
On April 7th, check in 23 kilometers and run 23 kilometers in one go, in the middle

author:Listen to the wind on a rainy day

On April 7, I ran a full 23 kilometers, did not eat, drink or go to the toilet halfway, and finally stopped because I was a little hungry. This running experience was not only a workout, but also a test of running skills and preparation. So, on the way to prepare for the 5.19 Yinchuan Marathon, how should we better prepare? What details should we pay attention to during the running process? Let's discuss together!

First of all, replenishment during the run is crucial. Long-distance running consumes a lot of energy and water, so it's essential to replenish water and carbohydrates in a timely manner during your run. You can prepare some easy-to-carry energy foods, such as energy gels, energy bars, etc., to maintain physical strength and replenish water.

On April 7th, check in 23 kilometers and run 23 kilometers in one go, in the middle

Secondly, proper rest and toilet use are also important. Long hours of running can easily lead to physical fatigue and bladder discomfort, so it is necessary to stop and rest on the road or find a place to address your physiological needs. This relieves physical fatigue and improves the comfort and efficiency of running.

In addition, it is important to arrange the training plan properly. Running requires consistent training and continuous improvement of physical fitness and endurance in daily training. Having a scientific and reasonable training plan, including interval training, long-distance training and speed training, can help us better prepare for the marathon.

On April 7th, check in 23 kilometers and run 23 kilometers in one go, in the middle

Finally, keep an eye on your body's signals at all times. During running, if you feel unwell or have abnormal symptoms, be sure to stop exercising and seek medical attention in time. Health is always the most important thing, and only by protecting your body can you better enjoy the fun and sense of accomplishment of running.

To sum up, preparing for a marathon requires a scientific and reasonable training plan and a reasonable diet, and at the same time, you should also pay attention to your body's signals and protect your health. I hope every runner can achieve better results in future races!

On April 7th, check in 23 kilometers and run 23 kilometers in one go, in the middle