
The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3

author:Rare historical mushrooms





The women committed suicide one after another, and their families were brutally slaughtered, but no one was spared.

The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3

After the Japanese army occupied Nanjing, they celebrated and took pictures on the edge of the Huangling Tomb

The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3

A collection of nostalgic old photos that carry good memories: Sophie Marceau Sophie Marceau

The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3

In the Haybar Oasis in northwestern Saudi Arabia, archaeologists have uncovered a nine-mile-long fortification dating back about 4,000 years that surrounds the oasis and protects its inhabitants.

The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3

This is the longest car in the world, it seems that the subway has derailed, I really don't know how this car turns?

The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3

1970 Porsche Zuffenhausen plant

The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3

Almanac from the 70s

The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3

In 1959, the world's first Barbie doll was exhibited at the American Toy Show in New York City. The little girl behind her is still holding an introduction card in her hand, and her eyes are full of likes.

The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3

On July 13, 2001, Beijing's successful bid for the Olympic Games was published, and the newspaper published a picture of the celebration of Beijing's successful bid for the Olympic Games

The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3

The Japanese even poured red-hot coals into their crotches, and in the end, four women were brutally killed by the Japanese army with bayonets in the stomach.

The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3

In the 1950s, the Spring Festival was celebrated

The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3

Old photos of Daqing Gate, Zhonghua Gate, Tiananmen Square, and Wumen Gate a hundred years agoFigure 1-2: Daqing Gate Figure 3-5: Zhonghua Gate (Daqing Gate was changed to Zhonghua Gate in 1912) Figure 6-9: Tiananmen Square Figure 10-11: Wumen Gate is selected from "Hidden Images of the Forbidden City: Imperial Buildings in Diorama".

The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3

Shijiazhuang. A postcard of Shijiazhuang street scene photos taken and published during the Japanese invasion of China. Old photos of Shijiazhuang are rare

The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3

The set of "The Last Emperor".

The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3

Nanchong Silk Weaving Factory in the 90s. In the 80s and 90s, the textile factory in Nanchong was once very prosperous, with more than 3,000 employees.

The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3

964 Life Encyclopedia You Don't Know

The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3

From December 1 to 8, 1974, at the invitation of DPRK President Kim Il Sung, Prince Norodom Sihanouk, head of state of Cambodia and chairman of the Cambodian National United Front, paid a goodwill visit to the DPRK, and Kim Il Sung personally greeted him at the station

The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3

German photographer Hedda Morrison

The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3

This is the flower boat of Guangzhou, which can also be called the green house on the water.

The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3

In the late Qing Dynasty, a large family lived in the courtyard

The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3

A review of classic old photos that show the style of the past: the Northeast in the 30s

The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3

Old photograph of the streets of Shanghai, 1990

The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3

On behalf of German prisoners of war were forced to see the horrific images that took place in the Nazi concentration camps

The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3

670 life encyclopedia you don't know

The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3

It's a good idea, sheltered from the wind and rain, and it's still durable.

The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3

【Old photo】In 1988, the streets of Suzhou in the drizzle

The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3

The top comes out first, can the bottom win?!?!!!!!

The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3

In 1972, old photos of Beijing were super talked

The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3

1917-1919 Cinematographer Gambo in the lens of Kaifeng

The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3

The bride who is walking out

The atrocities of the Japanese invaders: women were humiliated to death, while others were disabled for life.3