
The mother and daughter have been eating "homemade side dishes" for a long time, and stomach cancer has been diagnosed one after another? The doctor sighed: I didn't pay attention to it at 3 o'clock

author:Möngke talks about health

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In a busy city, the daily life of mother and daughter Zhang Juan and Xiaoyue seems to be no different from that of thousands of families, ordinary and bland, full of small blessings in life.

Zhang Juan is a teacher, while Xiaoyue works at a local bank, and their lives are full of regularity and tranquility. But this quiet life, because of a normal health check, suddenly made waves.

The mother and daughter have been eating "homemade side dishes" for a long time, and stomach cancer has been diagnosed one after another? The doctor sighed: I didn't pay attention to it at 3 o'clock

"Have you both been diagnosed with stomach cancer?" The doctor's words echoed through the examination room, and they seemed extraordinarily heavy. Zhang Juan and Xiao Yue looked at each other in disbelief. Mother and daughter have always focused on healthy eating, and homemade side dishes have played an important role in their eating habits.

The mother and daughter have been eating "homemade side dishes" for a long time, and stomach cancer has been diagnosed one after another? The doctor sighed: I didn't pay attention to it at 3 o'clock

Under further questioning by the doctor, Zhang Juan and Xiaoyue revealed their eating habits. It turned out that the mother and daughter were particularly fond of eating a variety of homemade pickled side dishes, believing that they were not only delicious but also healthy. However, it was these seemingly harmless side dishes that quietly caused a catastrophe in their stomachs.

The mother and daughter have been eating "homemade side dishes" for a long time, and stomach cancer has been diagnosed one after another? The doctor sighed: I didn't pay attention to it at 3 o'clock

The doctor sighed and explained that long-term consumption of pickled meals would increase the likelihood of getting sick. He explained the formation mechanism of gastric cancer in detail, which made Zhang Juan and Xiaoyue listen to it with relish. First of all, nitrites are present in pickled foods, and the substance can be turned into nitrosamines, which cause cancer. Secondly, regular consumption of such items will lead to continuous irritation of the gastric mucosa, which will cause physical diseases.

The mother and daughter have been eating "homemade side dishes" for a long time, and stomach cancer has been diagnosed one after another? The doctor sighed: I didn't pay attention to it at 3 o'clock

The doctor also mentioned that the formation of stomach cancer does not happen overnight, but is a long-term process.

Subsequently, the doctor pointed out two other problems in the eating habits of the mother and daughter. One is that they lack enough vegetables and fruits, which are rich in vitamins that can help protect the stomach lining and reduce carcinogenicity. The second is that they prefer foods that are cooked at high temperatures, such as eating barbecue frequently, which also increases the risk of stomach cancer.

The mother and daughter have been eating "homemade side dishes" for a long time, and stomach cancer has been diagnosed one after another? The doctor sighed: I didn't pay attention to it at 3 o'clock

After this in-depth exchange, Zhang Juan and Xiaoyue have a new understanding of their eating habits. They begin to think about how they can adjust their diet to reduce future health risks.

The mother and daughter have been eating "homemade side dishes" for a long time, and stomach cancer has been diagnosed one after another? The doctor sighed: I didn't pay attention to it at 3 o'clock

In the final Q&A session, Xiaoyue asked a question: "So, how should we change our eating habits now to effectively reduce the risk of stomach cancer?"

The doctor listened to Xiao Yue's question with a twinkle in his eyes, and he knew that this was the perfect opportunity to educate and guide patients towards a healthier lifestyle. He cleared his throat and began his answers, each sentence full of enthusiasm and care.

The mother and daughter have been eating "homemade side dishes" for a long time, and stomach cancer has been diagnosed one after another? The doctor sighed: I didn't pay attention to it at 3 o'clock

"Oh, that's a great question!" The doctor first praised Xiaoyue's question, and then slowly, in an almost storytelling way, began to make his point.

"First, let's start with pickles. While they are delicious, from now on, we need to minimize the intake of these foods. It's not that you can't eat it at all, but you can't let it become a regular guest at your table anymore. As he spoke, the doctor wrote on the small notebook the importance of a simple diet, which was vivid.

The mother and daughter have been eating "homemade side dishes" for a long time, and stomach cancer has been diagnosed one after another? The doctor sighed: I didn't pay attention to it at 3 o'clock

"Secondly, you should eat more vegetables and fruits, especially those that are rich in fiber and antioxidants, such as broccoli, spinach, citrus fruits, etc. Not only will these help keep your stomach healthy, but they will also strengthen your overall ability to fight disease. Speaking of this, the doctor's tone was full of encouragement, as if he was cheering up the mother and daughter.

The mother and daughter have been eating "homemade side dishes" for a long time, and stomach cancer has been diagnosed one after another? The doctor sighed: I didn't pay attention to it at 3 o'clock

"Let's talk about cooking. High-temperature cooking does produce some substances that are not good for health, so it is recommended that you try some gentle cooking methods, such as steaming, stewing, and boiling. ”

"Not only does this not lose nutrients from the food, but it also avoids the formation of harmful substances. The doctor said as he imitated the movements of different cooking methods, and the humorous performance won the mother and daughter a smile.

The mother and daughter have been eating "homemade side dishes" for a long time, and stomach cancer has been diagnosed one after another? The doctor sighed: I didn't pay attention to it at 3 o'clock

Finally, the doctor mentioned another point, and that is the overall change of lifestyle habits. He mentioned that in addition to diet, a small amount of exercise, reasonable sleep and a good attitude are also important reasons to maintain a good body.

He cites several cases, including one patient he treated, who managed to control the progression of stomach problems and greatly improve their quality of life through overall lifestyle modifications.

The mother and daughter have been eating "homemade side dishes" for a long time, and stomach cancer has been diagnosed one after another? The doctor sighed: I didn't pay attention to it at 3 o'clock

"So, my advice is not just a simple dietary suggestion, but a change in daily habits. The doctor's words were full of enthusiasm and sincerity, and it was clear that he was not just conducting a medical consultation, but also helping others to help themselves and guide patients to a healthier life.

The mother and daughter have been eating "homemade side dishes" for a long time, and stomach cancer has been diagnosed one after another? The doctor sighed: I didn't pay attention to it at 3 o'clock

Zhang Juan and Xiaoyue listened attentively, they knew that this was not just a medical consultation, but more like a life enlightenment. When the doctor's presentation ended, their hearts were filled with gratitude, and there was also a new hope and determination to prepare for a healthier future.

What do you think about what common foods need to be paid attention to?

The mother and daughter have been eating "homemade side dishes" for a long time, and stomach cancer has been diagnosed one after another? The doctor sighed: I didn't pay attention to it at 3 o'clock