
The koi girl who was hit by Ma Yun: After Alipay won the lottery and squandered 100 million yuan for 1 year, what happened now

author:Apple talks about the past and the present

In December 2023, Derpy has reappeared in everyone's field of vision. The "Chinese Koi", who unexpectedly won the lottery and became rich overnight, has finally come out of the predicament.

She mustered up the courage to face all kinds of doubts from netizens frankly, and showed them what she looked like to stand up again.

The koi girl who was hit by Ma Yun: After Alipay won the lottery and squandered 100 million yuan for 1 year, what happened now

"I know I have left a lot of regrets and regrets in the past, but I want to tell you that I have really come back on my feet. Derpy took a deep breath and stared at the message on the phone screen, "After so many ups and downs, I have finally found my own direction in life.

Previously, Derpy had become a "billionaire" overnight because of a sensational "Alipay Koi" event that caused a sensation around the world. Without hesitation, she quit her job and plunged into the ocean of globetrotting.

However, this huge wealth and opportunity eventually became a stumbling block in her life. In just one year, Derpy has gone from being the "Chinese koi" that everyone envies to being a "stupid fish devoured by money".

Job loss, credit card overruns, and loan sharks not only crushed her finances, but even caused her to suffer from depression.

"It was really the darkest time of my life for me. Derpy sighed softly, "I used to have a decent job and a happy life, but because of a whim, I fell into a deep predicament.

The koi girl who was hit by Ma Yun: After Alipay won the lottery and squandered 100 million yuan for 1 year, what happened now

Despite all the ordeals, Derpy eventually gets back on his feet. She is honest about her experience and no longer tries to cover up her past mistakes.

"I know I have a lot of regrets for everyone, but I want to tell everyone that I have found my way forward again.

In order to shake off the shadows of the past, Derpy is determined to start anew. After a long period of study and hard work, she finally successfully obtained the teaching certificate. Now, she has successfully found a job as a teacher, and is working hard day and night, living an ordinary and happy life, and returning to the ranks of ordinary people.

From a "Chinese koi" who won the lottery by accident to a teacher who is now back on his feet, Derpy's life experience has been like a roller coaster. But it was these setbacks and lessons that made her rediscover the true meaning of life and understand that any gain requires hard work.

The koi girl who was hit by Ma Yun: After Alipay won the lottery and squandered 100 million yuan for 1 year, what happened now

Today's Derpy is using her practical actions to prove that she has come out of the shadows of the past and regained her dreams.

The ups and downs of life

Before that, Derpy's life could not have been more ordinary. She worked in an IT company, and with her own efforts, she was quickly promoted and raised, and lived a happy life that was the envy of many people.

However, in 2018, an unprecedented "Alipay Koi" event completely subverted the trajectory of her life.

The koi girl who was hit by Ma Yun: After Alipay won the lottery and squandered 100 million yuan for 1 year, what happened now

That year, Alipay launched this grand prize worth up to 100 million yuan, attracting the participation of countless users. As a loyal Alipay user, Derpy also participated in this activity with the mentality of giving it a try.

Who would have thought that in just a few days, she would actually win this prize? This result not only made Derpy himself unbelievable, but even Alipay officials expressed sincere congratulations on it. "I couldn't believe I was going to win.

This unexpected fortune completely changes the trajectory of Derpy's life. She decisively submitted her resignation to her old club and began to plan her upcoming trip around the world with all her heart.

The koi girl who was hit by Ma Yun: After Alipay won the lottery and squandered 100 million yuan for 1 year, what happened now

Surprisingly, this grand prize worth 100 million is not completely distributed in the form of cash, but through a variety of rich exchange coupons. These vouchers include free travel to more than 40 countries at home and abroad, which is undoubtedly a hard-won courtesy for Derpy.

So, Derpy embarks on this journey around the world with great anticipation. She seized this rare opportunity to leave a beautiful presence in various exotic cities.

