
How to pronounce laughter: the deep meaning behind a smile

author:A guest history said

On a sunny afternoon, Xiao Ming and Xiao Hua sat on a park bench and chatted. Xiao Hua suddenly said: "Xiao Ming, do you know, I learned a new word yesterday - 'laughing'. Xiao Ming asked curiously, "'Laughing'? What does that mean?" Xiao Hua replied with a smile: "You listen to me slowly." ”

How to pronounce laughter: the deep meaning behind a smile

Xiaohua began to explain: "'Laughing', the pronunciation of the word is 'shěn xiào', it is a bit special, different from what we usually say 'laugh', 'smile' or 'laugh'. ”

"Oh?" Xiao Ming was even more curious, "so what kind of smile is it?"

Xiaohua said: "'Laughing' is actually a less obvious laugh, a bit similar to a smile, but more subtle, sometimes even a little contemptuous or sarcastic. Imagine this 'snort' when you hear a joke that doesn't make sense, or when you see someone do something that's a little funny. ”

Xiao Ming laughed after hearing this: "Isn't this the kind of 'you know' laugh? ”

Xiaohua nodded: "Yes, that's how it feels." In fact, the word 'laughter' appears in ancient texts, and it conveys a kind of inner banter and disdain. In modern times, although we don't use this word often, the emotion of 'laughing' often appears in our lives. ”

How to pronounce laughter: the deep meaning behind a smile

Xiao Ming suddenly thought of something and said, "Oh, I remember, last time Xiao Zhang put forward an unreliable idea at the meeting, and I was this kind of 'laughing' at the time." ”

Xiaohua quipped: "It seems that you are already an expert in 'laughing'!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, continuing to enjoy the leisurely time of the afternoon.

Then, Xiaohua said: "Actually, the word 'laughter' is quite interesting, it is like a kind of linguistic spice, which makes our expression more colorful." Moreover, through 'laughing', we can also gain a deeper understanding of a person's inner world. ”

How to pronounce laughter: the deep meaning behind a smile

Xiao Ming nodded in agreement: "Indeed, sometimes behind a simple smile, there may be a lot of complex emotions hidden. And 'Laughter' is like a small window that allows us to get a glimpse of one or two of them. ”

In the end, the two agreed that in the future, on the right occasions, they might as well try to use "laughter" to express their emotions and see if they can add some different colors to their lives.

This is the story of "laughter", a deceptively simple but profound word. It reminds us that in interpersonal interactions, sometimes subtlety and subtlety are also a beauty, and we learn to convey our emotions and attitudes with a touch of "laughter" at the right time.