
Unexpectedly, at the beginning of April, Huang Chengcheng, a literary and artistic soldier of the air politics, slapped the capital in the face in this way

author:Lucky Forum

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Unexpectedly, at the beginning of April, Huang Chengcheng, a literary and artistic soldier of the air politics, slapped the capital in the face in this way

Editor: Lucky Forum

Huang Chengcheng's comedy feast

From Huang Chengcheng's outstanding performance in the new drama "Walking with the Phoenix" to his persistent pursuit of art, everything seems to be so eye-catching. The blockbuster of this Northeast boss made people look at his acting skills with admiration, and also triggered a deep reflection on the current situation of the entertainment industry. Huang Chengcheng's success did not happen overnight, he was a member of the repertory troupe, and he was unknown. However, it was his obsession with art that made him work hard and eventually earned a place in the film and television industry. This old cannon in the Northeast, with his persistence and perseverance, broke out of his own world.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of April, Huang Chengcheng, a literary and artistic soldier of the air politics, slapped the capital in the face in this way

Talent trumps traffic

The current situation in the entertainment industry is deeply worrying. Too many speculative businessmen only pay attention to the traffic and commercial value of stars, and ignore the actors' pursuit of art. However, Huang's success tells us that talent trumps traffic. With his solid acting skills and in-depth understanding of the role, he has won the recognition of the audience and proved the importance of artistic value. Huang Chengcheng shows a deep insight into human nature and true feelings in the comedy. His role is not only a shaping of absurd joy, but also an exploration of human nature. Through exaggerated expressions and movements, he vividly shows the inner world of the character, allowing the audience to feel the truth and beauty of human nature in laughter.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of April, Huang Chengcheng, a literary and artistic soldier of the air politics, slapped the capital in the face in this way

Behind the controversy

Although Huang Chengcheng's success is exciting, it has also set off a heated discussion inside and outside the entertainment industry. In the context of the increasing commercialization of the entertainment industry, people are beginning to question what the true value of an actor should be. Is it to be traffic-oriented and commercial-value-oriented, or should we insist on the persistence and pursuit of art? This question is not easy to answer, because it involves many considerations of culture, market and audience needs. With the rise of the Internet, the entertainment industry has gradually entered the era of traffic. In this era, traffic has become one of the criteria for measuring the value of actors. Investors are more inclined to work with stars with large fan bases and high exposure, and ignore the real performance ability of actors. This phenomenon has led to some actors having to follow the rules in commercial films and popular IPs in order to cater to market demand, and have lost their independent pursuit of art.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of April, Huang Chengcheng, a literary and artistic soldier of the air politics, slapped the capital in the face in this way

Perseverance in art

It is actors like Huang Chengcheng who truly show their dedication and perseverance to art. They are not swayed by traffic, but have won the recognition and respect of the audience through their solid acting skills and in-depth understanding of the characters. What they choose is not to take shortcuts, but to be down-to-earth and speak with strength and works. It is this love and pursuit of art that makes their performances more vivid and full. The audience's aesthetic concept and cultural literacy are crucial to the development of the entertainment industry. A literate audience will pay more attention to the connotation and expression of the work, rather than just pursuing the superficial entertainment effect. If the audience can improve their aesthetic level and have a deeper understanding and appreciation of the artwork, then the actors will also be more motivated to create better works and promote the development of the entire entertainment industry to a higher level.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of April, Huang Chengcheng, a literary and artistic soldier of the air politics, slapped the capital in the face in this way

The importance of education and cultural inheritance

The audience's aesthetic perception is often influenced by education and cultural heritage. Therefore, education and cultural heritage also play an important role in shaping the audience's aesthetic perception. Through education, people can receive more comprehensive and in-depth cultural edification, and improve their artistic accomplishment and appreciation ability. At the same time, cultural inheritance can also allow the audience to better understand and appreciate traditional art forms, so as to expand their own aesthetic vision and cultivate their love and pursuit of art. As one of the main channels for information dissemination, media platforms also bear the responsibility of guiding the audience's aesthetic concepts. Media platforms should pay more attention to the promotion and publicity of high-quality works to improve the audience's awareness and understanding of artworks. At the same time, media platforms should also assume the responsibility of guiding public opinion, guiding audiences to treat entertainment products rationally, not blindly pursuing traffic and popularity, but paying attention to the quality and connotation of works, so as to cultivate a more rational and literate audience.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of April, Huang Chengcheng, a literary and artistic soldier of the air politics, slapped the capital in the face in this way

The actor's self-cultivation and responsibility

Actors should also pay attention to their own cultivation and responsibility. In addition to pursuing the advancement of their acting skills, they should also think about their influence as public figures, as well as their social and cultural responsibilities. Actors should actively participate in public welfare activities, spread positive energy, and guide the audience to establish correct values and aesthetic concepts. Through their own efforts and demonstrations, the actors can also have a positive impact on the audience, guiding them to treat entertainment products more rationally and pay attention to the quality and connotation of the work. As actors, they have more responsibilities and missions on their shoulders. In addition to meeting the needs of the market, they should also take on the responsibility of spreading culture, expressing emotions and transmitting positive energy. Art should not only cater to the market, but also be a kind of emotional release and spiritual sublimation. Therefore, the value of an actor should be based on the persistence and pursuit of art, rather than being swayed by traffic.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of April, Huang Chengcheng, a literary and artistic soldier of the air politics, slapped the capital in the face in this way

