
Expert: Everyone has it, and it can be prevented!

author:Consumer food encyclopedia

Cancer doesn't form overnight, however, we need to know that there are cancer cells in everyone's body. Therefore, many people will have this question: "I heard that there are cancer cells in the human body, so can we all get cancer?"

So, what causes cancer cells to grow in the body, and what can be done to inhibit their growth? Let's take a look.


Cancer Cells: Your "Internal Troubles"

Cancer does not form overnight, on the contrary, it requires certain conditions to break through the monitoring of the immune system and grow. This is usually when some normal cells become abnormal and turn into so-called cancer cells.

Each of us may have these anomalies in our bodies, and we may even have several of them in our bodies at this moment.

But don't be surprised, because as long as your immune system is functioning properly, these small numbers of cancer cells won't have a noticeable impact on your health.

Expert: Everyone has it, and it can be prevented!

However, when there is a problem with our living environment, or when we have an unhealthy lifestyle, these "internal troubles" can take advantage of it.

It's not scary to have a small number of cancer cells in the body, but what is really scary is that if these cancer cells learn to avoid the impact of the epidemic, then they may become more and more, and eventually let the "cancer demon" take over our body.

Similarly, if our immune system is in trouble due to long-term bad lifestyle habits or emotional burdens, then it will also give these cancer cells a chance to make a difference.

Therefore, the change of the external environment and the weakening of the internal self are the two major conditions for the success of the devil cancer cell.


Cancer Cells: The Brutal "Killer"

Cancer cells will consume a lot of nutrients in the body, and our body will gradually deplete it.

Cancer cells are like a greedy parasite, absorbing all the nutrients in the human body, and the body will have various organ failures, and many cancer patients will die of this reason in the end.

Therefore, if we lose a lot of weight in a short period of time for no reason, it may be that the cancer cells are endangering our health and we need to get checked as soon as possible.

Expert: Everyone has it, and it can be prevented!

However, these consequences do not only come from the presence of cancer cells per se, but also from the cancer treatment process.

For example, thriving cancer cells can compress the blood vessels of the organs, causing them to rupture, which is one of the main causes of death.

In addition, cancer cells can move and metastasize to the brain can lead to brain dysfunction and even pulmonary embolism.

In addition, the possible side effects of cancer treatment, such as ulceration of the soil due to radiotherapy and bone marrow suppression due to chemotherapy, can also affect our quality of life and survival rate.


Countermeasures to prevent cancer

Doctors and scientists around the world are reminding us that the key to cancer prevention is to resist the invasion of external carcinogenic factors in time, and at the same time improve our own immunity.

This seems like a simple two-step operation, but in fact, it requires us to take care of it carefully in our daily life.

First of all, we should try to avoid exposure to various carcinogens. Such as tobacco, alcohol, overheated food, etc., this is the primary strategy to "drive away foreign diseases".

Expert: Everyone has it, and it can be prevented!

Secondly, we need to take care of our immune system, maintain balance and stability in the body, and actively have physical examinations, which is an important strategy of "consolidating the internal foundation".

These two are indispensable, because our body is not a separate organ or component, but an organic whole.

There are some concrete action steps we can take in our daily lives to prevent cancer.

In terms of daily routine: avoid sitting still for long periods of time, and insist on regular and moderate exercise.

We should also ensure adequate sleep, maintain a regular schedule, and eat a balanced diet.

At the same time, pay attention to proper rest, combine work and rest, maintain a good attitude, learn to relax and relax, and avoid long-term anxiety and mental pressure.

In terms of diet: do not eat partially, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, eat less processed meat and overheated food, limit salt intake, avoid overly hot diets, try to divide meals, etc.

Write at the end

Cancer is a serious and difficult war to prevent, but as long as we carefully understand the cancer cells, fight against the cancer cells, prevent them in advance and treat them in time, I believe we all have the ability to win this battle.

Remember: our lives are all about the details, and every choice is about the safety of our lives. Whether it's a healthy diet, a regular routine, or a scientific way of exercising, no matter how small the change, can have a big impact. So, let's make the right choices together and cherish our lives!