
[The Four Stages of Kidney Deficiency with Excessive Hand Injury] 1. Kidney Essence Deficiency - Kidney Essence nourishes the five internal organs, overdraws the body, and directly depletes the symptoms of Kidney Essence: backache and weak legs, memory loss

author:Famous Chinese medicine experts talk about famous prescriptions

【The Four Stages of Kidney Deficiency in Excessive Injuries】

1. Deficiency of kidney essence - kidney essence nourishes the internal organs, overdraws the body, and directly depletes the kidney essence

Symptoms: backache and weak legs, memory loss, difficulty sleeping, and slow response to "short" andrological problems

2. Kidney Yin Deficiency - Excessive loss of kidney essence will cause Yin deficiency and internal heat to damage kidney Yin

Symptoms: chest tightness, dizziness, hot flashes in the afternoon, night sweats, sweaty hands and feet

3. Kidney Yang Deficiency - Kidney Yin will damage Yang over time, Kidney Yang is the Yang of the body, and Kidney Yang deficiency will lead to a decrease in body function

Symptoms: chills and cold, lukewarm limbs, clear and long urine, frequent nocturia, loose stools.

4. Yin and Yang Deficiency - Yang deficiency loss will affect kidney yin, kidney yin deficiency, kidney yang will also be further deficient

Emaciated, afraid of cold and heat, shortness of breath: lazy speech, tepid hands and feet, hot flashes and night sweats

[The Four Stages of Kidney Deficiency with Excessive Hand Injury] 1. Kidney Essence Deficiency - Kidney Essence nourishes the five internal organs, overdraws the body, and directly depletes the symptoms of Kidney Essence: backache and weak legs, memory loss
[The Four Stages of Kidney Deficiency with Excessive Hand Injury] 1. Kidney Essence Deficiency - Kidney Essence nourishes the five internal organs, overdraws the body, and directly depletes the symptoms of Kidney Essence: backache and weak legs, memory loss
[The Four Stages of Kidney Deficiency with Excessive Hand Injury] 1. Kidney Essence Deficiency - Kidney Essence nourishes the five internal organs, overdraws the body, and directly depletes the symptoms of Kidney Essence: backache and weak legs, memory loss
[The Four Stages of Kidney Deficiency with Excessive Hand Injury] 1. Kidney Essence Deficiency - Kidney Essence nourishes the five internal organs, overdraws the body, and directly depletes the symptoms of Kidney Essence: backache and weak legs, memory loss