
The child took the spring silkworm baby on the subway and was stopped, and the official response came

The child took the spring silkworm baby on the subway and was stopped, and the official response came

Cover News

2024-04-10 19:19Posted on the official account of Sichuan Cover News

Cover news reporter Yang Ruiwen

Spring has arrived, and many kindergarten and primary school students have received after-school homework for raising silkworm babies at home, but on April 10, the cover news reporter received complaints from citizens that their children adopted two small silkworm babies and were refused to get on the train in Sanhechang, Metro Line 3.

The child took the spring silkworm baby on the subway and was stopped, and the official response came

The picture comes from Xinhua News Agency

"May I ask if the silkworm baby is only a little small, can't it get on the subway?" the citizen expressed his doubts.

The same happened to Xiao Liu (pseudonym), a citizen who carried a small box containing several spring silkworm babies last week, and also had a confrontation with security personnel at the subway entrance of Shiyang Interchange. "I wrapped the box tightly, leaving only a few small air holes, so that I was not allowed to take it on the subway, and a few silkworm babies can be any aggressive?"

With the interviewee's questions, the reporter then consulted the customer service of Chengdu Metro, and the customer service said that according to Article 43 of the "Chengdu Urban Rail Transit Management Regulations", passengers are prohibited from carrying other animals other than guide dogs and military and police dogs.

The child took the spring silkworm baby on the subway and was stopped, and the official response came


The customer service said that in view of the fact that some passengers may be afraid of mollusks such as silkworm babies, if they scare a person and cause them to scream, there may be a phenomenon of mass panic in the closed compartment.

At the same time, taking into account the feelings of the majority of passengers and the overall operation safety of the subway, not only spring silkworm babies, but also small pets such as parrots, small hamsters, small turtles, and small goldfish, even if they are in good condition, are prohibited from being carried on the subway.

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