
Authorized to release the opinions of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council on strengthening the construction of the team of community workers


Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 10

Opinions of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council on Strengthening the Construction of the Community Worker Corps

(28 March 2024)

Strengthening the construction of the team of community workers is related to ensuring that the people live and work in peace and contentment, maintaining social stability and order, and consolidating the foundation of the party's long-term governance, and is of great significance for strengthening the modernization of the grassroots governance system and governance capacity. With the consent of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the following Opinions are hereby put forward so as to strengthen the establishment of the community worker corps.

1. General requirements

To strengthen the construction of the team of community workers, it is necessary to adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, fully implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on grassroots governance, adhere to and strengthen the party's overall leadership, persist in serving the people, adhere to the direction of specialization, adhere to both incentives and constraints, and strive to improve the professional system, strengthen capacity building, improve the management system, strengthen incentives and guarantees, and build a team with political firmness, good quality, dedication and dedication, reasonable structure, A team of community workers that are satisfied with the masses provides solid talent support for strengthening and improving community governance.

In about five years, the following main goals will be achieved: the professional system of community workers will be basically established, the capacity building will be continuously strengthened, the management system will be more scientific, the incentive and guarantee mechanism will be more and more sound, and the atmosphere of caring for and caring for community workers will be increasingly strong; the political quality, ability to perform duties, and work style of community workers will be comprehensively strengthened, the team structure will continue to be optimized, the income and treatment will be reasonably guaranteed, the sense of professional identity and pride will be effectively enhanced, and the spirit of loving the people and starting a business for the people will be further enhanced.

2. Improve the professional system

1. Clarify the scope of personnel. "Community workers" as used in these Opinions refers to full-time staff engaged in Party building, governance, and service work in the community, mainly including full-time personnel among members of community Party organizations and community residents' committees (hereinafter referred to as full-time members of the community's 'two committees') and full-time community staff. Full-time members of the "two committees" of the community are to be selected in accordance with relevant regulations; full-time community staff are to be recruited by the unified organization at the municipal or county level, and the neighborhood (township) is centrally managed, and the community is used as a whole. Standardize the recruitment behavior of relevant departments (units) with multiple posts, and previously recruited full-time personnel such as grid staff working in the community may be hired as full-time community staff in accordance with open recruitment provisions if they meet the requirements, and the county-level level will coordinate the funding of relevant personnel of the original recruitment department (unit) to ensure it.

2. Strict political control. Persist in putting political standards in the first place, and recruit those who support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, have good ideological and political qualities, abide by discipline and law, and are enthusiastic about serving the masses of residents into the ranks of community workers. Select and strengthen the secretary of the community party organization, build and strengthen the community "two committees" team, and achieve political excellence, courage to take responsibility, good governance, and trust of the masses. Establish and improve the reserve talent pool of community party organization secretaries, and pay attention to cultivating the reserve force of full-time members of the community "two committees" from among outstanding full-time community staff.

3. Optimize the allocation of work force. All localities are to have 18 community workers per 10,000 urban permanent residents, and the total amount is to be controlled at the municipal or county level, with regular and dynamic adjustments. The recruitment of full-time community staff follows the principles of openness and fairness, competition and merit, and encourages nearby convenience and both work and housing. Actively recruit graduates of institutions of higher learning, retired soldiers, social work professionals, etc., and continue to optimize the structure of the community worker team. Streets (townships) may make overall plans for the deployment of full-time community staff assigned to the communities under their jurisdiction according to the size of the community, population structure, work tasks, etc. Promote the selection of cadres by government organs and public institutions to take up temporary posts or posts in the community, and explore the establishment of a mechanism for newly recruited civil servants to exercise in the community.

4. Promote the linkage between professional level and job level. Research and formulate national occupational standards for community workers, and scientifically evaluate the level of competence of community workers. Support community workers to participate in the national social worker professional qualification examination and evaluation. Explore the establishment of a two-way comparative identification mechanism for community workers' ability levels and relevant professional skill levels. Efforts should be made to establish and improve the hierarchical sequence of community worker positions with echelon development, clear hierarchies, scientific and reasonable, and effective operation. According to the actual situation of community work, the job categories are divided, and each type of post is divided into several levels according to job responsibilities, community work years, professional level, educational level, etc., and the post level is increased with the promotion of the post, the increase of the number of years of community work, and the improvement of the professional level. At the provincial or municipal level, the post level sequence is clearly set, and a mutual recognition mechanism within the province is established.

