
He was not wronged at all

author:Separate fish

Recently, there has been a hot search for several days.

A man who once posted a video of cat abuse on the Internet applied for a graduate degree in the physics department of Nanjing University and passed the preliminary examination.

After it was discovered, it caused a strong protest from netizens.

Many people advised Nanjing University not to admit this candidate.

In the end, the candidate failed the retest.

He was not wronged at all

Soon after, the candidate signed up for an interview with Lanzhou University for transfer candidates.

Netizens quickly captured Landa's official blog.

The latest development is that the University of Lanta also did not admit him.

He was not wronged at all

Under the hot search, most people are praising the two universities for making the right choice.

However, there are also big Vs who have different opinions, believing that this candidate should be given a chance.

He was not wronged at all

As we all know, the cat abuse incident has set off several waves of public opinion on the Internet before.

It seems like a cliché.

But each time it seems to be gone.

So this time, do you want to continue to speak out?

Uncle Yu felt that he should not only speak out, but also let more people hear it.

Because in this incident, there is a detail that has been overlooked before.

This detail made Uncle Yu decide to talk about it again.

Why cat abuse is not only about animal protection -

Note: This article does not contain any images of bloody and violent cat abuse

He was not wronged at all

Netflix once released a hit documentary, "Don't Mess with Cats: Hunting for Cat Abusers".

mentioned at the beginning that there is an "unspoken rule" on the Internet -


He was not wronged at all

Indeed, the fermentation process of cat abuse incidents generally follows this rule.

First, the video was disseminated, then it caused public outrage, doxing, national crusade, and finally the perpetrators were punished by law or died in society.

This incident of abusing cat candidates is also very similar.

In February this year, two videos of cat abuse circulated on the Internet.

In the video, the kitten is trapped in a bucket and a man stomps on it and presses it into the water......

The one who was brutally tortured and killed was another cow cat.

The anger provoked by the Jack Spicy Strip gang has not subsided before, and this time, of course, it is a one-point explosion.

Soon, the man's true identity was revealed, and he was Xu Moumou, a student of the 2019 class of Southeast University.

What is chilling is that the cat abuse video turned out to be recorded by him in the school dormitory.

Moreover, according to other classmates, Xu Moumou has begun to abuse all kinds of small animals in his freshman year.

He was not wronged at all

Then, its extranet account was also dug up.

He named himself the "Flesh Artist".

Publicly express all kinds of violence and hate speech, take cat abuse as fun, and impart "experience".

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Even, list detailed methods to instigate others to commit suicide.

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In his group chat, the content is even more unsightly.

not only shared his own recordings, but also tortured cats by various cruel means.

also threatened that beautiful women should also be killed.

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All kinds of remarks against the sky can be called shocking three views.

But these are not the most terrifying.

Notice this passage he wrote in a public tweet –

"I do have murderous thoughts in my heart."

"Killing people is wrong, and there are serious consequences", so I chose to abuse cats.

He was not wronged at all

That's the detail I mentioned at the beginning.

The previous discussions around cat abuse were mostly from the perspective of legislation and animal protection.

But this time, I really felt that evil was closer to us than we thought.

Cat abusers want to abuse more than just cats.

Anti-cat abuse is not the work of the "Virgin Heart".

It's about each and every one of us.

He was not wronged at all

"Cat abusers are potential murderers" is not alarmist.

I don't know if you have watched "Detective Chinatown 2".

In the film, Qin Feng has a cold knowledge about Tang Ren's science, "McDonald's Three Elements".

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Here is a set of theories of criminal psychology developed by psychiatrist John Marshall McDonald's:

"Animal cruelty, pyromangia, and bedwetting (after a certain age) are three factors, and if two or more children are present at the same time, the person is likely to be violent in the future (especially homicide and sexual assault), and is very likely to repeat the crime. 」

The latter two elements are controversial.

But animal cruelty is one of the characteristics of criminals who are recognized as antisocial criminals.

Looking back on the cat abuse incidents in the past few years, we will find:

There are commonalities in the behavior patterns of cat abusers, and in this commonality, there are strong antisocial tendencies.

First of all, they all derive pleasure from torture without any guilt.

In "Don't Mess with Cats", Canadian man Luca Magnotta has posted his cat abuse videos on the Internet.

He was not wronged at all

He put the two kittens in a bag and vacuumed the air to choke them.

Or drown the cat and let the giant python swallow the cat alive......

The cat's cry of pain is very high-pitched, like the cry of a child.

It's unbearable for normal people, but it's fun for cat abusers.

Luca even capped the videos with his favorite BGM, as if they were proud of each other.

After the crime was exposed, he did not show any remorse, but was even more carried away because he was not caught.

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The second is that cat abusers enjoy the attention of others.

Whether it is the support of the same kind or the opposition of the public, they will be more and more excited.

even gave rise to the black industry chain of live cat abuse, the cat version of "Room N".

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In addition, many cat abusers have knowledge of poisoning.

It also crafts weapons that can damage animals with modified darts, hooks, and slingshots.

If these poisons and sharp weapons are used to hurt people, the consequences are even more unimaginable.

He was not wronged at all
He was not wronged at all

Many of them will choose to abuse cats in neighborhoods, parks, and schools.

More commonly, the corpse is placed in these places and placed in a conspicuous place after abusing the cat.

When people find the body, they will inevitably be shocked and panicked.

