
A 52-year-old man suffered from high blood sugar and complications appeared a few months later

author:Talk about the doctor's health

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In the waiting room of a busy hospital in Beijing, Mr. Zhang paced restlessly. He is a typical Beijing uncle, with direct words and a sense of humor.

Today, his wife accompanied him to the doctor, because he had previously been diagnosed with high blood sugar and complications developed a few months later.

"Doctor, my high blood sugar is genetic, not eaten. Uncle Zhang told the doctor sitting across from him that the doctor was a young internal medicine doctor named Li Xiaofeng.

A 52-year-old man suffered from high blood sugar and complications appeared a few months later

Dr. Li listened patiently, and he knew that Uncle Zhang was not only anxious because of the pain, but also because of a lot of pressure in his life. He checked Uncle Zhang's medical records and found that Uncle Zhang's eating habits also had a great impact on his condition.

"Uncle Zhang, I know you said that genetic factors are very important, and that's right. But I've noticed that in your food diary, there are several foods that you eat almost every day. Dr. Lee began to explain.

A 52-year-old man suffered from high blood sugar and complications appeared a few months later

He explained in detail several taboos in Uncle Zhang's diet, such as white rice, white bread, candies and desserts. These foods make up a large part of Uncle Zhang's diet, and it is these "invisible killers" who aggravate his condition.

"Actually, in addition to these obviously high-sugar foods, there are also some things you may not be aware of, such as certain root vegetables. Potatoes and carrots, although they are generally fine, should also be controlled in moderation. "

A 52-year-old man suffered from high blood sugar and complications appeared a few months later

Uncle Zhang was dumbfounded when he heard this, he didn't expect that the ordinary food he ate every day would hide so many problems. "So, Uncle Zhang, you have to pay attention, it's not just a matter of genetics. Dr. Lee said.

Uncle Zhang asked a very practical question: "Dr. Li, do I have any good advice other than eating less of these things? For example, are there any foods that are particularly helpful for controlling blood sugar?"

A 52-year-old man suffered from high blood sugar and complications appeared a few months later

Dr. Lee nodded and explained in detail some of the foods with a low glycemic index, such as oats, whole grain products, and legumes, that can help stabilize blood sugar levels.

Uncle Zhang began to realize that even foods that he thought were healthy could have a negative impact on his condition because of improper eating. Dr. Lee also mentioned that some daily habits, such as eating irregularly, can also have an impact.

A 52-year-old man suffered from high blood sugar and complications appeared a few months later

He went on to explain common dietary misconceptions in patients with high blood sugar, especially mentioning some misconceptions about healthy foods, some foods are rich in nutrients, but high sugar levels can exacerbate the condition if not well controlled.

As the conversation deepened, Uncle Zhang's nervousness gradually eased, and he began to consider the doctor's advice more seriously. Finally, he asked a very crucial question, which he had been worried about in the depths of his heart:

A 52-year-old man suffered from high blood sugar and complications appeared a few months later

"Dr. Li, can you tell us more about what else I can do to prevent complications of hyperglycemia besides adjusting my diet?"

Dr. Lee nodded to understand his concerns, and then discussed in detail the importance of regular physical activity, such as brisk walking or swimming, which can help improve the body's sensitivity to insulin, and recommended the importance of regular monitoring of blood sugar levels.

A 52-year-old man suffered from high blood sugar and complications appeared a few months later

"With these combined measures, we are not only able to control blood sugar, but also significantly reduce the risk of complications such as cardiovascular disease. Dr. Lee said.

These direct and colloquial suggestions not only help Uncle Zhang better understand and accept the treatment plan, but also reflect the doctor's care and professionalism as a therapist.

A 52-year-old man suffered from high blood sugar and complications appeared a few months later

Through such a dialogue, Uncle Zhang felt the doctor's dedication and professionalism, and he was more confident in facing his condition. Uncle Zhang also recognized the importance of a healthy diet.

Uncle Zhang's illness is a warning that people should pay more attention to their dietary choices in their daily lives.

A 52-year-old man suffered from high blood sugar and complications appeared a few months later

The story ends with Uncle Cheung gradually accepting a new lifestyle adjustment, thanking Dr. Lee for his professional guidance and determined to change his lifestyle habits and move forward in a healthier way.

It also provided us with useful information on the management of hyperglycemia, and also conveyed positive information about changing lifestyle habits to improve health through Uncle Zhang's experience.

A 52-year-old man suffered from high blood sugar and complications appeared a few months later

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A 52-year-old man suffered from high blood sugar and complications appeared a few months later