
6 kinds of "sprouts" that must be eaten in spring, grow yang qi and reduce spring dryness, miss it and wait another year!

author:99 Health Net

Spring is the season of revival and vitality, and a variety of fresh seasonal vegetables are beginning to emerge.

In ancient times, people once said: "You have to eat buds in spring, and you have to eat melons in summer", so today, let's take stock of those delicious "sprouts" in spring, take them home, taste the deliciousness of spring, and inject the unique vitality of this season into the body!

6 kinds of "sprouts" that must be eaten in spring, grow yang qi and reduce spring dryness, miss it and wait another year!


6 types of "sprouts" that must be eaten in spring

Camellia buds:

Toon buds, as one of the representative ingredients of spring, the timing of toon picking is very critical, only the freshest toon can retain its best taste and aroma.

In addition, toon mixed with tofu, toon stir-fried shredded pork, etc. are also good choices. The fragrance of toon can well neutralize the flavor of other ingredients, making the whole dish rich in layers and unique in flavor.

Yu Qian'er:

In Beijing's local dialect, the flowers of the elm tree are affectionately called "elm money".

The traditional way to eat them is to mix them with "two kinds of noodles", which are made by mixing equal parts of white noodles and stick noodles. Stir the cleaned elm into the dough and steam together until cooked through. This special noodle pairing can make the steamed Yuqian cuisine more authentic and delicious.


People in the northern region are especially fond of chopping and mixing the shepherd's cabbage with the meat filling to make pasta dishes such as buns, dumplings and pies. With every bite, you can feel the fresh aroma of the shepherd's cabbage blending with the delicious taste of the pork, making it irresistible once you taste it.


The young stems and leaves of watercress are delicious vegetables, and usually, after the cress is cleaned, blanched to retain its emerald green color, and then it can be served cold with seasonings such as light soy sauce, salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, and oyster sauce to create a refreshing and delicious dish. Cress can also be used in a variety of cooking methods, such as stir-frying, sautéing with garlic or sautéing with sliced meat, each of which brings out the unique flavor of cress.

Portulaca oleracea:

The stems and leaves of purslane can be used as a wild-harvested vegetable, making it suitable for a variety of cooking methods. After blanching, they can be served cold or in the form of stir-fried or boiled soups for a great taste and flavor. In addition, purslane can also be used as a filling to make a variety of fillings, adding to the wild interest and nutrition of dishes.


After the young leaves of Malan are cleaned, they are blanched in boiling water to remove some of the bitterness. Then, the processed young leaves are chopped, mixed with dried fragrant pieces, and then drizzled with sesame oil, light soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, balsamic vinegar and other condiments, so that the cold mixed maran not only maintains its own fragrance, but also has the freshness of the seasoning, which is very suitable as a refreshing cold dish.

6 kinds of "sprouts" that must be eaten in spring, grow yang qi and reduce spring dryness, miss it and wait another year!


Five key points for spring health

Regulates the spleen and stomach

Spring is the season of recovery, and the body's metabolism is also correspondingly accelerated. At this time, attention should be paid to the cleanliness and moderation of the diet, and overeating should be avoided to protect the function of the spleen and stomach. You can eat some foods that are good for the spleen and stomach, such as millet, pumpkin, lentils, etc.

Nourish the yang and protect the yin

In spring, when yang energy begins to grow, you should follow nature, go to bed late and get up early, and exercise appropriately to stretch your muscles and bones and reconcile yin and yang. At the same time, it should be avoided to keep warm excessively, which can lead to excessive yang energy and deplete yin energy.

Mood regulation

Spring is prone to mood swings, so you should keep your mind calm and avoid getting angry, so as to facilitate the smooth flow of liver qi. Emotions can be regulated through meditation, yoga, etc.


The temperature can be changeable in spring, so you should pay attention to keeping warm and avoid catching a cold. Especially when the temperature difference between morning and evening is large, clothes should be appropriately increased or decreased to achieve "spring cover".

Moderate tonic

An appropriate amount of tonic in spring can help the human body adapt to the spring hair growth machine. You can eat some warm foods, such as chicken, red dates, etc., but remember to do it in moderation and avoid overdoing it.

6 kinds of "sprouts" that must be eaten in spring, grow yang qi and reduce spring dryness, miss it and wait another year!


What to eat in spring to maintain health

Green vegetables

Such as spinach, leeks, celery, lettuce, etc., these vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals, which help clear away heat and detoxify, nourish the liver and eyes.


Such as crucian carp, grass carp, etc., fish meat is rich in nutrients and helps to enhance physical fitness.


Such as apples, pears, oranges, etc., spring fruits can replenish water and vitamins, but they should be eaten in moderation and avoid refrigeration.


Such as shiitake mushrooms, enoki mushrooms, etc., mushroom foods are rich in amino acids and dietary fiber, which help to improve immunity.

Healthy tea

Such as chrysanthemum tea, wolfberry tea, green tea, etc., can clear away heat and detoxify, refresh the mind.

Warm food

Such as chicken, beef, mutton, etc., moderate consumption can replenish vitality, but excessive consumption should be avoided.

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