
Public officials beat the hotel owner: The deputy mayor is only at the same level as me, and the police response was questioned by netizens!

author:Comfort fountain pen Q

On February 15, a hotel in Zaoyang City, called "Military Home", was running its daily business. A client named Zhang and a friend rented a room to play cards. Later, due to environmental reasons, Zhang asked to check out, and the hotel owner agreed to return the deposit in consideration of the relationship.


Unexpectedly, within a moment, Zhang came to the door again, but this time he said that he had not received a refund. The boss suggested that the surveillance video be adjusted for verification, but Zhang was unwilling to waste any more time and urged the boss to return the money quickly. Just when the boss went to serve other customers, a Chang Mou, who claimed to be from the Taxation Bureau of Fuzhou Economic Development Zone, kicked the boss twice from behind.

Public officials beat the hotel owner: The deputy mayor is only at the same level as me, and the police response was questioned by netizens!

In the face of this sudden attack, the boss of course panicked. A physical altercation ensued between the two. At this time, Chang was furious and openly beat the boss. In order to elevate himself, he also uttered threatening words, "The deputy mayor is only at the same level as me, what level are you?"

Public officials beat the hotel owner: The deputy mayor is only at the same level as me, and the police response was questioned by netizens!

After the incident, the public security bureau made a punishment decision that only gave Chang an "administrative warning" and reprimanded him on the spot. This light-as-your-haired punishment is obviously not in line with public expectations compared to Chang's behavior. The next day, the boss received a call from the fire department to "retaliate", forming a typical "official pile" situation.

Public officials beat the hotel owner: The deputy mayor is only at the same level as me, and the police response was questioned by netizens!

The hotel owner was beaten for work, and the police only "reprimanded", and netizens questioned that it was not enough to deter

Many netizens have different opinions on this. It has been argued that public officials should be of higher character and that lynching should not be arbitrarily inflicted. This incident has exposed certain institutional flaws. Moreover, the penalties imposed are too light to have a deterrent effect. Others may repeat the same mistakes in the future.

Public officials beat the hotel owner: The deputy mayor is only at the same level as me, and the police response was questioned by netizens!
Public officials beat the hotel owner: The deputy mayor is only at the same level as me, and the police response was questioned by netizens!

Chang threatened that "the deputy mayor is only at the same level as me", whether public officials should abide by the law and discipline and self-discipline

More netizens pointed out that public officials are in high positions, and their expressions and styles must be restrained. Chang's move clearly exceeded the scope of his authority and seriously undermined the spirit of the rule of law. Public officials should not be above the law by virtue of their status or rank. This will undoubtedly encourage the arbitrary arrogance of some people.

Public officials beat the hotel owner: The deputy mayor is only at the same level as me, and the police response was questioned by netizens!

Who can work for the good of the people, and is such a person fit to continue to hold public office?

Some netizens are worried that tolerating such public officials will really serve the well-being of the whole people, and that others may beat and commit violence at every turn in the future because of petty interests. There is no guarantee that this will not further disrupt the social order. Others believe that a person like Chang who clearly does not meet the requirements of public office should be removed from public office?

Public officials beat the hotel owner: The deputy mayor is only at the same level as me, and the police response was questioned by netizens!

It took more than a month for the incident to come to light, did the hotel owner suffer more miserably?

Other netizens questioned whether the hotel owner had been subjected to more serious mishandling during this period of time than more than a month after the incident had been disclosed, and that further investigation was needed to reveal the truth of the incident. Only when the people have access to legal protection can social fairness and justice be maintained.

Public officials beat the hotel owner: The deputy mayor is only at the same level as me, and the police response was questioned by netizens!

Overall, this incident has exposed certain problems at the judicial and law enforcement levels. Public officials must lead by example and act in strict accordance with legal norms. Suspected criminals should also be pursued to the end in accordance with law.

Public officials beat the hotel owner: The deputy mayor is only at the same level as me, and the police response was questioned by netizens!

Law enforcement departments also need to urge lower-level units to effectively safeguard the interests of the masses, so that ordinary people can be treated fairly. We hope that the relevant departments will face up to the feedback from this incident and further improve the relevant systems.

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