The actor's self-cultivation and professional responsibility

In today's entertainment industry, actors need to constantly improve their acting skills and take responsibility for society. In addition to performing well on stage or screen, they should also pay attention to their own cultivation and morality. As public figures, actors' words and deeds may affect the audience, so they need to know how to make the right choices and convey positive values, so as to lead the audience to the correct understanding and pursuit of art. When creating a work of art, the producer should pay more attention to the quality of the script and the level of the director. A good script is the soul of a work of art, and a good director is the key to presenting the connotation of the script. Therefore, producers should put more effort into topic selection and script planning, and strive to provide more valuable and in-depth artworks. Only in this way can we truly satisfy the audience's pursuit of art and create a healthier and more prosperous art ecology.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of April, Huang Chengcheng, a literary and artistic soldier of the air politics, slapped the capital in the face in this way

The importance of rational choice and aesthetic education

In the choice of entertainment products, the audience is often affected by the market and blindly pursues traffic and popularity. However, the truly valuable works are often not those with great commercial blockbusters, but those with greater depth and connotation. Therefore, the audience needs to treat entertainment products more rationally, examine the works from a higher perspective, and make rational choices. In order to achieve this, the audience also needs to receive aesthetic education and self-improvement. The audience's artistic accomplishment and cultural literacy directly affect their understanding and appreciation of artworks. Therefore, the audience should strive to improve their artistic accomplishment and aesthetic level. By reading classic literature, arthouse films, and music, audiences can enrich their cultural heritage and expand their horizons to better understand and appreciate works of art. Only by improving artistic accomplishment and cultural literacy can the audience have a deeper appreciation of the meaning and connotation behind the works, and cultivate a richer and more elegant aesthetic taste.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of April, Huang Chengcheng, a literary and artistic soldier of the air politics, slapped the capital in the face in this way

Diverse cultural experiences and appreciation

Audiences should enhance their art appreciation through various forms of cultural experiences. In addition to reading and watching movies, audiences can also participate in cultural activities such as art exhibitions, concerts, and theatrical performances, so as to obtain a more comprehensive and diversified cultural experience. Through these activities, the audience can be exposed to different types and styles of artworks, enhance their aesthetic perception, and cultivate a more sensitive and independent art appreciation ability. In today's highly commercialized environment of entertainment culture, audiences should be aware of the importance of cultivating individual consciousness and aesthetic independence. Each person has a unique aesthetic concept and value orientation, and this individual consciousness is the basis for our independent thinking and judgment of the world. Therefore, the audience should stick to their own preferences and interests, not be influenced by the outside world, adhere to their own aesthetic standards, and form a unique aesthetic vision.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of April, Huang Chengcheng, a literary and artistic soldier of the air politics, slapped the capital in the face in this way

The challenge of mainstream culture and market trends

Under the influence of mainstream culture and market trends, many audiences are often easily driven and blindly follow the trend to chase popular works. In this case, individual consciousness and aesthetic independence are often challenged, and the viewer may lose himself and become a slave to the market. Therefore, the audience needs to remain vigilant, not let the mainstream culture and market trends dictate their choices, and insist on their ability to think independently. The ability to think independently is the key to cultivating individual consciousness and aesthetic independence. The audience should learn to think deeply about and analyze the artwork, rather than believing the evaluation of others or the publicity of the market. Only through their own thinking and experience can the audience truly discover and appreciate those works that meet their own tastes and form a unique aesthetic vision. This ability to think independently not only allows the audience to understand the meaning and connotation behind the work more deeply, but also enables them to be more confident and decisive in choosing the work.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of April, Huang Chengcheng, a literary and artistic soldier of the air politics, slapped the capital in the face in this way

The need to broaden cultural horizons

Diverse cultural experiences are essential for cultivating individual consciousness and aesthetic independence. By participating in various cultural activities, such as art exhibitions, concerts, literary salons, etc., audiences can feel and understand art from different perspectives and expand their cultural horizons. These activities provide the audience with the opportunity to come into contact with different types and styles of artworks, thereby enriching their aesthetic experience and enhancing their aesthetic perception. Art exhibitions are one of the important ways for visitors to expand their cultural horizons. In the exhibition, the audience can enjoy paintings, sculptures, photography and other works of art from different periods and styles, and feel the creative inspiration and artistic expression of the artists. By observing and tasting these works, the audience can have a deeper understanding of the diversity and richness of art, and at the same time, they can cultivate their own aesthetic taste and improve their aesthetic level.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of April, Huang Chengcheng, a literary and artistic soldier of the air politics, slapped the capital in the face in this way

Feel the charm of music

Concerts are another way for the audience to get a feel for art. At the concert, the audience can listen to musical works from different musical genres and styles, such as classical, pop, jazz, etc. By appreciating the performances of various forms of music, the audience can feel the charm of music and experience the emotions and shocks brought by different music, so as to further enrich their aesthetic experience and cultivate their aesthetic perception ability. Participating in literary salons is another way for the audience to expand their cultural horizons. In the Literature Salon, the audience can share their reading experience and insights with other literature lovers, and explore the connotation and significance of literary works. Through communication and collision with others, the audience can broaden their minds, deepen their understanding and appreciation of literary works, and further enhance their aesthetic taste and cultural accomplishment.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of April, Huang Chengcheng, a literary and artistic soldier of the air politics, slapped the capital in the face in this way

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