
Huawei smart screen S5New product debut,4K super screen projection in"Jia"Create "cast" players

author:Internet Home Network

I believe that many people have experienced TV screen projection,In the past experience,There must have been cases where some of the screen projection function defects have been dissuaded。 For example, the resolution of mobile phone screen projection is limited to720P or lower,Seriously affect the viewing experience;There are also members of TV and mobile phones who are not interoperable,Small screen members want to watch member content on TV and need to buy members on the big screen,It will extinguish the enthusiasm for chasing dramas。 At the same time, the operation of smart TV screen projection in the past is also more complicated,Not only to carry out multi-step operation,It also requires the device to be in the same Wi-Fi environment,Even if the screen is successfully projected,It is also prone to stuck buffering。

This time, Huawei smart screen S5On April 9, it was newly unveiled,Small screen members can also enjoy the membership service of the large screen,You can also match the source of the film in the cloud,Realize4KThe freedom of viewing, The screen is super fast、Ultra-clear、Super stable、Super smooth,Veritable"Cast"Player!

Huawei smart screen S5New product debut,4K super screen projection in"Jia"Create "cast" players

One-touch projection - super fast

Although ordinary TV supports mobile phone screen projection,But the operation steps are relatively cumbersome,And it has certain limitations,Causing many people to be reluctant to use。 For example,When projecting the screen of ordinary TV,TV and mobile phone must be used under the same Wi-Fi network,At the same time, you need to choose to turn on the screen projection function on the mobile phone,Then select the device you want to project the screen,Such a complex operation makes the elderly and children at home prohibitive,Even adults are sometimes reluctant to choose to cast the screen,This is also one of the reasons for the low usage rate of TV at present。

Huawei smart screen S5It can achieve"Super fast"Projection,Because it supports"One touch projection",Just use a Huawei mobile phone to touch the Huawei sharing icon on the remote control of the smart screen,You can realize a small screen to a large screen,There is no requirement for whether it is in the same Wi-Fi network,It's really very simple,You will learn it!

The old man only needs to touch the old film if he wants to watch it,Smart screen cloud matching high-definition film source,With the help of Honghu chip,Old films can also be played clearly and smoothly on the large screen;Children want to watch TV,Parents don't need to stop what they are doing to help operate,Children have already projected the screen with a touch,Reduce the workload with a baby,This convenient operation can be described as suitable for all ages。

4K projection - ultra-clear

Nowadays, many family TVs have supported playing4KThe source of films,But you really want to experience it on TV4KThe picture quality is difficult,First of all, the operation is complicated,You need to download the designated APP on the large screen,You also need to open the corresponding APP before projecting the screen,After casting, you need to manually switch the definition。 If you want to experience the most high-definition picture, you also need to buy the corresponding APP separately TV membership,The large and small screen members are not interoperable, so that many users feel cheated,Some video software manufacturers are also denounced by users on Weibo。

Huawei smart screen S5New product debut,4K super screen projection in"Jia"Create "cast" players

In order to solve this pain point,Huawei smart screen S5Through in-depth customization cooperation with content manufacturers,support4KThe screen projection and simplify the process of installing the large screenAPP,Direct download without search,On the premise that the small screen has members, there is no need to repeatedly purchase large screen members,You can also enjoy4KThe screen projection。 It also supports automatic matching of 4K film sources in the cloud, truly breaking through the limitations of screen projection, realizing the freedom of 4K film sources, and using smart screen projection to achieve 4K high-definition content direct. At present, Station B (Bilibili)、Youku video、Tencent video has supported the interconnection of large and small screen projection members on Huawei smart screen S5,More video platforms will join in the future。

No drops, no stuttering - super stable, super smooth

Huawei smart screen S5It also solves the situation that the mobile phone screen projection is easy to drop and stuck,Through the optimization of the underlying transmission data efficiency,Huawei smart screen S5Realized3Continuous hours of projection without dropping,You can experience it at home4KThe finished watching "Kung Fu Panda4"。 And there will be no sound and picture out of sync、Broken continuously、Dropped,And with the help of Honghu chip,Huawei smart screen S5You can increase the frame rate of the projection screen to close to60FPS,Po's movements have become more natural and smooth,For people who don't want to go out to the cinema to watch a movie,Stable and smooth Huawei smart screen S5 It's simply a blessing。 Even when there is no network, you can quickly cast the screen and play without lag.

Huawei smart screen S5New product debut,4K super screen projection in"Jia"Create "cast" players

Write at the end:

In today's family,The frequency of use of TV is getting lower and lower,The development of mobile phone applications and the interaction mode of traditional TV prompt users to prefer mobile phones that are easy to operate,But the visual enjoyment and shock that large screen can bring to users is irreplaceable by small screen,In order to provide users with the best experience,Huawei smart screen accurately grasps the user's pain points,Based on the strong performance brought by Honghu chip and HarmonyOSThe intelligent interconnection ability of blessing,Huawei smart screen S5Break through industry barriers to achieve innovation in screen projection experience。 Equipped with self-developed Honghu image quality technology, it brings users an unparalleled viewing experience. Relying onAIVoar,Bring a variety of smart entertainment gameplay,Change consumers' definition of TV,If Huawei smart screen S5 is"Cast"Player,Then Huawei smart screen is the real number one player in the TV industry、Industry leader。

In the future, as a leader in the TV industry, Huawei will continue to lead the innovation of screen projection technology and create a smarter and more convenient smart life for users. 4month9day,Huawei wisdom screen S5Officially opened pre-sale in Jiaxing Huawei authorized stores,The price is3699element,4month19It will be officially sold for the first time4KThe friends who want to experience the super screen projection don't miss it,The maximum discount for a limited time500element!More new product informationWelcome to Huawei Smart Life Museum•Jiaxing Nanhu Tiandi store to understand。