
The iPhone SE 4 is exposed, and the configuration is quite explosive

author:Let's take a look at the flow machine rain

Recently, some media revealed that some case manufacturers have obtained the metal mold of the iPhone SE 4 in advance, and this leaked information has unveiled the mystery of this highly anticipated budget Apple phone for the public. Combined with the revealed design details, the iPhone SE 4 inherits the genes of the series, incorporates the latest technology trends and design language, presenting a new look.

The iPhone SE 4 is exposed, and the configuration is quite explosive

First of all, the iPhone SE 4 has achieved a historic leap in design, introducing an all-screen form factor in the SE series for the first time. The exposed mold shows that the model uses a similar single-camera layout to the iPhone 14 Mini, with a clean and refined back. The most striking thing is that it adopts the iconic "notch screen" design on the front, which is the first time that the SE series has abandoned the traditional physical home button and embraced the all-screen era. This change not only brings a higher screen-to-body ratio and provides users with a broader visual space, but also marks the exit of Touch ID fingerprint recognition technology in Apple's mobile phone product line, replaced by advanced Face ID face recognition technology. The introduction of Face ID not only enhances the security of the device, but also keeps the technology in sync with Apple's flagship models, ensuring that SE users can enjoy an unlocking experience similar to that of high-end models.

The iPhone SE 4 is exposed, and the configuration is quite explosive

In terms of details, the iPhone SE 4 inherits the right-angled bezel design of the iPhone 14 series, which not only gives the phone a distinctly modern look, but also improves the comfort of the hand. It is worth noting that despite moving forward on the road of pursuing a simple design, Apple still retains the familiar mute switch buttons, which reflects Apple's respect and care for users' habits.

The iPhone SE 4 is exposed, and the configuration is quite explosive

Regarding the hardware configuration, the leaked information pointed out that the iPhone SE 4 will be equipped with a 6.1-inch notch screen, and the supplier is the domestic display giant BOE. As the world's leading display manufacturer, BOE's high quality and stability of its products provide a strong guarantee for the display effect of iPhone SE 4. The increased screen size means that the new phones will offer a wider field of view and a more immersive experience than previous generations of SE products, which is a boon for users who are keen to watch videos, browse the web, or play games.

The iPhone SE 4 is exposed, and the configuration is quite explosive

Although the exact release date has not yet been officially confirmed, it is widely expected that the iPhone SE 4 will be officially unveiled in 2025. The choice of this time node not only gives Apple enough time to polish the details of the product to ensure its excellent performance in terms of performance, battery life, software adaptation, etc., but also conforms to the market cycle and provides consumers with timely upgrade options.

In summary, the iPhone SE 4 is a bold innovation in design, fully embracing the all-screen and Face ID technology, while adhering to the principle of pragmatism and retaining the functional elements that users love. Combined with its expected 6.1-inch BOE display and single-camera design, the phone is expected to attract the attention of consumers with its affordable price, balanced performance, and up-to-date appearance. Although it will be a while before the official launch is ushered in, the leaked mold information has already outlined the prototype of the iPhone SE 4, and we are excited about its future market performance.