
"Wife, AA marriage, I won't pay for you to have a child" "No need to pay, the child is my surname"

author:Peach's new horizons

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"Wife, AA marriage, I won't pay for you to have a child" "No need to pay, the child is my surname"

We live in an era of equality, where men and women are becoming more and more equal. However, in the traditional area of marriage and the family, old ideas and practices are still deeply entrenched. Dual-income families are becoming more common, but women still take on more responsibilities and pressures when it comes to raising children and doing housework. New concepts and practices such as "marriage system" and "children taking their mother's surname" have also emerged in society, which have aroused fierce controversy and discussion.

My name is Li Ming, I am 32 years old, and I am a project manager at a technology company. My wife's name is Zhang Xue, she is 30 years old and she is a sales executive. We are a dual-income couple, both of whom have a successful career and a considerable income after marriage. However, we have always had big differences in the division of labor in the family. In my opinion, since both parties are working, the housework and the raising of the children should be divided equally; Zhang Xue, on the other hand, believes that this is a woman's natural responsibility, and she is willing to take on more. Our opposing views often lead to arguments.

"My dear, when will we have a good talk about 'making marriages'?" One night, I mustered up the courage to ask Zhang Xue straight to the point.

"What kind of marriage? Do you mean that I want to contribute half of the family?" Zhang Xue frowned and asked rhetorically.

"No, I mean, since we're all working, it's fair that the expenses of the family and the cost of raising the children should be shared equally. I explained.

"Wife, AA marriage, I won't pay for you to have a child" "No need to pay, the child is my surname"

"Don't say that, I'm not asking you to play any role, I just want us to share the responsibilities of housework and raising children equally. "I tried to convince her.

Zhang Xue's expression was a little serious, she stood up and looked around the house, as if to confirm that there were indeed traces of her care in the house. She looked at me reproachfully, the corners of her mouth slightly twitched, obviously not agreeing with my point of view.

I also stood up, my hands subconsciously in my trouser pockets. I could feel a sense of helplessness churning in my heart, why couldn't she understand my good intentions?, I took a deep breath and tried to soften my tone.

I really hope that she can change the traditional concept and keep up with the pace of the times. Most of the couples of our generation are dual-income workers, and it is difficult to follow the old society's life pattern. We should work together to contribute to the family, which is the real happiness.

But Zhang Xue just didn't seem to understand my thoughts. In her concept, housework and children should be a woman's business, which is her innate responsibility and obligation. Whenever I brought up the "system", she was always disgusted, as if I was depriving her of her feminine dignity.

"Wife, AA marriage, I won't pay for you to have a child" "No need to pay, the child is my surname"

Zhang Xue seemed to be a little shaken, she frowned and pondered for a moment, and then said: "However, taking care of the family and taking care of the children is the duty that my mother taught me since I was a child." How do you want me to change that?"

"I understand your thoughts, but times have really changed. I continued to convince her, "If we all share the chores equally, you can free up more time to develop your career and realize your self-worth, which is good for you and me." "

Zhang Xue nodded thoughtfully, as if she was moved by my words.

I could see that Zhang Xue seemed to be a little shaken, so I struck while the iron was hot and continued to explain: "Moreover, if we divide the responsibility of housework and raising children equally, it will also be beneficial to the growth of children. Children can accept the idea of equality between men and women from an early age, and it is easier to achieve gender equality when they grow up. "

Speaking of this, I saw that Zhang Xue's eyes softened a little, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. It seems that she agrees with this idea a little. I felt a little relieved, so I smiled too, reached out and gently patted her shoulder.

"Wife, AA marriage, I won't pay for you to have a child" "No need to pay, the child is my surname"

Seeing that Zhang Xue finally softened a little, a glimmer of hope swayed in my heart. For so many years, she has been a traditional good wife and mother, dedicated to the responsibilities of the family. However, times are changing, and we can't always live in the old box.

I remember when I first got married, Zhang Xue was also very ambitious about her career, and she once told me that she wanted to be a great professional woman. But since she had a child, she has focused most of her energy on her family, and her career development has gradually slowed down.

Of course, I don't want her to completely put aside her family responsibilities, but I want her to balance her career and family. If the housework and the children's affairs can be divided equally, she can free up more time to develop her career and realize her self-worth. For her, this is undoubtedly a good thing.

