
The post-95 couple drank a bucket of water for 3 years, and the husband was diagnosed with liver cancer

author:Dr. Dong explained
The post-95 couple drank a bucket of water for 3 years, and the husband was diagnosed with liver cancer

[Article source: from readers' contributions]

Xiao Liu and Xiao Wang are a young couple born in the 95s, both of whom work for an Internet company. With a busy schedule of work and a fast pace of life, they are accustomed to drinking large buckets of water to quench their thirst and refresh themselves.

For three years, there have been buckets of pure water on the desk. Drinking cold in summer and warm in winter, drinking water seems to be the most common thing in their lives.

The post-95 couple drank a bucket of water for 3 years, and the husband was diagnosed with liver cancer

Compared with her husband Xiao Liu, Xiao Wang's water consumption is not so much, and it can be regarded as an unintentional willow in the shade.

That day, Xiao Liu suddenly felt unbearable abdominal pain, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Xiao Wang hurriedly sent him to the hospital.

After a series of examinations, the doctor frowned and looked at the test sheet, his face was solemn: "Mr. Xiao Liu, your liver function indicators are seriously abnormal, and the abdominal CT scan shows that there is a large lump in the liver, we suspect that it is... Hepatocarcinoma. "

The post-95 couple drank a bucket of water for 3 years, and the husband was diagnosed with liver cancer

"How can liver cancer happen? How can we get liver cancer at such a young age?"

The doctor sighed, "Do you usually have any bad habits, such as alcoholism, staying up late, improper diet, etc.?"

Xiao Wang thought for a while and said, "We don't drink much, and our work and rest are quite regular." It is... I do drink a lot of water on a regular basis, and it is basically a large barrel of mineral water.

The post-95 couple drank a bucket of water for 3 years, and the husband was diagnosed with liver cancer

We thought the big bucket of water was cheap and hygienic, so we kept drinking it... It's been three years. "

After hearing this, the doctor's expression became more solemn: "It seems that the problem may be here." Did you know that drinking a large bucket of water for a long time is actually very unsafe?

1. These bottled water is generally disinfected by ozone, and there may be harmful substances such as ozone residues. In particular, the sanitary conditions of the water produced by some small workshops are even more worrisome.

2. Because the bottled water is in a closed state for a long time, it will lose certain minerals and vitamins if it is left for too long. Long-term consumption of this water is not good for the human body.

The post-95 couple drank a bucket of water for 3 years, and the husband was diagnosed with liver cancer

3. Plastic buckets exposed to sunlight for a long time will release toxic substances that dissolve into water.

You often heat the water and drink it, which undoubtedly speeds up the process. In the long run, these harmful substances accumulate in the body, and the damage to the liver is very great. "

After hearing this, Xiao Liu and Xiao Wang regretted it, annoyed by their ignorance and carelessness: "We... We really don't know! I always thought that bottled water was safe and hygienic, so it was convenient... I didn't expect to hurt myself and the other party..."

The doctor comforted: "Young man, don't blame yourself too much. Now it is important to actively cooperate with the treatment, and I believe that with the advancement of medicine, liver cancer is no longer an incurable disease. At the same time, it is also necessary to learn a lesson and get rid of bad drinking habits.

The post-95 couple drank a bucket of water for 3 years, and the husband was diagnosed with liver cancer

If you have to drink bottled water, you should also choose a regular manufacturer. I believe that as long as you cooperate, you will be able to overcome the disease. "

The days of hospitalization were not easy. The side effects of chemotherapy made Xiao Liu's fragile body even weaker. Xiao Wang took care of her husband inch by inch, full of guilt and self-blame.

"It's all my fault, I didn't take good care of you and caused you to suffer these crimes..."Xiao Wang held Xiao Liu's hand tightly with red eyes.

Although Xiao Liu's face was pale, his eyes were extremely firm: "Wife, don't blame yourself." Fortunately, you didn't drink too much bottled water, and your body is fine, which is already a blessing!

The post-95 couple drank a bucket of water for 3 years, and the husband was diagnosed with liver cancer

We're all too young and ignorant, but that's not a reason to give up. Believe me, I'm going to get better, and we're going to grow old together..."

A few months later, Xiao Liu, who was in stable condition, was finally discharged from the hospital. Xiao Wang also regained her old smile and happily supported her husband.

The post-95 couple drank a bucket of water for 3 years, and the husband was diagnosed with liver cancer

"In the future, we can't be sloppy anymore, we must take good care of our bodies. Xiao Liu sighed, "A healthy life really needs us to manage it with our hearts." "

Xiao Wang nodded and added, "Yes, now that I think about it, many bad lifestyles start with our ignorance and laziness. "

The post-95 couple drank a bucket of water for 3 years, and the husband was diagnosed with liver cancer

Looking back on the experience of this young couple, one can't help but sigh.

In the fast-paced modern life, too many people are accustomed to a rough, casual lifestyle. As everyone knows, seemingly insignificant small habits can cumulatively affect our health trajectory over time.

The post-95 couple drank a bucket of water for 3 years, and the husband was diagnosed with liver cancer

Long-term drinking of unclean water is one of the danger signs.

Water, as the source of life, is intimately connected to each of us. Inferior bottled water is actually more like an invisible health "bomb".

The post-95 couple drank a bucket of water for 3 years, and the husband was diagnosed with liver cancer

After long-distance transportation and long-term storage, they are very easy to breed bacteria and hide dirt. Coupled with the potential toxicity of some plastic bucket materials, there is no doubt that there is a huge hidden danger to our body.

What happened to Xiao Liu and his wife is more like a realistic version of a warning record. Their tragedy, of course, has elements of ignorance and luck, but it also reflects the indifference of some young people's health awareness.

"Busy" seems to have become a "shield" for ignoring life, but we don't know that no matter how busy the work is, no matter how intense the rhythm is, it should not be a reason for us to indulge ourselves.

The post-95 couple drank a bucket of water for 3 years, and the husband was diagnosed with liver cancer

Write at the end

Perhaps, we can't control the rhythm of the times, but we can manage the details of health with our hearts.

Life is precious, but health is even more valuable. Let's start from now, start from the small things around us, take care of fragile lives, and embrace a better future.

The post-95 couple drank a bucket of water for 3 years, and the husband was diagnosed with liver cancer

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