
After 33 years of separation, the family reunited with tears: praying for his safety every day

author:Jinan Times - New Yellow River


Every time he cooks a Chinese New Year's Eve meal during the Chinese New Year, Zhu Mingshu will prepare an extra pair of dishes and chopsticks, which is his uninterrupted habit and thought for many years. This pair of chopsticks was left to his eldest son Zhu Xiaobing, 33 years ago, because of an accident, the father and son passed by at the intersection of life, and every year since then, Zhu Mingshu has lived in guilt and expectation.

On April 10, the pain of 33 years of separation was made up for in Mianyang, and Zhu Mingshu and his wife met their longing son, Zhu Xiaobing. The years have changed their faces and accents, but they can't change the family affection that blood is thicker than water. At the scene of the confession, the family cried bitterly, and the clenched hand was unwilling to let go for a long time.

After 33 years of separation, the family reunited with tears: praying for his safety every day

The two brothers hugged each other and cried Photo by New Yellow River reporter Zhao Guikai

Ran to find his son with swollen legs

Zhu Mingshu is a farmer in Heqing Town, Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, and his son Zhu Xiaobing was born in 1987 and is Zhu Mingshu's heart. "The little soldier was very sensible and clingy when he was a child, and he always liked to run behind the adult's buttocks, so he was very tanned. Zhu Mingshu said that every time he came home after work, the little soldier would throw himself into his arms. "At this time, the fatigue of the day is gone, and I feel very happy. ”

But such days only lasted four years.

On December 29, 1991, Zhu Xiaobing suddenly disappeared. Because Aunt Xiaobing was going to leave that day, the child was reluctant, so she secretly followed, and no one found out. After relieving themselves, the family immediately searched everywhere and called the police, and the aunt fainted when she learned that the child was missing.

In order to find his son, Zhu Mingshu went to Anhui, Henan, Shanxi and other provinces, as long as he heard any news, he had to run over to understand the situation. Because of running for a long time, my legs were swollen like steamed buns, and I couldn't walk because of the pain. "Every night is the hardest, as soon as I sleep, I dream about my child, and every time I wake up, I burst into tears. Once Zhu Mingshu was looking for a child in Jincheng, Shanxi, and when he returned home disappointed, he was penniless, and he had no choice but to ask the Jincheng police for help. The police received him kindly, bought him food, paid for his tickets, and encouraged him to find his son one day if he didn't give up.

In 1992, the couple gave birth to another son. The arrival of the youngest son brought comfort to the family, but the family never gave up the search for Zhu Xiaobing. "In the past 33 years, the child's mother has been blind from crying, because she misses her son, she has been in a trance all these years, and she can't do anything. "Every time the Chinese New Year comes, when a Chinese New Year's Eve meal is ready, they will leave a pair of chopsticks for Zhu Xiaobing. "We believe that one day the children will be able to come back for the New Year together, and the family has now built a new house with two floors, just waiting for the children to come home. ”

After 33 years of separation, the family reunited with tears: praying for his safety every day

Zhu Xiaobing and his wife took a group photo with their parents, taken by Zhao Guikai

Even if he is not around, I hope he can be safe

On April 10, Zhu Xiaobing's uncle, aunt and others also rushed to the scene of recognizing relatives, hoping to see their long-lost nephew. "When I was a child, the little soldier was swarthy, but now that he is older, his appearance will definitely change, and his accent will also change. Zhu Xiaobing's cousin also came from other places, "My mother also asked me to record all the videos of the scene, I don't know if my brother can understand Sichuan." ”

The moment Zhu Xiaobing saw his parents, he knelt on his knees and cried bitterly. Zhu Mingshu hugged him with his wife, unwilling to let go for a long time. After his mood stabilized, Zhu Xiaobing offered to meet his younger brother, and the scene of the two brothers hugging each other touched the witnesses at the scene. Zhu Xiaobing said that he is very grateful to his younger brother, because his younger brother has been by his parents' side all these years.

After 33 years of separation, the family reunited with tears: praying for his safety every day

The family prepared flowers and gifts for Zhu Xiaobing

After sitting down, Zhu Xiaobing's younger brother told the story of the family over the years. "When I was a child, my family was poor, and although I always knew that I had an older brother, I didn't know what my brother looked like because I didn't leave a single photo. He told his brother that every time there was a major holiday, the family would put an extra pair of dishes and chopsticks at dinner. Every year during the Spring Festival, the whole family will pray for him together. "Even if you are not with us, we hope you are safe. ”

On the same day, Zhu Xiaobing's wife also came, and Zhu Mingshu and his wife prepared gifts for their son and daughter-in-law, hoping that this gift would bless them with peace and security. "After so many years of separation, I finally met my biological parents, and I hope that my parents can enjoy their old age safely and healthily. Zhu Xiaobing said.

"We also prepared a grand welcome ceremony in our hometown, and all the relatives and friends came, hundreds of people. Zhu Xiaobing's uncle was very excited, "It's really rare to be able to see each other for more than 30 years." ”

Reporter: Zhao Guikai Photography: Zhao Guikai Editor: Lv Xiulong Editor: Zhou Quan Proofreader: Gao Xin

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