
Why is it that the tea I drink in the tea room has a sweet taste, but the tea I bought at the same price can't be brewed?

author:Puppy Uji

Many people like to shop online, not only buy clothes online, but also browse tea online, as people recognize the convenience of online shopping, more and more people like to buy things online, eat and drink, as long as you can think of it, there is almost no buying. Of course, there are a large number of people who like to go to physical stores to consume, and like things that can be seen and touched, especially drinks like tea, which need to have an intuitive understanding, and it is very important to be able to touch the tea and smell the fragrance of tea, otherwise it will always feel that it is not real to look at it across a screen.

Why is it that the tea I drink in the tea room has a sweet taste, but the tea I bought at the same price can't be brewed?

Why is it that the tea I drink in the tea room has a sweet taste, but the tea I bought at the same price can't be brewed?

(1) The picking season is different:

Spring tea is divided into early spring (first spring) and two spring and tail spring tea, and each picking period is different, and the contents of the tea also have different dynamic proportions. Although it is the same spring tea, the market price is the same, and the theanine of early spring tea is correspondingly high, and the sweetness is enough when making tea.

(2) The picking area is different:

Tea plants grow in different locations, nourished by different sunlight, water, and fertilizer, and their fresh leaf contents such as theanine will also be different, so that the tea made has different sweet tastes.

(3) The age of tea trees is different:

The older the tea tree, such as ancient tree tea, compared with other teas, the theanine contained in it is relatively high, and the corresponding sweetness is strong. The theanine content of some famous mountain ancient tree teas is several times higher than that of small tree tea, terrace tea, and garden tea, so that the surface form of the tea leaves is the same, but the taste is very different.

Why is it that the tea I drink in the tea room has a sweet taste, but the tea I bought at the same price can't be brewed?

(4) The method of making tea is incorrect:

Most of the reasons why making tea is delicious are the correct method, which is actually determined according to the age and tenderness of the tea leaves and the time of brewing. If the tea tastes good when you try it, but it doesn't taste good at home, many times it is caused by the wrong method. If the tea has been brewed for a long time, the bitter and astringent substances in the tea are released, which suppresses the precipitation of theanine, and the bitter taste is inevitable.

(5) The difference in the quality of tea water:

Generally, tea rooms (teahouses) are very particular about the water used to make tea, which is one of the reasons why tea is delicious. And if you don't brew the same taste, it may also be a water quality problem.

Why is it that the tea I drink in the tea room has a sweet taste, but the tea I bought at the same price can't be brewed?

(6) The water temperature of making tea is different:

The owner of the tea room (teahouse tea shop) has a clear understanding of the quality of the tea leaves, and the mastery of the water temperature when making tea is his own skill, so when making tea, the taster can drink the best taste.

However, because of the poor temperature control in their own homes, the tea soup brewed is worse than that in the tea room, and sometimes the sweetness is not felt.

(7) Degeneration of freshness:

There are times when delicious food gets boring. Everyone's experience of novelty is degenerate, it is sensory degeneration, not physiological degeneration.

Why is it that the tea I drink in the tea room has a sweet taste, but the tea I bought at the same price can't be brewed?

In other words: when you drink good tea for the first time, it is sweet and refreshing, and the experience is very strong, very good and beautiful. If you drink it a few times, it will feel flat, or even feel bad. If you drink it again after a certain period of time, the experience will come back, and it will still be wonderful.

The tea room is relatively quiet and elegant, and the concentration of people is high during the tea event, and there is the guidance of the tea master, the senses are sensitive, and the feeling of tea is much higher. So even if it is the same tea, there is a certain difference between the tea room and the home, which is normal!