
The man test-drove a Rolls-Royce and was encouraged by sales, and he talked to sales: he could judge the purchasing power of the other party at a glance, but he would not classify people, and he hoped to respect each other

The man test-drove a Rolls-Royce and was encouraged by sales, and he talked to sales: he could judge the purchasing power of the other party at a glance, but he would not classify people, and he hoped to respect each other

Nine News

2024-04-10 13:10Posted on the official account of Hubei Wuhan Morning News Jiupai News

Recently, in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, a man walked into a Rolls-Royce store, hoping to experience what it was like to sit in a luxury car. The sales received him warmly, and when he took out the plastic bag and planned to spread it on the seat, the sales asked him to sit directly and feel it.

At the end of the man's experience, he sighed, "I don't think I will have the opportunity to drive this car in this life." The salesman encouraged him: "Don't think so, no one knows what the future holds." ”

This video warmed a lot of people, many people left messages, and this message also encouraged them. Some people took out a photo of themselves with a luxury car in 2015, saying that it was the salesman who received him at that time and enthusiastically helped him take pictures.

The man test-drove a Rolls-Royce and was encouraged by sales, and he talked to sales: he could judge the purchasing power of the other party at a glance, but he would not classify people, and he hoped to respect each other

Rolls-Royce sales Li Zhangchao encourages test drive men. Screenshot of picture/video

Jiupai News contacted Li Zhangchao, the sales person in the video, who has been in the industry for 16 years and has worked as a sales consultant for different car brands. He sighed that he was the one who got the most warmth and encouragement in this matter, and he knew very well that he was just using the aura of the brand to do a qualified sales job, but he unexpectedly received so much attention and praise.

In the past few days after the video became popular, he received nearly 1,000 private messages, and he worked hard to read them and replied to them one by one. "Warmth needs to be delivered, others respect you, you can't do without a response. Li Zhangchao said.

He admits that as a senior salesperson, he does have the skill to recognize at a glance whether a person has purchasing power, but he hasn't used it for a long time. "Because this skill is very bad, it is not appropriate to distinguish between three, six, nine and so on by other people's clothing. In fact, as long as you dress cleanly, it is a sign of respect for me. ”

Dialogue with Li Zhangchao.

[1] "It's actually me who gets the most warmth"

Jiupai News: How did this video affect you?

Li Zhangchao: In the past few days, I have received a lot of private messages, not one or two thousand, but seven or eight hundred. Two days ago, I replied to each one, and now I can't reply, and after replying to 99 refreshes, another 99 have come out. You can only give them a thumbs up and interact with them.

Yesterday it was back to one or two o'clock in the morning, and I got up again at 7 o'clock this morning to watch. I didn't eat lunch for the first two days, and a cup of coffee was done.

I didn't copy and paste, I just read what they wrote carefully and replied according to the situation. People type so many words, it is respect for you, I can't do without a response. Warmth needs to be transmitted, he gave me warmth, I don't return it, it happens two or three times, he won't give warmth to others.

Jiupai News: Have there been more customers who have come to the store for test drives recently?

Li Zhangchao: In the past few days, a lot of young children have come to me to take pictures with me and chat.

I was touched by what a child said the day before yesterday, he was 25 years old, called my brother, and said that he wanted to be rotten, but listening to what I said, I felt that it was better not to mess up.

Now there are more than a dozen groups of customers who come to the store every day. The night before, when we were ready to turn off the lights, I saw three young men in their twenties lingering at the door for three to five minutes. I asked them if they wanted to come in and have a look. They came to Xi'an from other places for a tour, and they were leaving the next day, but they were worried that I would have to get off work, so they were embarrassed to come in.

They did see me online, but I think that the store should come to see the car, not to see me, I'm just a little person under the halo.

They wanted to feel the Rolls-Royce, but were embarrassed to say. I said, since you're here, you have to feel it. A lot of people probably say, I want a Rolls-Royce. Maybe I think it's expensive, but I don't know what's good about it. I'll tell them what's good about the car, so it's relatively expensive.

The man test-drove a Rolls-Royce and was encouraged by sales, and he talked to sales: he could judge the purchasing power of the other party at a glance, but he would not classify people, and he hoped to respect each other

Li Zhangchao. Photo / provided by the interviewee

Jiupai News: Does it affect your normal work?

Li Zhangchao: Fortunately, not only am I receiving them, but the other three colleagues in the store are also very enthusiastic and receive them with standard professionalism.

In the past few days, most of the people who have seen the video are young people, and they are preparing to enter the society to fight, but they are all a little dazed, and I think it's good to be able to talk to them.

These days, a lot of people of different genders and ages send me messages saying thank you. My tears are not low, but when I see this information, I still can't help but have tears rolling in my eyes. Actually, I didn't do anything, I just did what a qualified salesperson should do.

Many friends also contacted me after seeing the news, saying that after so many years of hard work, they were finally recognized by everyone, and this sentence touched me the most.

Jiupai News: What do your customers say about this, and does anyone choose to buy a car from you because of this video?

