
I vomited with laughter! The post-10s children came out to rectify the society! The sharing of netizens made me cry with laughter

{"info":{"title":{"content":"笑吐了!10后小孩出来整顿社会!网友的分享笑得我眼泪都出来了","en":"I vomited with laughter! The post-10s children came out to rectify the society! The sharing of netizens made me cry with laughter"},"description":{"content":"整顿社会不良风气还得看10后呀!真没想到现在的10后竟然如此厉害。轻易不开口,开口就怼得你无话可说。看完网友的分享,属实...","en":"To rectify the bad atmosphere in society, we have to look at the post-10s! I really didn't expect the current post-10s to be so powerful. If you don't open your mouth, you will have nothing to say. After reading the sharing of netizens, it is true..."}},"items":[]}