3. Strengthen capacity building

5. Enhance political quality. Deepen the Party's innovative theoretical arming, organize and promote community workers to conscientiously study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, especially General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on grassroots governance, deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", strengthen the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve the "two safeguards". Strengthen political training, strengthen ideological and political education, and enhance the ability of community workers to distinguish between right and wrong and maintain political determination. Carry out education on policies and regulations, guide community workers to consciously carry out their work under the overall situation of the work of the Party and the state, and promote the implementation of the Party's line, principles and policies, as well as the decision-making and deployment of Party committees and governments, in the community. Deepen education on clean government, and enhance community workers' awareness of discipline and rules.

6. Improve the ability to perform duties. Strengthen training on the ability to perform duties, emphasizing strengthening capacity training in areas such as mass work, organization and mobilization, handling matters in accordance with law, conflict mediation, emergency response, coordination and communication, and information technology application, to increase the capacity of community workers for community governance and service. Highlight practical training, flexibly use case teaching, simulation teaching, on-site observation and other methods to enhance the ability to solve practical problems. Continue to carry out the collection of typical cases of the "Community Work Method" and the development of training resources, and promote mutual learning and mutual promotion. Implement the working mechanism of "all-post communication" and cultivate "one specialty and multiple abilities" of community work talents. Establish a "mentoring system". Explore the holding of national and regional professional competence competitions for community workers.

7. Enhance the awareness of serving the residents. Take serving the masses and benefiting the masses as the starting point and end point of grassroots governance, educate and guide community workers to firmly establish the concept of serving the people, get close to the residents emotionally, serve the residents in action, and focus on strengthening the mass concept and feelings of young community workers. Adhere to and develop the "Fengqiao Experience" in the new era, promote community workers to do a good job in resolving conflicts and disputes with heart and affection, and create a good atmosphere of neighborhood harmony and community harmony. Continue to improve the work style, boost the spirit of community workers to love their jobs and take responsibility, and strive to rectify the behavior of "lying flat", so as to prevent perfunctory work and prevarication for the residents.

8. Complete training mechanisms. Research and formulate a national plan for the education and training of community workers. Establish and improve the hierarchical training system of demonstration training at or above the provincial level, key training at the municipal and prefecture levels, backbone training at the county level, and training for all staff in the neighborhood (township), and improve the training system composed of initial training, on-the-job training, special work training, and practical training. The organization department of the county-level Party committee, in conjunction with the social work department of the Party committee, is to train the secretary of the community Party organization and the director of the community residents' committee at least once a year, and to train other community workers in rotation once every three years, focusing on enhancing the effectiveness of education and training, optimizing the design of training courses, and avoiding being ungrounded and lacking in pertinence. Rely on all levels of party schools (administrative colleges), schools of higher learning, vocational schools, and so forth to establish training bases for community workers, and encourage social forces to participate in community worker training efforts. Pay attention to the use of online platforms to carry out online training, and establish a database of community worker trainers and resources at the municipal level or above. Strengthen the establishment of social work-related disciplines in institutions of higher learning and vocational schools, actively develop courses related to community governance and services, and encourage the establishment of internship practice bases in communities with the capacity, so as to effectively connect teaching and training with practical needs.

Fourth, improve the management system

9. Strict team management. Establish and improve the work system of grid service management, door-to-door visits, paired assistance, agency services, and first question responsibility. Strictly implement the system of daily attendance, leave, and instruction reporting. Complete mechanisms for screening newly recruited full-time community workers during the probationary period, improve exit mechanisms such as the recall and dismissal of community workers, and establish a clear orientation for those who can enter and exit, and those who are excellent and who are unable to exit. Implement record management of community Party organization secretaries and county-level Party committee organization departments. Improve the file management system for community workers.

10. Complete mechanisms for rewards and punishments for evaluations. At the county level, an annual evaluation and guidance plan for community workers is formulated, with the content of the evaluation focusing on political quality, work performance, and residents' satisfaction. Strengthen the use of evaluation results, and use evaluation results as an important basis for community workers to adjust their job levels, renew hires and dismissals, and reward and punishment. Establish and complete reward and punishment mechanisms, do a good job of fault tolerance and correction, encourage responsibility, and give community workers who want to do things, can do things, and get things done have the opportunity to have a stage.

11. Strengthen oversight and restraints. Carry out regular supervision, improve mechanisms for community workers to have heart-to-heart talks, persist in grasping small problems as early as possible, prevent them from getting worse, and investigate and deal with corrupt conduct that harms the interests of residents in accordance with regulations, discipline, and law. Implement a system of disclosure of community workers' responsibilities and service pledges. Implement the system of disclosure of party affairs, residence affairs, and finances, give play to the role of the residence affairs supervision committee, and strengthen the supervision of residents over the performance of duties by community workers. Explore and carry out audits of the economic responsibilities of secretaries of community party organizations and directors of community residents' committees.

