
If you have a bad stomach, don't do these things that hurt your stomach

author:Director of Chengdu Boshi Gastrointestinal Department

The stomach, as one of the important organs of our body, carries the heavy responsibility of digesting food and absorbing nutrients. However, the fast pace of modern life and poor eating habits often put a lot of pressure on our stomachs. In order to take care of the health of the stomach, we must resolutely abandon the following behaviors that hurt the stomach.

If you have a bad stomach, don't do these things that hurt your stomach

First of all, we want to avoid overeating. Eating and drinking too much will not only put an excessive burden on the stomach, but it can also lead to indigestion, acid reflux, and other problems. We should learn to eat in moderation and chew slowly to give the stomach enough time to digest the food.

Second, we need to stay away from tobacco and alcohol. Both nicotine and alcohol in tobacco can irritate the gastric mucosa, causing gastritis, gastric ulcers and other diseases. Therefore, we should quit smoking and limit alcohol as soon as possible to create a fresh environment for the stomach.

If you have a bad stomach, don't do these things that hurt your stomach

In addition, we should also pay attention to food hygiene. Unclean food can carry pathogens such as bacteria and viruses that can cause damage to the stomach. We should choose fresh, clean food and avoid eating expired, spoiled food.

At the same time, we need to pay attention to emotional management. Long-term mental stress, anxiety, depression and other negative emotions can have a negative effect on the stomach. We should learn to regulate our emotions, keep our mood happy, and let our stomach work in a relaxed environment.

If you have a bad stomach, don't do these things that hurt your stomach

Finally, we need to keep moving. Proper exercise can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and enhance the digestive function of the stomach. We should make time every day to exercise and let our stomach serve us in a state of vitality.

In short, for the sake of stomach health, we must abandon the behavior of hurting the stomach and take care of the health of the stomach from various aspects such as diet, lifestyle habits, and emotional management. Only in this way can we have a healthy stomach that provides a constant source of energy for our lives.