
A Parisian girl who came to China for an exchange program feels after living in China for one month

author:The story of you, me, him

A surprising experience where cultures collide

For this girl from Paris, France, her experience of living in China is truly incredible. As an exchange student, she originally had infinite curiosity and yearning for China, a mysterious oriental country. However, when she was truly in this passionate land, she experienced all kinds of novelty and shock, but it was far beyond her imagination.

Security has always been one of the biggest concerns foreigners have about China. But when the girl returned at night, she was pleasantly surprised to find that the security situation in Chinese society was unexpectedly good. Even in the middle of the night, she was able to return home unharmed, never in any danger. What makes her feel new is that cameras can be seen everywhere in China, even when taking a taxi. For a while, she couldn't help but feel that her every move was under control, and she felt a little uneasy.

A Parisian girl who came to China for an exchange program feels after living in China for one month

But soon, she was relieved. It is thanks to the strict monitoring system that the harmony and tranquility of China's public security have been created. There's no doubt that safety is the biggest bottom line in life and the top priority of the travel experience. With this premise, she can fully appreciate the unique charm of Chinese culture.

What shocked this girl from the romantic capital the most was the "king treatment" she enjoyed as a foreigner in a nightclub. She was incredibly surprised to find that she didn't need any proof at all, and as an expatriate, she was able to enter and exit the nightclub automatically and unimpeded. What's even more surprising is that as soon as she enters the nightclub, someone will take the initiative to entertain her, not only can she drink any alcohol for free, but also cover all her expenses, and even send someone to take care of her transportation.

Never imagined that she would receive such a "high-standard" hospitality in a foreign country, and this Miss Paris was truly flattered. The hospitality of the Chinese to foreign friends was really eye-opening for her. Perhaps, this is where the traditional virtue of the Chinese in treating guests lies.

The witty and funny cultural differences

Despite the unexpected benefits she received in China, the Parisian girl also experienced a lot of cultural encounters and shocks. Some Chinese living habits and customs really make her feel fresh and interesting, and even a little confused.

She mentioned that the streets of China are spotlessly clean, and there is not even a cigarette butt visible on the road, which is pleasing to the eye. But ironically, you can still occasionally see some "death spit" lying on the side of the street, which is the thick saliva spit of some elderly people from the depths of their hearts.

A Parisian girl who came to China for an exchange program feels after living in China for one month

As a Westerner, she naturally felt extremely unfamiliar and incomprehensible about this kind of behavior. However, for Chinese, this bad habit of spitting has long been ingrained and has become a stubborn disease. This is the interesting experience brought by cultural differences, and it also reflects that some of our Chinese's less civilized living habits need to be improved and improved.

The cost of living is naturally also a major concern for foreigners. The girl found that prices were simply too cheap compared to France, especially when it came to eating and shopping online. She gave a vivid example, it takes about 10 minutes to drive from her residence to the school, and if you take a taxi, it will only cost 9 yuan, which is only 1.2 euros converted into euros, and if you carpool for 3 people, it will only cost 1/3 per person, which is really super affordable.

However, she has also found that the consumption of some Western-style food and beverages is higher in China. In general, spending on food and online shopping is low, but the prices of entertainment and some imported goods are relatively high. This also reflects China's current level of economic development.

The payment method has undoubtedly brought a new experience to the French girl. She finds it most incredible that there is no need to use cash and credit cards in China, and mobile phones are the universal means of payment. Just download two apps on your mobile phone and scan the QR code to complete all transactions, which is incredibly efficient. The convenience of this kind of mobile payment is really eye-opening for her.

Of course, the language barrier is always the biggest obstacle for all foreigners living in China. Although this Parisian girl studied Chinese at school, she still relies on translation software to communicate with Chinese. However, she said that she will work hard to learn Chinese so that she can better integrate into local life.

A Parisian girl who came to China for an exchange program feels after living in China for one month

Despite the slight discomfort caused by the cultural differences, she was still fascinated by the new experience of living in China. She loves this beautiful and magical oriental country, and there are so many interesting things to know and explore.

However, through the personal experience of this Parisian girl, it is not difficult to find that in today's globalized world, the exchange and mutual learning between different cultures has become the general trend. As the inheritors of Eastern and Western civilizations, mutual understanding and tolerance between the Chinese and Western peoples are particularly important. Only by understanding and learning from each other's traditional cultures with an open and inclusive mind can we eliminate estrangement, enhance friendship, and contribute to building a community with a shared future for mankind.

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