On social media, she shared her wonderful moments with the majority of netizens and became a small Internet celebrity who attracted much attention.

However, this seemingly carefree trip has left an irreparable scar on Derpy. Long-term fatigue and lack of sleep have made her physical and mental condition deteriorate.

The koi girl who was hit by Ma Yun: After Alipay won the lottery and squandered 100 million yuan for 1 year, what happened now

For most of 2018, she was in and out of the hospital more often than in all previous years combined.

What's even more distressing is that this seemingly generous grand prize has also become a heavy burden for Derpy. While there are many vouchers that can be used to offset the cost of flights or hotels, she will still have to pay for the other expenses.

In order to receive as many of these gifts as possible, Derpy not only depleted his savings of more than 200,000 yuan, but even had to resort to bank loans to pay off his mounting debts.

"I was so naïve. "I thought these vouchers were the equivalent of 'free' money, completely ignoring the hidden costs behind them.

The koi girl who was hit by Ma Yun: After Alipay won the lottery and squandered 100 million yuan for 1 year, what happened now

As a result, I ended up in huge debt.

From an ordinary office worker to a veritable "billionaire", Derpy's life experience has been a rollercoaster of ups and downs. She thought that this huge wealth could bring her endless happiness, but she didn't expect it to end up being a stumbling block in her life.

The arduous journey, physical and mental torture, and heavy financial burden have transformed Derpy from a hopeful "Chinese koi" into a "stupid fish devoured by money".

The lessons of this experience make Derpy finally realize that there is no such thing as "pie in the sky" in life. Any harvest requires hard work and a price, and it cannot be fooled by appearances.

The koi girl who was hit by Ma Yun: After Alipay won the lottery and squandered 100 million yuan for 1 year, what happened now

Her life story vividly illustrates this truth and sets a cautionary benchmark for all.

Fall and rebirth

As time passes, Derpy begins to feel the heavy cost of this wealth. Not only is the physical and mental exhaustion, but the economic situation is also deteriorating. Eventually, under the torture of long-term stress, she was diagnosed with depression.

"It was really my darkest time. "I feel like a complete fool, swallowed up by money and left with nothing left."

The koi girl who was hit by Ma Yun: After Alipay won the lottery and squandered 100 million yuan for 1 year, what happened now

In order to pay off his high debt as soon as possible, Derpy finally decides to return to the workplace. However, her experience in the IT industry was somewhat outdated, and a one-year career gap left her frustrated in her job search.

Just when she was confused, a mysterious company extended an olive branch to her and offered extremely generous conditions.

"They said that they only needed my help to forward the so-called 'one-yuan transfer koi' activity, and they could earn 5 million yuan. Derpy blinked, "As a former 'Chinese koi', I have amassed a large number of loyal fans online, and they think I can use this to easily attract people.

So, at the behest of this mysterious company, Derpy once again became the focus of attention. She launched this sensational retweet campaign to her fans, and it quickly attracted a huge amount of attention and participation.

The koi girl who was hit by Ma Yun: After Alipay won the lottery and squandered 100 million yuan for 1 year, what happened now

However, just as the event was in full swing, the organizers suddenly announced that it was a fraud and took corresponding measures.

"I really didn't realize at the time that there might be a problem behind this. Derpy sighed, "I just believed the other party's promise, and I didn't go into the details of the event at all.

As a result, I became a victim again and was condemned by everyone.

This incident not only destroyed Derpy's dream of becoming an Internet celebrity, but also completely shattered her fan base that she had accumulated over the years. No matter what she sells, no one cares.

The koi girl who was hit by Ma Yun: After Alipay won the lottery and squandered 100 million yuan for 1 year, what happened now

This heavy blow made her completely give up the idea of becoming an Internet celebrity and look for other career development directions.

Having just experienced the hardships of a huge fortune, Derpy is once again facing many obstacles in life. Unemployed, riddled with debt, and a damaged reputation, these setbacks have put her in a desperate situation like never before.

