
The French eat in the Northeast restaurant, and they are frightened after the Chinese order "stingy" and other dishes are served!

author:Hachi Entertainment

The dangers and gains of cross-border cultural exchange

Camille, a French student, and his five classmates arrived at a local restaurant in Northeast China with curiosity and anticipation. As French people who are proficient in cooking, they are full of anticipation for the Chinese dishes they are about to taste. However, they couldn't help but be a little surprised when they saw that their Chinese friends did not hesitate to order four authentic Northeast home-cooked dishes. "Are the Chinese too stingy in ordering? Are these four dishes enough for the six of us?" Camille couldn't help but muttered to herself.

The French eat in the Northeast restaurant, and they are frightened after the Chinese order "stingy" and other dishes are served!

When the steaming pot of Northeast messy stew was served, the surprise of the French students was beyond words. Next, pig-killing vegetables, chicken stewed mushrooms, and sauerkraut stewed vermicelli appeared one after another, each of which was served in a large pot and was full of portions. The French have never seen such a bold way of dining, and they can't help but be impressed by the hospitality of the Chinese.

Discover the unique charm of Chinese table culture

In Northeast restaurants, the first thing the French feel is the "bold" dining style of the Chinese. A huge pot of Northeast messy stew, as far as the eye can see, is a rich and diverse combination of various ingredients, full of aroma. The pig-killing dishes, chicken stewed mushrooms, and sauerkraut stewed vermicelli were also full of portions, and they couldn't help but sigh: "So many dishes, is it enough for the six of us?"

The French eat in the Northeast restaurant, and they are frightened after the Chinese order "stingy" and other dishes are served!

This "big pot choi" dining method originates from the traditional Chinese family dining culture. In China, food is not only a satisfying craving, but also a social activity, reflecting the cultural characteristics of the Chinese who value family and friendship. People often sit around the table, share delicious food, talk about life, and strengthen relationships. Big pot choi not only satisfies everyone's hunger, but also adds a joyful atmosphere to the party.

Compared with the French culture, which pursues a fine dining experience, this "bold" dining method of Chinese undoubtedly surprised French students. However, when they truly appreciate the rich taste of Chinese cuisine and the warm scene of family and friends sitting around and talking, their inner surprise also turns into sincere admiration and admiration. This cross-cultural dining experience allowed them to not only taste authentic Chinese dishes, but also gain an in-depth understanding of Chinese unique food culture.

The deep connotation of Chinese table culture

The charm of Chinese food culture lies not only in its rich and diverse dishes, but also in its deep cultural connotations. From the origin and development of food to contemporary food customs, all of them reflect the values and lifestyle of the Chinese nation.

The French eat in the Northeast restaurant, and they are frightened after the Chinese order "stingy" and other dishes are served!

First of all, the development of Chinese food culture has a long history and a long history. Since ancient times, China has had the concept of "grain, millet, millet and millet", and has gradually developed a regional food culture with its own characteristics. From the dry stir-fry and mutton soup in the north to the lo-mei and hot pot in the south, from the seafood in the southeast coast to the hot pot in the southwest, all of them highlight the cultural characteristics of different regions. This diversity of food culture is the epitome of the long development of Chinese civilization.

Secondly, Chinese food culture emphasizes "harmony" as beauty. Whether it is the combination of dishes or the cooking process, Chinese pursue the harmony of various flavors to achieve the realm of "five flavors". This concept of "harmony" is not only reflected in the food level, but also penetrates into all aspects of Chinese's treatment of others and themselves. It is this cultural connotation of "harmony" that has created the unique charm of traditional Chinese food culture.

The French eat in the Northeast restaurant, and they are frightened after the Chinese order "stingy" and other dishes are served!

Furthermore, Chinese food culture attaches great importance to the natural concept of "the unity of nature and man". In the concept of Chinese, man and nature are in harmony with each other, and people should conform to the laws of nature, choose seasonal ingredients, and maintain health care. This has also become one of the important characteristics of Chinese food culture. Whether it is a nourishing medicinal diet or a seasonal delicious seasonal delicacies, all reflect the Chinese's awe and admiration for nature.

Finally, Chinese food culture also contains a strong sense of family and kinship. Chinese food customs are often closely linked to family life, and family dinners and holiday banquets all demonstrate the cultural characteristics of Chinese people who attach importance to family. In the eyes of Chinese, food is not only a taste of appetite, but also a carrier of family warmth and affection.

The French eat in the Northeast restaurant, and they are frightened after the Chinese order "stingy" and other dishes are served!

The "Fan Effect" of Chinese Food Culture

With the advancement of globalization, China's food culture is increasingly attracting the attention and favor of countries around the world. Whether it's Michelin-starred chefs or casual foreign diners, their love for Chinese food is growing day by day.

From "Chinese food" to "Chinese food", and then to the "new Chinese food" that is now popular all over the world, Chinese food culture is exporting its unique charm to the world. Three-Michelin-starred chef Abraham Barr spoke highly of Chinese cuisine: "The cooking skills of Chinese cuisine are among the best in the world, and this respect for ingredients and pursuit of cooking skills is admirable. And former U.S. President Barack Obama once said, "My favorite is Chinese food, that rich texture and unique taste, it's really amazing!"

The French eat in the Northeast restaurant, and they are frightened after the Chinese order "stingy" and other dishes are served!

This "fan effect" is reflected not only in the food industry, but also in the consumer market. According to statistics, the size of China's catering market will reach 5.4 trillion yuan in 2021, a year-on-year increase of 18.6%, a record high. From first-tier cities to third- and fourth-tier cities, Chinese restaurants are all over the place, becoming a must-see food mecca for domestic and foreign tourists. Overseas, Chinese restaurants are popular in various countries and have become the preferred choice of local food.

The reason for this is that the charm of Chinese food culture lies not only in its rich and diverse dishes, but also in its profound cultural connotation. From the long history of food culture, to the cultural concept of "harmony", to the natural concept of "harmony between man and nature", and even the embodiment of family affection, all of them attract food lovers from all over the world. It is these unique and profound cultural charms that have made Chinese food culture widely sought after around the world and become the "star" of today's food culture industry.

In this increasingly integrated world, we should remain open and inclusive, appreciating and respecting the differences and exchanges between different cultures. Only in this way can we jointly promote the prosperity and development of the world's food culture, and make food an important link to promote the convergence of different civilizations.

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