
A 52-year-old man, a cup of ginger tea a day, has never been interrupted for 2 years, and now the change makes doctors envious

author:The truth and misconceptions of tumors

Two years ago, Lao Chen was still suffering from stomach problems. At that time, he was emaciated and often couldn't sleep at night because of stomach pain. The doctor prescribed a bunch of medications, but none of them had a noticeable effect.

Until one time, an old friend recommended ginger tea to him, saying that it was good for the stomach. Lao Chen started drinking ginger tea every day with the attitude of trying it out, but he didn't expect that this drinking would be a full 2 years, and it never stopped.

Today, Lao Chen has completely gotten rid of the trouble of stomach problems, and his face is ruddy and refreshed every day, as if he is ten years younger. When they went to the hospital for a follow-up, the doctors were surprised to see that he was so healthy and wondered how he did it.

Lao Chen proudly shared with the doctor: "The secret is a cup of ginger tea every day!"

A 52-year-old man, a cup of ginger tea a day, has never been interrupted for 2 years, and now the change makes doctors envious

1. Should the ginger be peeled or not? Chinese medicine gives the answer

When it comes to ginger peel, it is not dispensable, because it is a traditional Chinese medicine in itself, and many people will be troubled by a question when eating ginger: should they peel it or not?

Liu Tao, chief physician of the Department of Spleen and Stomach Diseases of Wangjing Hospital of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, said that ginger is the product of the combination of yin and yang.

According to TCM recommendations, there are 4 situations that need to be peeled before eating:

(1) For those with spleen and stomach deficiency, it is best to peel and eat ginger.

(2) When ingesting cold foods such as bitter gourd, celery, crab, etc., peeling and eating ginger can balance its coldness.

(3) In the case of wind chill and cold, drinking ginger brown sugar water can relieve the symptoms, and it is advisable to peel it at this time.

(4) Use ginger to prevent and treat discomfort caused by spleen and stomach deficiency, such as vomiting and stomach pain.

A 52-year-old man, a cup of ginger tea a day, has never been interrupted for 2 years, and now the change makes doctors envious

But in some cases, ginger is better without peeling!

(1) In general cooking, use ginger with skin on to maintain its medicinal balance and prevent it from getting hot.

(2) In case of edema, it is advisable to eat ginger without peeling, because ginger peel has a water-diluting effect.

(3) For constipation, bad breath and other problems, it is best to use ginger peel alone.

Second, eating ginger has many effects, or you can reap 4 benefits

As the saying goes, "ginger cures all diseases", which is not unreasonable, and the seemingly inconspicuous ginger actually has so many benefits that you can't imagine!

Strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that ginger is warm and warm, and when it enters the spleen and stomach meridians, it can enhance the function of the spleen and stomach and improve the symptoms of abdominal distension and diarrhea caused by weakness of the spleen and stomach.

Dispel wind and cold

Ginger has the characteristics of pungent and warm divergence, which can ward off cold, warm the stomach, and help promote sweating, so as to have a certain relieving effect on wind and cold. In the early stages of a cold and wind, drinking some ginger soup can help patients sweat and reduce symptoms.

A 52-year-old man, a cup of ginger tea a day, has never been interrupted for 2 years, and now the change makes doctors envious

Maintain cardiovascular health

Some studies have shown that ginger extract can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, and a daily intake of 5 grams or more of ginger extract can significantly reduce platelet activity.

In addition, a small study also pointed out that ginger extract has antioxidant properties, which can help reduce the incidence of diabetes, or as a safe supplement for the treatment of cardiovascular disease.

Relieves nausea

Studies have shown that ginger can relieve nausea after cancer treatment. A small 2011 study looked at 60 children and young adults undergoing chemotherapy to see if taking ginger root powder supplements had an effect on nausea symptoms. The results showed that most users experienced less nausea after taking ginger root powder supplements.

3. There are 3 types of people who do not agree with ginger, try to eat as little as possible

Ginger plays a seasoning role in the kitchen, adding aroma and spicy taste to dishes. However, for some populations, ginger can cause discomfort and even potential risks.

First of all, people with yin deficiency and internal heat should not eat ginger. This kind of human body has a lack of fluid and does not control yang, resulting in excessive deficiency and fire. Ginger is warm, and after eating, it will promote the fiery evil in the body and aggravate the symptoms of yin deficiency and internal heat.

If such patients consume a large amount of ginger for a long time, they may experience symptoms such as dry mouth, irritability, and even cause dizziness, insomnia and dreams in severe cases.

The second group is hepatitis patients. In patients with hepatitis, the liver function is impaired, and the intake of ginger may increase the burden on the liver, further damage liver cells, and delay the recovery of the disease. Long-term excessive intake of ginger can lead to aggravated liver inflammation and even serious diseases such as cirrhosis.

A 52-year-old man, a cup of ginger tea a day, has never been interrupted for 2 years, and now the change makes doctors envious

Hemorrhoids patients should also eat less. Ginger has a certain irritating and spicy taste, and patients with hemorrhoids may have an irritating effect on the anal mucosa after eating, causing local itching, pain and other symptoms. In addition, it may also induce or aggravate blood in the stool, prolapse, etc., which is not conducive to recovery.

Fourth, how to eat ginger to maintain health? Keep in mind the "4 don'ts"

Ginger, if eaten correctly, is like an intimate health guardian, helping us to ward off the cold and warm up our body and increase our appetite, but eating it wrong may cause unnecessary burden on the body.

1. Don't eat much at once

Ginger is warm in nature, and daily consumption of a large amount of it can easily lead to uncomfortable symptoms such as irritation and constipation. Ginger can be consumed in moderation to meet the body's needs, and there is no need to consume too much.

2. Don't eat before going to bed

Ginger has the effect of promoting blood circulation, and eating it at night may cause symptoms such as insomnia, dreams, and heart palpitations. Avoid ginger before going to bed, adjust your work and rest routine, and ensure adequate sleep.

3. Avoid 2 kinds of ginger

There are 2 kinds of ginger that are not recommended to eat, one is rotten ginger, which is extremely toxic and may lead to degeneration and necrosis of liver cells.

The second is sulfur ginger, experts point out that eating sulfur-smoked foods may cause damage to the cognitive nervous system.

A 52-year-old man, a cup of ginger tea a day, has never been interrupted for 2 years, and now the change makes doctors envious

4. Do not eat with mutton

Ginger should not be eaten with mutton, so as not to cause symptoms such as swollen gums and sore throat. It is advisable to cook the two separately or at intervals.


[1] "Eating ginger in winter, warming the stomach in the sun", Human Health Health.2024-01-13

[2] "When eating ginger, there is a difference in the effect of removing the skin without peeling", Guangdong Traditional Chinese Medicine.2023-08-08

[3] "Ginger eats right for health, but these 4 types of people should pay attention", Health Times.2023-07-12

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