
Musk's interstellar travel is out of reach, and Jack Ma's "rocket delivery" is within reach

author:Xie Xiaowen

In today's era, the rapid development of science and technology is accelerating the evolution of society, constantly driving innovation and change in all walks of life.

On March 31, 2024, the express logistics field released a big news that e-commerce platforms transported express delivery with the help of rockets, which can be said to tell a big story to the capital market.

Beijing Jianyuan Technology Co., Ltd. announced that it plans to cooperate with Taobao to carry out a new model of using reusable rocket technology to transport express parcels. The first section of the rocket is designed with an express cargo compartment with a volume of 120 cubic meters and a capacity of 10 tons of cargo. It is expected that the first cargo rocket recovery test will be carried out within this year. At present, it has entered the stage of trial preparation. In the future, it is expected that the "hourly delivery" will be truly achieved on a global scale.

Musk's interstellar travel is out of reach, and Jack Ma's "rocket delivery" is within reach

This news has attracted a lot of attention. Last time, on October 9, 2006, the innovative application of China's rocket technology in the construction of the Sidu River Bridge shocked the world.

The total length of the bridge is 1,365 meters, the span width of the bridge is 900 meters, and the height of the valley floor is 560 meters, which is equivalent to the height of a 200-story building. There were no fulcrums to connect to the plinths on either side of the canyon in the usual way. Chinese builders have innovated and applied two rockets to pull the 1,200-meter-long pilot cable to fly over the kilometer canyon in an instant, and throw the pilot cable to the predetermined position on the opposite bank, successfully solving the problem of pulling up the steel cable between the mountains and valleys in one fell swoop, creating a precedent for the use of rockets in the history of bridge construction in the world.

This time, Chinese rocket technology will be innovatively applied in the field of express logistics. In this regard, I believe that if China's "Rocket Express" attempt is successfully operated, it will not only demonstrate China's ambitions in the field of science and technology, but also create a new innovative growth pole for the development of global logistics.

Musk's interstellar travel is out of reach, and Jack Ma's "rocket delivery" is within reach

First of all, this pilot project is a microcosm of the wave of scientific and technological development. In other words, in today's Chinese market, as long as you have the funds in place, you dare to think and dare to arrange for you. The cooperation between Jianyuan Technology and Taobao applies rocket technology to the field of express logistics, showing the entrepreneurial spirit and the courage of scientific and technological innovation. It is the embodiment of this spirit that they dare to challenge the traditional logistics model and explore more efficient and environmentally friendly transportation methods.

With the strong support of capital, technology and market, China's scientific and technological innovation is advancing at an unprecedented speed. This spirit of "dare to think and dare to do" has not only brought earth-shaking changes to China, but also contributed Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to the development of global science and technology.

Secondly, it shows that the application and development of China's rocket technology has reached a new height. From the successful launch of the Long March series of carrier rockets to the rise of private rocket enterprises, China has made remarkable achievements in the field of rocket technology. Today, rocket technology has gradually shifted from the military and scientific fields to civilian use.

Musk's interstellar travel is out of reach, and Jack Ma's "rocket delivery" is within reach

In recent years, China's commercial space companies have continued to make breakthroughs, the cost of rocket launches has gradually decreased, and the technology has become increasingly mature. This has made rocket transportation from concept to reality, and has even been described as a "cabbage price". This change not only lowers the barrier to entry for space exploration, but also brings new opportunities for the commercial space sector.

Musk, you engage in interstellar travel that you can't reach, and Chinese e-commerce logistics entrepreneurs, I engage in rocket express delivery at my fingertips, which will produce practical results as soon as possible and bring unprecedented opportunities to the logistics industry, which is not also a success.

Musk's interstellar travel is out of reach, and Jack Ma's "rocket delivery" is within reach

In addition, the rapid development of China's express delivery industry is also a strong driving force behind this experiment. With the boom of e-commerce, courier services have become an indispensable part of people's lives. China's express delivery industry has experienced leapfrog development from scratch and from small to large in just a few decades, and has now become one of the largest express delivery markets in the world. China's express delivery business volume has ranked first in the world for many years, providing strong support for the global e-commerce and logistics industry.

Today, China's express delivery industry continues to expand and iterate in scale and technology, continuously improve service quality and efficiency, and strive to maintain a leading position in the world. The emergence and imminent implementation of the concept of rocket express delivery is the embodiment of continuous innovation and pursuit of excellence in China's express delivery industry.

Of course, the implementation of "Rocket Express" also faces many challenges. Mainly, the launch and recovery process of rockets requires a high degree of technical support, and any negligence can lead to serious consequences. Another example is that the cost of rockets is still high, and how to reduce the cost and make it commercially viable is a problem that needs to be solved. In addition, the regulatory and safety issues of Rocket Express also need to be properly addressed. These are all problems that Jianyuan Technology and Taobao need to overcome when moving forward with this project. There are also some domestic and foreign policy environment and other factors that need to be solved.

Musk's interstellar travel is out of reach, and Jack Ma's "rocket delivery" is within reach

But in any case, "Rocket Express" is a new highlight of scientific and technological innovation, and it is also a new milestone in the development of China's express delivery industry. It not only demonstrates China's strength in the field of science and technology, but also provides new ideas and possibilities for the global logistics industry.

We have reason to believe that in the near future, the "hourly delivery" global express service will become a reality, and China will play a key role in this process.

Musk's interstellar travel is out of reach, and Jack Ma's "rocket delivery" is within reach

Let's wait and see the success of this innovative experiment, which will revolutionize the global logistics industry.

Xie Xiaowen: Strategic scholar. He mainly commented on current politics, business, railways, and culture. WeChat public account: zgmjply (commentator Xie Xiaowen)

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