
"Go to the front line, to the scene, face to face", the first employment wisdom island activity was successfully held

author:Iceman L


"Shocking! On the front-line scene, job seekers are facing real survival challenges!"


"Do you think that going to the front line, going to the scene, and facing each other is a simple job search activity? Wrong! Today we will unveil the real face of the front-line employment scene, so that you can see the real difficulties and challenges of job seekers. ”

1. Ushering in the first session, how to lead the front-line employment wisdom island?

"Go to the front line, to the scene, face to face", the first employment wisdom island activity was successfully held

The first service activity of Tianjin Binhai New Area Employment Intelligence Island was held in full swing in the new town. More than 30 job seekers gathered together to seek policy interpretation, experience sharing and employment guidance, which was a real feast of job search wisdom.

Second, policy interpretation, real wisdom set sail

At the beginning of the event, policy experts explained in detail the policies related to job search, employment and security, and they explained the meaning and scope of application of the policies in easy-to-understand language.

3. Experience sharing, wisdom transmission and exchange

Career guidance experts shared a wealth of successful experiences, not only about their own job search journeys, but also about effective methods and skills to deal with difficult situations. These valuable experiences point the way forward for job seekers.

"Go to the front line, to the scene, face to face", the first employment wisdom island activity was successfully held

Fourth, interactive exchanges, the warmth and help of true feelings

The event was full of enthusiasm and warmth, and the experts had a full interaction with the job seekers. They patiently listened to the confusion and questions of job seekers, and provided targeted advice and help, so that everyone felt genuinely cared for and supported.

Fifth, open a new chapter and the road to high-quality employment

The successful holding of the Employment Intelligence Island has laid a solid foundation for the realization of high-quality employment. Through policy interpretation, experience sharing and interactive exchanges, the event provided valuable help and support for job seekers, and also opened a new chapter in future employment.


"Go to the front line, to the scene, face to face", the first employment wisdom island activity was successfully held

"The reality of the frontline employment scene is far more complex than you think. Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share your views and suggestions on the on-site job search activities, and let us discuss together and contribute to achieving higher quality employment!"

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