
No one reads the articles that have been written so hard, and 3 articles have been read by 60,000 people in a row! These four methods have quickly improved the data

author:Hollow Pie X

Hello everyone, first of all, you can click on this article, which means that you are also creating, or at least have the intention of creating.

I have been involved in the creation of headlines for just 1 month, although it is not long, but there have been several hits, and recently I have published 3 articles with 4-6+ million reads.

Without further ado, just look at the picture!

No one reads the articles that have been written so hard, and 3 articles have been read by 60,000 people in a row! These four methods have quickly improved the data

A number of popular articles have been published in a row

No one reads the articles that have been written so hard, and 3 articles have been read by 60,000 people in a row! These four methods have quickly improved the data

This is the benefit of 1 of the articles

No one reads the articles that have been written so hard, and 3 articles have been read by 60,000 people in a row! These four methods have quickly improved the data

Recent earnings

Below, the author will share some of his own experience for your reference, I believe it will be helpful to you

I used to specialize in writing materials, so I got started very quickly!

If you want to improve your writing skills, be sure to read it carefully.

1. How to write an article (4 methods)

1. Set the direction. Before writing, you should determine the topic, and it is best to choose a topic that everyone cares about to write, so that it is easy to read. Or you choose a certain field to be vertical, so that fans are more sticky, and persistence can also have an effect!

No one reads the articles that have been written so hard, and 3 articles have been read by 60,000 people in a row! These four methods have quickly improved the data

This is to do vertically, and persistence will have an effect

2. Determine the title. A good headline is half the battle! A headline must be attractive, but it can't be a "headline party"! Now that headlines are strictly checked, many misleading headlines cannot be approved. Therefore, it is necessary to think clearly about the title, and many people just look at the title before deciding whether to open it and read it. I've often finished writing articles with titles that haven't been fully decided. Here are 3 ways to make it easier to get started:

No one reads the articles that have been written so hard, and 3 articles have been read by 60,000 people in a row! These four methods have quickly improved the data

A great way to pick up a title

There is also a 3-paragraph heading method, and the facts ➕ are questioned ➕, you can also try!

3. Determine the content. In terms of content, many people say that they can't write articles, only write micro headlines, and articles with headlines are actually very easy to write, I think the number of words should not be too long, 800-1000 words are fine, too long is easy to make readers bored!

After all, no one in this society has time to listen to your tirade. Just make your point of view clear. It is a fact that there are always people who agree with and those who oppose any point of view.

4. Finalize the ending. Some people don't pay attention to the ending, but in fact, if you add a little guidance and interaction at the end, you can try to trigger discussion among readers.

Second, the method of managing the article

I worked hard to write an article, and I couldn't help but look at the amount of reading.

But it's useless to just look at it! We've finished writing the article, and we have to be able to manage the article!

1. Be interactive. In particular, early comments must be replied to, and they appear to be popular. People are more likely to leave comments on posts with a lot of comments, so be sure to reply to early comments. And the reply should be guided, such as asking questions, so that there is a high probability that someone will reply to you again, and the comments will come up!

2. To modify. Each article has 5 opportunities to revise, which is precious and should not be wasted. Most people write about current events, so they also need to make timely changes including headlines according to the development of events. Another article of mine, which was to revise the title of the department, slowly exploded, and finally had more than 40,000 reads.

3. Ask for fans. It's still useful to have more followers, and if you're a vertical or sticky fan, they'll often leave messages. Therefore, increasing the number of fans is still very useful for the initial article, and I only have more than 300 followers now, which is really purely technical, woo........

In the end, what I want to say is: persistence is victory! For those who are almost basic, post at least 1 article a day, and there will definitely be gains.

We are not in competition, the headlines are so big, there are only a few people who can read this article, and there are not many who can do it.

I sincerely hope that everyone can earn some money, and now that wages are generally declining, it is good to earn some pocket money through your own mental work.

No one reads the articles that have been written so hard, and 3 articles have been read by 60,000 people in a row! These four methods have quickly improved the data

Come on, Ollie give!

Well, sharing so much, if you still have any questions, you can leave me a message, and I will see a certain reply

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No one reads the articles that have been written so hard, and 3 articles have been read by 60,000 people in a row! These four methods have quickly improved the data

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