At this time, she finally realized that regaining her dream was the most important thing.

"It was really the darkest time of my life for me. "I used to have a decent job and a good life, but I was in a deep predicament because of a whim.

The koi girl who was hit by Ma Yun: After Alipay won the lottery and squandered 100 million yuan for 1 year, what happened now

Just as Derpy is in despair, she suddenly thinks about the education she has loved since she was a child. With the knowledge she had accumulated over the years, she decided to return to her studies and pursue her teaching certificate to devote herself to this new field.

"I've had a passion for teaching since I was a kid. "Despite all the twists and turns, I felt like this was the path I should really take."

So, Derpy put everything down and threw himself into the process of preparing for the exam. She went to work during the day and studied hard at night, living a life with little rest for months on end.

Finally, on that day in December 2023, she got her teaching certificate as she wished.

The koi girl who was hit by Ma Yun: After Alipay won the lottery and squandered 100 million yuan for 1 year, what happened now

"At that moment, I felt like I had a new lease on life. "This is not just a certificate, but also a sign of my determination to pick up my dream again."

From a "Chinese Koi" who wins the lottery by accident, to a "silly fish" who sinks into the whirlpool of money, to a teacher who finally regains his strength, Derpy's life experience is like a roller coaster.

In the process of sinking and being reborn again and again, she finally recognized the true meaning of life and understood that any harvest requires hard work. Now she is proving this truth with her own practical actions.

The happiness of ordinary life

The koi girl who was hit by Ma Yun: After Alipay won the lottery and squandered 100 million yuan for 1 year, what happened now

Before that, Derpy's life could not have been more ordinary. She worked in an IT company, and with her own efforts, she was quickly promoted and raised, and lived a happy life that was the envy of many people.

"At that time, I was living an ordinary life. Derpy recalled, "Between two o'clock and one line, one side is the company, the other side is home, and life is delicious."

Thanks to his excellent work performance, Derpy's salary is getting more and more generous. She is constantly improving in her work and has a bright future. Not only that, but Derpy's life is also very organized, and he has a good relationship with his family and friends.

It can be said that before she met that opportunity, she lived the ordinary and happy life that most people dream of.

The koi girl who was hit by Ma Yun: After Alipay won the lottery and squandered 100 million yuan for 1 year, what happened now

"I'm grateful for my life back then. There was a hint of nostalgia in Derpy's tone, "It's ordinary, but it's full of flavor." I never imagined that such a day would change.

However, in 2018, an unprecedented "Alipay Koi" event completely subverted the trajectory of Derpy's life. This grand prize, worth as much as 100 million yuan, instantly turned her from an ordinary white-collar worker to a "billionaire".

"I couldn't believe I was going to win.

This unexpected fortune makes Derpy re-examine her life. She decisively submitted her resignation to her old club and began to devote herself to the planning of her round-the-world trips.

The koi girl who was hit by Ma Yun: After Alipay won the lottery and squandered 100 million yuan for 1 year, what happened now

"I was so naïve. "I thought these vouchers were the equivalent of 'free' money, completely ignoring the hidden costs behind them.

It was this naivety that put Derpy in a deep predicament. From an ordinary person with a decent job and a happy life, to finally becoming a "stupid fish devoured by money", her life journey is full of ups and downs.

Now, Derpy has picked herself up and regained her dreams. She is deeply aware that the so-called "pie in the sky" is just a fictional legend, and any harvest requires hard work and price.

From an ordinary office worker to a "Chinese koi", and then from a "silly fish" to a teacher who is now standing up again, Derpy's life journey is impressive. Her story vividly illustrates the true meaning of life and sets a cautionary point for all.

The koi girl who was hit by Ma Yun: After Alipay won the lottery and squandered 100 million yuan for 1 year, what happened now

At any time, don't be deceived by appearances, only by relying on your own efforts, can you create a beautiful life that truly belongs to you.


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