
An unreasonable desensitization prescription, say goodbye to the sensitivity of the sect's tendons, disarm, and relieve the deficiency of the heart and spleen

author:Director Yang Fengxiang
An unreasonable desensitization prescription, say goodbye to the sensitivity of the sect's tendons, disarm, and relieve the deficiency of the heart and spleen

I have been practicing medicine for many years, and through clinical verification, I have many prescriptions with good results. One is more effective than the other, and today I will share a prescription with you for free, and people with impotence can take a look. Use it to get rid of premature ejaculation!

Although there are many people who suffer from premature ejaculation, there are many types of impotence. For example, premature ejaculation with heart and spleen deficiency. If you usually have premature ejaculation during intercourse, your libido is getting less and less, and sometimes your limbs are tired, you are tired, you have a lot of dreams, forgetfulness, palpitations and other problems, it is likely to be premature ejaculation with heart and spleen deficiency.

I saw a patient of the same type a while ago. This 37-year-old patient came to me, saying that he and his wife would have premature ejaculation when they had a relationship, and he usually had less and less thoughts about that, and his wife thought he was cold, and he usually didn't talk after work.

Because of the high pressure of work, patients often feel very tired, as if they have no strength at all, their memory is getting worse and worse, and they often have heart palpitations.

He wanted to change all this, so he inquired in many ways, and learned from a friend that I was good at andrology, so he came over today and asked me to show him.

To sum up, this patient is a premature ejaculation patient with heart and spleen deficiency, which is just suitable for this spleen and semen intake prescription.

An unreasonable desensitization prescription, say goodbye to the sensitivity of the sect's tendons, disarm, and relieve the deficiency of the heart and spleen

This recipe is composed of ginseng, astragalus, atractylodes, licorice, cocos, yuanzhi, sour jujube kernel, wood incense, yam, fried lotus seeds, gourd, chicken inner gold, ginger, jujube and other traditional Chinese medicines.

This recipe can play a role in strengthening the spleen and fixing semen. The patient took it as I said, and after only a week, the premature ejaculation began to reduce. Later, I asked him to continue taking it, and this time it took three months, and the patient's symptoms basically disappeared, and the round house was normal, and he was able to persist until the end.

An unreasonable desensitization prescription, say goodbye to the sensitivity of the sect's tendons, disarm, and relieve the deficiency of the heart and spleen