And if we can truly achieve equality between men and women, it will also be of great benefit to the development of children. Children can accept the idea that men and women are indistinguishable from each other from an early age, and it is easier to achieve gender equality when they grow up. This is a good thing for the progress of society as a whole.

I really hope that Zhang Xue can understand my good intentions. I love her, I love this family, and I hope she can be happy, healthy and successful in her career. We should be each other's pillars and dependents, work hand in hand, and work hard for a better future.

"Wife, AA marriage, I won't pay for you to have a child" "No need to pay, the child is my surname"

Maybe Zhang Xue can't fully understand and agree with it now, but I believe that as long as she is given some time and guided her patiently, she will eventually change her traditional concepts. After all, the truth is proven and developed in practice, and as long as we influence her with our actions, she will awaken sooner or later.

"Then what do you say, what should you do? What are the things at home?" After a while, Zhang Xue asked, seemingly agreeing with this idea.

"What about the money, how do we share the expenses of the children's schooling, sickness, training, etc.?" Zhang Xue continued to ask.

"For these expenses for children, we can completely control them, and each of them will pay half. I said, "Anyway, the two of us have about the same income, and I think that's fair." "

Zhang Xue nodded thoughtfully, as if seriously considering my suggestion.

"Wife, AA marriage, I won't pay for you to have a child" "No need to pay, the child is my surname"

Seeing that Zhang Xue has finally changed a little, my heart is extremely happy. I approached her, gently clasped her hand with both hands, and looked into her eyes sincerely.

"Xuexue, we are no longer from the last century, we should keep pace with the times and keep up with the trend of the times. I solemnly said, "Housework and child raising should be the joint responsibility of both husband and wife, and should not fall on you alone." "

Zhang Xue nodded slightly, with a shy smile on her face. Her hand gently took my hand back, and there was a little happiness in her eyes.

Seeing that Zhang Xue finally began to waver and began to agree with my point of view, my heart was extremely happy. Over the years, I have been trying to influence her with my actions, hoping that she will change some traditional ideas.

In fact, Zhang Xue is not a person who rests on his laurels. She was just too influenced by the old social ideas and had some traditional ideas about family responsibilities. But if you give her time and guide her with love and patience, she will change.

"Wife, AA marriage, I won't pay for you to have a child" "No need to pay, the child is my surname"

I remember when she first got married, she was also very ambitious about her career. But since she had a child, she has focused most of her energy on her family, and her career development has gradually slowed down. I tried to persuade her several times that she could balance her career and family, but she always felt that family was her first responsibility.

Now, I am sincerely happy to see that she is finally showing signs of transformation. If we can really make a marriage, she can free up more time to devote to her career and realize her self-worth. For her, this is undoubtedly a happy thing.

There will be a huge boost.

I sincerely hope that through our practical actions, Zhang Xue can completely change the traditional concept of family responsibility. We should be each other's pillars and dependents, trust and respect each other, and work together for a better future.

"Alright then, why don't we try what you call a marriage?" After a while, Zhang Xue spoke, "However, you have to match your words with your deeds, don't be scared away." "

"Wife, AA marriage, I won't pay for you to have a child" "No need to pay, the child is my surname"

"Of course, I will definitely do my best!" I gladly agreed.

"What about the child's surname? You have to promise me that you will take my surname regardless of whether you give birth to a boy or a girl. Zhang Xue suddenly said this.

I was stunned for a moment, I didn't expect her to make such a request. But on second thought, since the decision has been made to implement the system, the child's surname should indeed be treated fairly.

"Well, I promise you, no matter if you give birth to a boy or a girl, the child will take your surname. I nodded in agreement.

Zhang Xue smiled with satisfaction after hearing this, and reached out to kiss me on the face, as if she was very pleased with my sincerity.

"Wife, AA marriage, I won't pay for you to have a child" "No need to pay, the child is my surname"

Seeing that Zhang Xue finally fully agreed, I was so happy that I almost wanted to jump. I stepped forward and hugged her tightly and kissed her on the forehead.

"Thank you, Xuexue, thank you for understanding me. I said from the bottom of my heart, "I promise that I will do my best in the future and will never shirk my responsibilities." "

Zhang Xue nodded, with a happy smile on her face. She reached out and patted me on the back, as if glad we had finally solved this long-standing problem.