5. Strengthen incentives and guarantees

12. Implement salary and benefit guarantees. At the municipal or county level, on the basis of the level of economic development and financial resources, and with reference to the average wage level of employees in urban units of all calibers in the local area, the salary composition and salary standards of community workers at the post level are scientifically set and dynamically adjusted on a regular basis. Except for those who have the status of civil servants or staff of public institutions, in principle, the neighborhood (township) and community workers shall sign labor contracts in accordance with the law, and participate in social insurance and contribute to housing provident funds in accordance with relevant state regulations. Front-line community workers who participate in the completion of major tasks, the fight against natural disasters, and the response to emergencies may be given appropriate work subsidies in accordance with regulations.

13. Establish mechanisms for encouraging development. Pay attention to the development of party members and the selection of talents from among community workers. Increase the force of recruiting (hiring) civil servants and staff of public institutions from among outstanding community workers. A certain number of posts are set aside each year, and the secretaries of community party organizations who have worked in the community for more than 10 consecutive years, who have served as secretaries of community party organizations for one full term, and who have performed well, may be hired as staff members of public institutions on the basis of merit in accordance with the provisions on open recruitment by public institutions. Recommend outstanding community workers who meet the requirements to be candidates for party congresses, people's congress deputies, and CPPCC members at all levels. Community workers who have made outstanding contributions are to be commended and rewarded in accordance with relevant provisions, and participate in the selection of outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding Party workers, model workers, youth May Fourth Medals, 38 Red Banner Bearers, and so forth. Encourage and support outstanding community workers to serve as special mentors in institutions of higher learning, vocational schools, and so forth.

14. Create an atmosphere of care and care. Vigorously publicize advanced models of community workers, create a positive atmosphere in which the whole society attaches importance to and cares for community workers, and strengthens community workers' sense of professional identity, belonging, and honor. Care for the physical and mental health of community workers, organize regular physical examinations, and help relieve stress through various forms. Pay attention to care and motivate part-time members of the "two committees" of the community. Carry out activities to visit front-line community workers on major festivals and care for retired community workers. Help solve the difficulties and problems reported by community workers in a timely manner, and create good working conditions and working atmosphere.

6. Strengthen organizational leadership

15. Strengthen organization and implementation. Persist in and strengthen the Party's leadership over the construction of the community worker corps, and include the construction of the community worker corps in the work arrangements of Party committees and governments at all levels to strengthen the modernization of the grassroots governance system and governance capacity. Party committees at all levels should establish a work pattern in which the organization departments of Party committees make overall plans and coordination, Party committees and social work departments guide and promote, and relevant departments such as politics and law, institutional establishment, education, finance, and human resources and social security jointly promote it, improve various systems for building the ranks of community workers, and promptly study and resolve key and difficult issues. Strengthen policy coordination and work guidance at the provincial level, and do a good job in formulating and organizing the implementation of relevant standards at the municipal and county levels, and promote the selection, retention, and good work of community workers. All levels of local government are to include the relevant expenses for community workers in the annual budget of the government at that level in accordance with law, in consideration of the actual conditions of grassroots governance and economic development.

16. Carry out assessment guidance. The social work departments of Party committees at all levels, in conjunction with relevant departments, are to strengthen assessments of the progress of key tasks in the establishment of the community worker corps. Establish and complete statistical systems for community workers, improve relevant databases, and dynamically grasp the status of the community worker workforce. Guide social forces to participate in the capacity building of community workers, and coordinate efforts such as the development of professional standards for community workers.

17. Deepen burden reduction and efficiency increase. Party committees and governments at all levels should continue to deepen and expand the work of reducing the burden on the grassroots, so that community workers have more time and energy to serve the residents. Establish and complete mechanisms for access to community work matters and mechanisms for dynamic adjustments, standardizing the work affairs, mechanism signs, and certification matters of community organizations. Community organizations must not be the main body responsible for matters such as administrative law enforcement, demolition and demolition, environmental remediation, urban management, and production safety, and where community assistance is needed in their work, community workers shall actively cooperate. Coordinate and promote the construction of smart communities and grassroots governance platforms, and realize the one-time collection and multi-party use of grassroots data and information. Strengthen the standardized management of government affairs applications, government affairs public accounts, and work groups, and correct "formalism at the fingertips". Organs and public institutions at or above the county level must not seconded community workers; where neighborhoods (townships) truly need to be seconded, they shall report to the social work department of the county-level party committee for approval in accordance with procedures. Community workers should strengthen their enthusiasm and initiative in performing their duties and taking responsibility, and truly transform the effectiveness of burden reduction into the effectiveness of services for doing practical things and solving problems.

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