperation and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results, we will welcome his arrival. But if he just wants to take advantage, we have a solution.

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