
My mother-in-law was hospitalized, and I asked her to be discharged from the hospital to come to my house to recuperate, and I was amazed by what the other three brothers did

author:Keen to talk about the car

My mother-in-law was hospitalized, why did I tell my sister-in-law to keep it secret? The truth behind it is heartwarming

My mother-in-law was hospitalized, and I asked her to be discharged from the hospital to come to my house to recuperate, and I was amazed by what the other three brothers did

When my mother-in-law was sick and hospitalized, why did I ask my wife not to leak the news? There is a heartwarming and touching story behind this. Let's walk into this story together and feel the warmth and depth of family affection.

My name is Xiaohui, I am 32 years old, and I am an ordinary office worker. My husband and I have been married for five years and we have a lovely daughter who lives an ordinary and happy life. In this family, the mother-in-law is a very important person, she is the spiritual pillar of our family and a mentor and friend in our lives.

My mother-in-law is over 70 years old this year and has not been in good health. Recently, she was admitted to the hospital due to an accidental fall. My husband and I are very worried about her health and take time out to visit her in the hospital every day.

During my mother-in-law's hospitalization, I found that she was very concerned about her mother-in-law's condition and often asked about her mother-in-law's physical condition. I appreciate her concern, but at the same time I am a little worried. Because I know that Fei Juan is a straightforward person, if she knows the true condition of her mother-in-law, she is likely to accidentally leak the news and let others know.

So, I decided to talk to my sister-in-law. I said to her, "I've seen all the care you have shown to your mother-in-law lately, and I really appreciate you." However, there is one thing I would like to ask you to help keep secret. She looked at me with some confusion and asked, "What's the matter? so mysterious?"

My mother-in-law was hospitalized, and I asked her to be discharged from the hospital to come to my house to recuperate, and I was amazed by what the other three brothers did

I took a deep breath and whispered, "My mother-in-law's condition is quite serious, and I don't want her to be disturbed and pressured by the outside world too much. So, I hope you can keep it a secret for the time being and don't talk about it to anyone else. ”

The concubine listened to my words and looked at me with some surprise. She probably didn't expect me to make such a request. I know she might think I'm a little too much, but I can't care about that much. I just want my mother-in-law to be able to recuperate without any disturbance.

My mother-in-law was hospitalized, and I asked her to be discharged from the hospital to come to my house to recuperate, and I was amazed by what the other three brothers did

The concubine was silent for a while, then nodded and said, "I understand." Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret. I listened to her words and breathed a sigh of relief. I know that she is a kind person, and she will definitely comply with my request.

Sure enough, in the following days, Yujuan did not mention anything about her mother-in-law's illness. She still cares about her mother-in-law as usual, but pays more attention to protecting her mother-in-law's privacy. I also feel more at ease taking care of my mother-in-law and no longer worry about her illness being leaked out.

My mother-in-law was hospitalized, and I asked her to be discharged from the hospital to come to my house to recuperate, and I was amazed by what the other three brothers did

During my mother-in-law's hospitalization, my relationship with my sister-in-law also became closer and more harmonious. We often discuss together how to better take care of my mother-in-law and share our experiences and experiences. Our tacit understanding and cooperation made my mother-in-law feel more love and warmth.

Finally, under the careful care of the doctors and us, my mother-in-law's condition gradually improved. On the day she was discharged from the hospital, I went with my concubine to pick her up. When my mother-in-law learned that we had been keeping her condition a secret, she was so moved that tears glistened in her eyes. She took me and my sister-in-law's hands and said with emotion: "You are really my good daughter-in-law! You care so much about me, take care of me, and keep it secret for me." I really don't know how to thank you guys!"

My concubine and I looked at each other and smiled, and said, "Mom, you are our family, of course we have to care about you." As long as you are healthy and happy, we are satisfied. ”

When my mother-in-law heard our words, she was moved to tears. She held our hands tightly, as if she wanted to keep this warmth and gratitude in her heart forever.

Now, my mother-in-law has recovered as before, and our lives have returned to their former peace and happiness. And the friendship between me and my concubine has become deeper and more sincere because of this. Whenever we think back to the days when we jointly protected our mother-in-law, we will feel extremely warm and touched.

In this family, we have learned to cherish family affection and care for each other. We believe that as long as we are grateful and support each other, we will be able to overcome every difficulty in life and create a better future together.

And all of this stems from the initial commitment to confidentiality about the mother-in-law's condition. It makes us know more about cherishing and protecting the health and happiness of our families, and it also makes us more firmly believe in the power and warmth of family affection.