
Each of the 26 "live a long time" photos will open your eyes and you won't be able to stop reading them

author:Small group love fun picture
In the long history of mankind, relying only on words, paintings, and sounds, it is both hazy and vague, like seeing flowers in the fog. But with the advent of the camera, vivid photos, like a magic key, with a flick of the word, let us travel through time and space and uncover the mystery of history. Those moments frozen by the camera are like the bright stars of history, shining brightly, giving us a glimpse of the true face of history. Since then, history is no longer out of reach, but has become accessible, vivid and interesting.

In the '50s, the "pointed-toe bra" design was all the rage, and its bold and sexy look was unforgettable. However, with the passage of time, this design is now difficult to arouse the interest of young people.

Each of the 26 "live a long time" photos will open your eyes and you won't be able to stop reading them

This is the wearable technology of the 60s of the 20th century, and the black technology that was at the forefront of the times at that time may also be called the originator of today's "VR equipment".

Each of the 26 "live a long time" photos will open your eyes and you won't be able to stop reading them

In the 60s of the last century, the hostesses were practicing their basic skills, their eyes were as clear as a spring, and their expressions were natural and generous, which was really beautiful. In contrast, the current cookie-cutter Internet celebrity face is really hard to describe...

Each of the 26 "live a long time" photos will open your eyes and you won't be able to stop reading them

In 1984, somewhere in Sichuan, two girlfriends returned from work and met happily, and their excitement was indescribable. They were dressed in trendy clothes, and the BB machine around their waists was shining, talking freely about what they saw and heard, showing their fashion charm, and they could be called the leaders of the trend of the year.

Each of the 26 "live a long time" photos will open your eyes and you won't be able to stop reading them

In 2010, a black Nigerian couple conceived in October and gave birth to a cute baby with blonde hair and blue eyes. Seeing that the little guy looked like a doll, the couple's faces bloomed with joy and they laughed at this "miracle baby".

Each of the 26 "live a long time" photos will open your eyes and you won't be able to stop reading them

She is a finalist for Miss England, and she bravely broke the mold and became the first beauty in the history of the 94-year beauty pageant to go into battle without makeup, which is really fresh and refined.

Each of the 26 "live a long time" photos will open your eyes and you won't be able to stop reading them

Paul Alexander died peacefully at the age of 78, suffering from polio at the age of six, and has been with iron lung for 70 years. It's hard to imagine that he has spent these 70 years in a tin bucket.

Each of the 26 "live a long time" photos will open your eyes and you won't be able to stop reading them

In Guangzhou in 1988, Haizhu Bridge was a bustling place with a lot of traffic, and it was full of people. However, with the passage of time, cars and buses have become popular, and commuting methods have become more and more diverse and convenient. Now the once noisy bridgehead has long been inaccessible.

Each of the 26 "live a long time" photos will open your eyes and you won't be able to stop reading them

In the summer of July 1966, Disneyland in California was bustling with visitors. Among them, a couple wearing a round dome is particularly eye-catching, like astronauts in Star Wars.

Each of the 26 "live a long time" photos will open your eyes and you won't be able to stop reading them

A rare photo of Ruan Lingyu. There used to be a popular saying: "The main thing is to look at temperament". Ruan Lingyu's temperament is very good, and she looks very comfortable. Judging by her face, she should be a very gentle person.

Each of the 26 "live a long time" photos will open your eyes and you won't be able to stop reading them

The women's picnic clothes of the 50s of the 20th century are really unique. In other words, if you put on such a costume and have a picnic on the grass, will the grass on the ground prick your legs?

Each of the 26 "live a long time" photos will open your eyes and you won't be able to stop reading them

Ivanka, the daughter of former U.S. President "Trump", is not only a top student at the Wharton School of Business, with outstanding business acumen, but also a leader in the modeling industry and a leader in the design industry.

Each of the 26 "live a long time" photos will open your eyes and you won't be able to stop reading them

In 2017, a fire broke out in Wiltshire, England, and firefighters acted quickly to successfully contain the fire and rescue a litter of piglets in the barn. As a token of appreciation, the family presented the firefighters with a pack of sausages, which were made from the rescued piglets.

Each of the 26 "live a long time" photos will open your eyes and you won't be able to stop reading them

The TV remote control in 1955, after carefully studying it for a long time, has never been able to understand how this magical little object realizes channel switching.

Each of the 26 "live a long time" photos will open your eyes and you won't be able to stop reading them

After the November 22, 1963, shooting, Secret Service agent Clint Hill heroically jumped into the presidential car and turned into a human shield to protect President Kennedy and the first lady to the death.

Each of the 26 "live a long time" photos will open your eyes and you won't be able to stop reading them

The ancients said: "Hundred virtues and filial piety first" 17-year-old Thai beauty pageant champion, returned to his hometown as soon as possible after the competition, and thanked his mother for her nurturing grace.

Each of the 26 "live a long time" photos will open your eyes and you won't be able to stop reading them

Soviet cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev flew into space in 1991 and returned as a man. When he returned to Earth, he was shocked to find that his homeland, the Soviet Union, was a thing of the past, and Russia had taken his place. Therefore, he was hailed as "the last Soviet man"

Each of the 26 "live a long time" photos will open your eyes and you won't be able to stop reading them

On May 30, 1929, the United States held a unique bathing and dressing competition. After fierce competition, it was finally officially announced that the first player on the right won the championship and became the champion of the competition.

Each of the 26 "live a long time" photos will open your eyes and you won't be able to stop reading them

In February 1954, Marilyn Monroe, a newlywed Yan'er, was invited to perform at a military base

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In the 80s of the last century, the civil aviation launched an ingenious promotion: anyone who takes an international flight can taste the rare and attractive Moutai liquor for free.

Each of the 26 "live a long time" photos will open your eyes and you won't be able to stop reading them

Two sisters born in 1997, heterochromatic twins, their father is white British, and their mother is Jamaican. Sister Lucy is as white as snow and sister Maria is as black as charcoal, what a wonderful pair.

Each of the 26 "live a long time" photos will open your eyes and you won't be able to stop reading them

In the 60s, seat belts in cars held passengers in place, but they hid the risk of neck injuries. After many iterations and tests, today's seat belt design is perfect.

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In 1985, Jack Ma was invited to travel to Australia, and at the invitation of his friend Molly, he showed off his skills and presented a wonderful drunken boxing performance, which instantly won the applause of the audience, which was really amazing.

Each of the 26 "live a long time" photos will open your eyes and you won't be able to stop reading them

In the 90s of the last century, on the streets of Shanghai, a girl was answering the phone. Interestingly, her full-body outfit is not outdated even today, and the only thing that is slightly "antique" is probably the mobile phone.

Each of the 26 "live a long time" photos will open your eyes and you won't be able to stop reading them

In 1908, on the streets of New York, a woman smoked in public, which was not allowed at the time, and her behavior was simply challenging the bottom line of society. As a result, she was honorably a warrior accused of violating the "Smoking Ban for Women."

Each of the 26 "live a long time" photos will open your eyes and you won't be able to stop reading them

It is a deceptively simple but hidden puzzle, and it is said that less than 2% of people in the world can answer it correctly. It's time to show your wits and dare to take on the challenge?

Each of the 26 "live a long time" photos will open your eyes and you won't be able to stop reading them

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