We just hugged each other tightly, feeling each other's body temperature and heartbeat. My heart is extremely happy, and I thank God for finally making Zhang Xue change her mind.

Finally, after such a long period of hard work, Zhang Xue finally accepted and agreed to the practice of marriage. My heart was overjoyed and relieved, thanking God for allowing her to finally wake up.

"Wife, AA marriage, I won't pay for you to have a child" "No need to pay, the child is my surname"

Over the years, I have been influencing and guiding her with my actions, hoping that she will change the traditional concept of family responsibility. I know that she is not a person who rests on her laurels, but is too deeply influenced by the old social attitudes. But as long as you give her time, love and patience to enlighten her, she will eventually change.

Now, she has finally fully accepted the system of marriage, and has also put forward the requirement that "the child take the mother's surname". Of course, I gladly accepted it, because it was the embodiment of true equality between men and women. In the traditional concept, children are born with their father's surname, which invisibly reflects a kind of gender discrimination. And if the child takes the mother's surname, it avoids this and reflects the concept of gender equality.

I sincerely hope that through our practical actions, Zhang Xue can completely change the traditional concept of family responsibility. We should use our own practice to influence and promote the whole society. We need to be pioneers and role models for gender equality and set a good example for future generations.

More importantly, if we truly achieve a marriage, it will also be of great benefit to the growth of our children. Children can accept the idea of equality between men and women from an early age, and it is easier to achieve gender equality when they grow up. This will be a powerful driving force for the progress of the whole society.

I believe that as long as we persist and influence the people around us with love, patience and sincerity, one day, the concept of the whole society will undergo a fundamental change. At that time, gender discrimination will cease to exist, men and women will be truly equal, and family responsibilities will be shared fairly. We are working hard for this bright future!

"Wife, AA marriage, I won't pay for you to have a child" "No need to pay, the child is my surname"

From that day on, we began to practice formal marriage. It was a bit hard to get used to at first, but soon we got into the groove.

Every week, we discuss who will do the housework on which days, and who will pick up the children from school and help with their homework on which days. Sometimes there will be some disagreements and disputes, but as long as you sit down and communicate well, you will definitely find a solution that is acceptable to both parties.

Once, Zhang Xue was on a business trip because of work, and I took care of the children at home. It was a bit of a scramble at first, but I quickly got the hang of it. In the evenings, after doing chores, I would also find time to play games and tell stories with the children, and gradually we became closer.

On a weekend evening, when Zhang Xue had just returned from out of town and saw me telling a story to the children, she came over and sat down next to me and listened attentively.

"Well, am I a good househusband?" I jokingly said to Zhang Xue.

"Wife, AA marriage, I won't pay for you to have a child" "No need to pay, the child is my surname"

"Of course you are, and better than I am. Zhang Xue said with a smile, "Thank you for your hard work these days, our family is really happy." "

I nodded, and I was secretly glad that I was able to persuade Zhang Xue to accept the marriage.

After telling the story, the children went to play on their own, leaving Zhang Xue and I to sit opposite each other. Zhang Xue had a happy smile on her face, and she reached out and gently held my hand.

I smiled back and took her warm palm and gazed deeply at her. Once upon a time, we had many quarrels and disagreements over the division of labor between housework and children. And now, everything has dissolved, and we have become so harmonious and so happy.

Zhang Xue's eyes were full of tenderness, she turned her head slightly and kissed me lightly on the cheek, as if to express the joy in her heart. I kissed her back on the forehead, and we just looked at each other and smiled, enjoying this hard-won happiness to the fullest.

"Wife, AA marriage, I won't pay for you to have a child" "No need to pay, the child is my surname"

Finish. We have finally found a new way of life, achieving true equality between men and women.

Once upon a time, Zhang Xue always had a traditional view of housework and raising children, believing that it was a woman's innate responsibility. On the other hand, I have always advocated equality between men and women, and that family responsibilities should be shared fairly. As a result, we often quarreled, and our relationship was in crisis several times.

Fortunately, in the end, with my unremitting efforts and guidance, Zhang Xue finally changed her inherent mindset and accepted and was keen on practicing marriage. Since then, we have truly achieved an equal division of household chores and children's education.