Cat abusers, on the other hand, observe secretly and enjoy the deterrent power of this behavior.

In Japan, cat sadists deliberately exposed cat corpses to the vicinity of elementary schools, resulting in students not daring to do normal activities for a long time.

He was not wronged at all

Finally, these people tend to be very vindictive and provocative.

In "Don't Mess with Cats", the lady who investigates the whereabouts of the cat abuser receives a video from the cat abuser one day, which is her workplace......

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Therefore, when a cat abuser inflicts harm on a small animal, the real target is actually a human.

The spread of the video has brought fear, anger, and mental harm to the public.

Violent performances not only kill lives, but also intimidate others.

Just like in the hacking corgi incident that once caused a sensation on the Internet, the husband's violence against the dog was to threaten his wife.

"If you don't obey, that's how it will be in the future!"

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Not to mention, cat abusers will retaliate against those righteous netizens.

Doxing, cyberbullying, stalking, death threats......

"Abuse" is the deep intention of cat abusers to act recklessly again and again.

The act of cat abuse itself is also a compensatory satisfaction and advance rehearsal for abuse.

After all, small animals are weaker than humans.

And when the cat abuser has carried out a certain amount of abuse and killing, the perverted psychology can no longer be satisfied.

They will divert their target and start killing.

It is usually women, children, the elderly, and marginalized groups.

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In the film "Don't Mess with Cats", Luca, a cat abuse man, finally brutally killed a Chinese student.

The methods are the same as cat abuse: caresses, abuse, dismemberment......

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Recently, there have also been imitation crimes in the UK, which also torture and kill cats first, and then torture and kill.

The murderer once said in the stage of abusing cats that one day he would taste the taste of torture and murder.

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Several studies have shown an association between animal cruelty and violence against humans.

Among them, violence includes domestic violence, rape and so on, in addition to homicide.

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Prisons have conducted investigations, and the vast majority of serial murderers and more than half of the serious offenders have abused animals.

Some time ago, a girl in Manzhouli, Inner Mongolia, was beaten by her father and sent to the hospital for rescue and died.

Another detail in the news is that before the girl's death, her father had adopted a kitten, and the next day he beat the kitten to the point that it was covered in blood and crushed to its knees......

He was not wronged at all
He was not wronged at all

The notorious serial killers in the history of crime have had the same experience.

The prototype of the American drama "Boston Serial Murders", Albert DeSalvo, who raped and killed 13 women.

When I was a child, I used to steal cats and dogs, put them in cardboard boxes, and shoot arrows to kill them.

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Jeffrey Dahmer, the prototype of the Netflix series "Monster", is an ogre who killed 17 men.

He used to take pleasure in animal cruelty, strangling his neighbor's dogs and cats to death and hanging them from trees.

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Zac Ephron plays the character of Ted Bundy, who has committed at least 30 murders.

And before the killings began, Bundy had a long history of animal cruelty......

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There are countless similar examples, and they are shocking.

He was not wronged at all

Speaking of which, Uncle Yu remembered a movie he just talked about some time ago - "Poor Thing"

When it comes to the most impressive scenes, "sex" can only be ranked second.

The first is the undisguised brutality shown by the heroine when she was just reborn.

When I saw a frog, I wanted to shoot it to death.

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When he saw someone, he took a knife and stabbed him in the eye.

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Her eyes lit up, she laughed, and she didn't care what others thought, she just thought it was fun.

Extremely self-interested, has no sense of morality, and of course, does not understand the value of life.

The heroine at this stage symbolizes the unsocialized and undisciplined person.

And such a person is undoubtedly creepy.

Reverence for life needs to be learned.

If people have no empathy and no reverence for life, can they still be called human beings?

He was not wronged at all

Around the cat abuse incident, many people debate the legislative issues, how to define the boundaries of abuse and killing, whether there is a difference in the punishment for stray cats and domestic cats, and so on.

Naturally, these discussions have their meaning.

However, there are also many people who believe that since cat abuse is not illegal, there is nothing wrong with doing so.

Since there is no problem, you should not be too "harsh" on the cat abuser.

This forms a logical closed loop to excuse cat abuse.

But in this way, another dimension of equal importance is overlooked.

In addition to the dimension of law, there is also the dimension of human nature.

Cruelty to animals and disregard for life is not a trivial matter. This is the slippery slope of human nature.

The resulting chilling feeling is familiar.

On weekdays, when we see some cruel news, we are shocked and say, "Is this what a human being can do?"

For example, two 10-year-old boys in Liverpool, England, tortured and killed a 2-year-old child and dumped his body on railroad tracks;

A 13-year-old boy in Dalian killed a 10-year-old girl, and he was able to lie calmly afterwards;

Three teenagers in Handan beat their classmates to death and buried them......

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In what they do, there is no trace of human nature.

As if the other party was not a flesh-and-blood life, but an object to be ravaged by him.

Cat abusers give me the same essence of feelings.

There is such a group of people who take advantage of the weak, turn a blind eye to suffering, and are insensitive to good and evil.

Who could have predicted that the butcher knife would one day swing at its kind.

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It's really tiring to speak up for the same issue over and over again.

But when I think about being human, I feel that such repetition is necessary.

It's not about exterminating anyone, and it's not about pursuing so-called political correctness.

And it's just the simplest appeal -

Keep the bottom line of humanity.

He was not wronged at all