Li Zhangchao: Recently, there are one or two, not many. Customers themselves will have their own plans for buying a car, and they will have their own arrangements.

But there are a lot of customers who have already bought cars to send me messages, and I have received at least fifty such calls, and they will say to me, "Zhang Chao, you are great, come on." It may be busy lately, so take a break. "I think it's actually me who gets the most warmth and emotion from this incident.

[2] Hope leaves a seed of hope in everyone's heart

Jiupai News: Why did you have such a conversation with the blogger "Human Boys" at that time?

Li Zhangchao: The scene that day was similar to what he presented in the video. As soon as he got in the car, he took the plastic bag and planned to spread it on the saddle, which was already a sign of respect for me and the brand. Since he respects me, I should return the same respect. So I asked him to take the plastic bag off and feel it fully.

After seeing the video, many friends said to me, "Zhang Chao, this is indeed your style, you are usually like this." "I'm a more emotional person, and I usually like to encourage people around me, including my lover and my friends.

Jiupai News: Some netizens left a message, saying that in 2015, I rode a bicycle to a luxury car 4S store, and you also received him, do you remember?

Li Zhangchao: I don't remember much, but he commented to me that he wanted to see a certain car, and I said, "Okay, you go up and sit down, and I'll take a picture of you." ”

We can't really remember these things, because our job is to be a qualified sales consultant, and where qualification comes from, it is reflected in these daily details.

The man test-drove a Rolls-Royce and was encouraged by sales, and he talked to sales: he could judge the purchasing power of the other party at a glance, but he would not classify people, and he hoped to respect each other

Netizens left a message that they visited a luxury car in 2015 and were received by Li Zhangchao. Picture/Screenshot of the webpage

Jiupai News: In the past, were there any customers in the store who simply wanted to come and experience it?

Li Zhangchao: Yes, especially those with children, who said they wanted to come and have a look. I will accompany the children to have a look and chat. The little boy, in particular, likes cars and will ask "Uncle, what kind of car is this, and what is the difference between it and other cars?" I'll tell them about it.

I've always believed that you can't break someone else's confidence. I hope that after the lecture, a Rolls-Royce seed will be left in their hearts. This seed can't even be a car, it's something else, it's a seed of hope.

Coming to the store to see the car is just an act, not just entering the store to take a photo and going home. I hope that everyone has a Rolls-Royce in their hearts, and everyone can achieve their ideals through their own efforts.

Jiupai News: Many of your clients are self-made?

Li Zhangchao: You may not believe it, but more than 95% of my clients are self-made. We only see their glamorous side, and there is a lot of hard work behind them that we don't know.

One day, I was eating out with my friends, and I passed downstairs in the client's office at 1 a.m. and found that the lights were still on. I sent him a message: "You're still busy at this late hour, pay attention to your body." He said, "It's all right, if you're nearby, come up and talk for a while." "I left at almost two o'clock, and he was still working.

It's normal for them, they work really hard. People succeed through hard work, but young people always feel that this is chicken soup.

I'm really looking forward to having a young guy who 10 years ago was determined to buy a Rolls-Royce and 10 years later he really did. I not only hope but think that this will happen.

[3] You can tell at a glance whether the other party has spending power, but you haven't used this skill for a long time

Jiupai News: Can you judge at a glance whether a person has the purchasing power?

Li Zhangchao: I have this skill, but I don't use it anymore because it's very bad. It is not advisable to distinguish between three, six, nine, and so on by other people's clothing. In fact, as long as you dress cleanly, it is a sign of respect for me, and if you wash your hair before you see me, it is too respectful.

I haven't used this skill for five or six years, and it's a shift in sales philosophy. Don't judge anyone, even if you know that he doesn't buy it, don't have any classification, just treat him as a guest at my house.

I don't know why there is such a change, maybe it is that I am getting older and can experience more. Everyone who came into our store didn't come to me, but because of the aura of the brand. I've got my fair paycheck, and I'm going to do my job and receive every guest who comes in.

The man test-drove a Rolls-Royce and was encouraged by sales, and he talked to sales: he could judge the purchasing power of the other party at a glance, but he would not classify people, and he hoped to respect each other

Li Zhangchao. Photo / provided by the interviewee

Jiupai News: Do I need capital verification to test drive in a Rolls-Royce 4S store?

Li Zhangchao: No, what right do I have to test your assets?

I have worked on this platform for so many years and have never heard of the need for capital verification. I don't even know how this came about.

Now, if someone asks if they need capital verification, I can tell them in a casual chat, "No, come in with confidence." "Just take it with you.

Jiupai News: How long have you been doing car sales and why did you choose to do this job?

Li Zhangchao: Actually, I started selling cars in 2008, and I wanted a job working with people. After a few brands, I finally came to Rolls-Royce.

This is also the fulfillment of my Rolls-Royce dream, although it does not stop in my basement, but it stops in my mind, in my work environment.

Jiupai News reporter Wang Jiaqing

Edited by Ren Zhuo Wen Yanli

[Source: Jiupai News]

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