It was a bit uncomfortable at first, but we got into the groove very quickly. Every week we will discuss the division of labor, and with a clear distribution of responsibilities, life will be more organized. Occasionally, there will be some disagreements, but as long as you sit down and communicate, you will be able to find a solution that is acceptable to both parties.

I remember one time when Zhang Xue was away on a business trip, I was alone at home taking care of the children. At first, I was in a hurry, but gradually I got the hang of it. Every day after the housework, I would find time to play games and tell stories with the children, and our relationship became closer.

"Wife, AA marriage, I won't pay for you to have a child" "No need to pay, the child is my surname"

On the weekend night when Zhang Xue had just returned from out of town, she saw me telling a story to the children, so she came over and sat down next to me and listened attentively. When the story was finished, she happily said to me, "Thank you for your hard work these days, our family is really happy." "

Yes, how happy our family is now! The differences and quarrels that used to be are now just an episode. Through our joint efforts, we have finally found a new way of life and achieved true equality between men and women.

"Do you know, my dear, that since we were married, I feel that our relationship has become more harmonious than before. After a while, Zhang Xue spoke.

"yes, I feel the same way. I smiled and said, "Maybe we used to have too many differences and were always arguing, so we didn't have a good relationship." "

"No, we used to quarrel with our children over housework. Zhang Xue said, "Now that this problem has finally been solved, we have a more tacit understanding." "

"Wife, AA marriage, I won't pay for you to have a child" "No need to pay, the child is my surname"

"Yes, we are now truly working together, trusting and respecting each other and contributing to the family. I said from the bottom of my heart, "This is the happiest way to live." "

Zhang Xue nodded, with a happy smile on her face. She reached out and gently took my hand, her eyes full of tenderness.

"Thank you for sticking with it and convincing me to accept it. She said sincerely, "You made me change my traditional mindset so that we can be so happy now." "

I smiled and shook my head: "No, it's a joint effort. As long as we influence the people around us with love, patience and sincerity, one day, the whole society will accept this new concept of life. "

As I spoke, I gently took Zhang Xue into my arms and kissed her lightly on the forehead. Zhang Xue closed her eyes and snuggled in my arms contentedly, her face full of happiness.

I gently combed her hair with my fingers, feeling the warm scent coming from her. At this moment, my heart was filled with nostalgia and cherishment for this home.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, our approach to marriage is very unusual and unconventional. But for us, it's the best expression of a happy life. We respect and trust each other, truly achieve equality between men and women, and contribute to this family together.

We snuggled up to each other and enjoyed this hard-won happy time to the fullest. Outside, the scenery of early spring, and the warm sunlight spilling in through the windows adds a bit of warmth to the scene.

At this moment, my heart is filled with happiness and joy. We have finally found a new way of life and truly achieved equality between men and women. What a wonderful result!

I remember a long, long time ago, when we used to quarrel over the division of household chores and children's education. Zhang Xue has always held the traditional view that these are women's natural responsibilities. On the other hand, I insist on equality between men and women and that family responsibilities should be shared fairly.

We have quarreled countless times over this, and our relationship has been in crisis several times. How painful I was, and I was heartbroken to see my wife stuck on her laurels and unable to wake up. But I have never given up, and have been influencing and guiding her with my own actions, hoping that she can change her concept.

In this way, with my unremitting efforts, Zhang Xue finally began to waver. She began to accept my views and agree with the practice of marriage. Since then, we have truly achieved an equal division of labor between housework and children's education, trusting and respecting each other.

It was a bit uncomfortable at first, but we quickly got the hang of it. Every week we will discuss the division of labor, and life will go by in an orderly manner. Occasionally, there will be disagreements, but as long as you sit down and communicate, you will be sure to find a solution that is acceptable to both parties.

In this way, our family became more harmonious and happier. Together, we contribute to the family and achieve true equality between men and women. This is the happiest and most satisfying way of life!

Perhaps in the eyes of others, our approach is very unusual and unconventional. But for us, it's the best expression of a happy life. Through our actions, we are influencing and promoting the whole society, setting a good example for future generations.

I sincerely hope that one day, the whole society will accept this new concept of life. At that time, gender discrimination will cease to exist, men and women will be truly equal, and family responsibilities will be shared equitably. What a wonderful society it would be, and we are working tirelessly for this bright future.

"Wife, AA marriage, I won't pay for you to have a child" "No need to pay, the child is my surname"