
In 78, I was admitted to the military academy as an undergraduate, and when I received the notice, I went home to visit my uncle and aunt, and I was very moved in retrospect

author:Tree Hole Archives

In 1978, I just caught up with the torrent of the times.

From the civilian position in the army to the military academy, he changed his destiny.

In 78, I was admitted to the military academy as an undergraduate, and when I received the notice, I went home to visit my uncle and aunt, and I was very moved in retrospect


In those turbulent times, his childhood, like many others, was full of hardships and bitterness.

A child who came out of a barren mountain village, his name was Li Ming.

In his young memory, the figure of his parents was blurred, and they left him forever before he knew what life and death were.

His world was now only a dilapidated thatched hut and two kind faces—his uncle and aunt.

The uncle and aunt were from the mountains, hardworking and simple, and despite the constraints of life, they never made Li Ming feel lonely and helpless.

Under their care, Li Ming gradually grew up, and his dark eyes were full of thirst for knowledge.

However, in those days, the poor mountain village could only give him simple food and clothing, and the rest had to be fought for by himself.

In 1976, a day that changed Li Ming's fate.

He enlisted in the army, put on a military uniform and became a soldier.

In 78, I was admitted to the military academy as an undergraduate, and when I received the notice, I went home to visit my uncle and aunt, and I was very moved in retrospect

Perhaps it was because of the tempering of his childhood that he showed unusual tenacity and hard work in the army.

His grades were excellent, and he was soon selected as a company clerk, which was undoubtedly an affirmation for a child who came out of the mountains.

However, behind this glory, there is a secret in Li Ming's heart.

He always remembers the day he left his hometown, his uncle and aunt stood at the entrance of the village to see him off.

Their faces carved by wind and frost had two lines of cloudy tears.

Li Ming knew that it was endless concern and expectation for him. He secretly resolved that he would repay his uncle and aunt for their nurturing kindness.

The military career has taught Li Ming about responsibility and responsibility.

But in the dead of night, he still thinks of the barren mountain village and the kind smiles of his uncle and aunt.

He didn't know when he would be able to set foot on that familiar land again, and when he would be able to repay that deep love.

Just in Li Ming's longing and expectation for the future, an unexpected news broke the peaceful life.

In 1978, the college entrance examination was resumed, and he had the opportunity to continue his studies.

This news shook his heart like spring thunder and made him see the dawn of hope.


At the crossroads of fate, Li Ming hesitated.

He didn't know whether he should take advantage of this opportunity or stay in the army.

At this time, he received a letter from home, in the handwriting of his uncle and aunt.

In the letter, they encouraged him to pursue his dreams bravely and bring glory to his hometown.

In 78, I was admitted to the military academy as an undergraduate, and when I received the notice, I went home to visit my uncle and aunt, and I was very moved in retrospect

At this moment, the confusion in Li Ming's heart disappeared, and he firmly embarked on the road of the college entrance examination.

After countless days and nights of hard work, Li Ming finally received an admission notice from the military academy.

At that moment, he was full of emotion, as if he saw the relieved smiles of his uncle and aunt.

And then, a family visit arranged by the instructor made him even more excited.

He could finally return to his hometown, where he had been haunted by his dreams, and see those two familiar faces.

However, the journey home was far longer and more difficult than Li Ming imagined.

He took the green train, and then changed to the urban and rural long-distance and agricultural shuttles, and the road was bumpy.

After getting off the bus, there are still more than 40 miles away, waiting for him to measure step by step.

For Li Ming, this journey home is not only a difficult trek, but also a journey of spiritual cleansing.

At dusk on the third day, when Li Ming finally saw the familiar mountain village, tears blurred his eyes.

In 78, I was admitted to the military academy as an undergraduate, and when I received the notice, I went home to visit my uncle and aunt, and I was very moved in retrospect

He knew that he had finally returned home, to the place that had given him warmth.

At this time, more than a dozen families in the village came out to greet him, and the scene was touching and shocked his heart.

In the next reunion time, Li Ming reminisced with his uncles, aunts and villagers and shared each other's lives.

He also specially bought some small candy and cigarettes and distributed them to the villagers to show his deep gratitude to them.

In the days that followed, Li Ming became the focus of the family.

Uncles and aunts prepared a sumptuous meal, and the villagers also came to congratulate them, and everyone's face was full of smiles.

They saw hope in Li Ming's success and saw the future of the mountain village.

The village has not changed much, it is still the familiar thatched huts, the winding paths.

At this moment, Li Ming deeply felt the deep affection of the people in his hometown.

He understands that every progress and success he has made is inseparable from the support and encouragement of these unpretentious villagers.

Their expectations, their smiles, are the driving force for him to move forward and the eternal warmth in his heart.

Surrounded by the villagers, Li Ming finally returned to that home full of memories.

In 78, I was admitted to the military academy as an undergraduate, and when I received the notice, I went home to visit my uncle and aunt, and I was very moved in retrospect

The uncle and aunt had been waiting for a long time, their eyes moistened, and they held Li Ming's hand tightly, as if they were afraid that it was just a dream.

And Li Ming can finally turn the thoughts and gratitude in his heart into an affectionate hug and give it to these two relatives who raised him as adults.

This long journey home is not only a physical trek for Li Ming, but also a spiritual baptism.

He understood that no matter how far and difficult the road ahead was, the warmth of his hometown and the love of his relatives would always be his most solid backing.

And he will continue to move forward with this heavy love, and write his own glorious chapter on the road of life.

Li Ming, who returned to his hometown, felt unprecedented warmth and joy.

It was an ordinary mountain village, but because of his return, it became extremely lively and festive.

What made Li Ming the most memorable was the reunion dinner that night.

The whole village gathered to celebrate his return.

The table was filled with sumptuous dishes, all of which were Li Ming's favorite flavors when he was a child.

Everyone sat together, chatting and laughing, and the atmosphere was warm and harmonious.

At that moment, Li Ming felt the warmth of home and the love of the villagers for him.

After the meal, the villagers held a small celebration for Li Ming.

In 78, I was admitted to the military academy as an undergraduate, and when I received the notice, I went home to visit my uncle and aunt, and I was very moved in retrospect

They sang mountain songs and danced, expressing their inner joy in the most simple way.

Li Ming was also infected by this atmosphere and joined the dance team to share this happiness with the villagers.

However, happy times are always short-lived. The vacation to visit relatives is coming to an end, and Li Ming is going to return to the army to continue his military career.

The day before parting, the villagers came to Li Ming's house one after another and sent their blessings and entrustment.

They hoped that Li Ming would study hard at the military academy and become a pillar of the country in the future and win glory for his hometown.

At the moment of parting, Li Ming's eyes moistened. He hugged his uncle and aunt tightly and shook hands with the villagers one by one to say goodbye.


They told Li Ming to take care of his health and remember to go home often. Li Ming nodded heavily, promising to study hard and live up to everyone's expectations.

With full of emotion and blessings, Li Ming embarked on the way back.

He knew that this parting was for a better future. And the warmth and affection of his hometown will become the most solid support for him on the way forward.

In the days to come, he will pursue his dreams with more enthusiasm and perseverance and write his brilliant life chapter.

And all this is for his hometown, for those who love him deeply.

Li Ming knew that this visit to his relatives was an important turning point in his life.

He grew from a poor mountain village kid to a soldier who was about to enter the military academy.

In 78, I was admitted to the military academy as an undergraduate, and when I received the notice, I went home to visit my uncle and aunt, and I was very moved in retrospect

In this homecoming trip, he felt the warmth of his hometown, realized the preciousness of family affection, and reaped the blessings and expectations of the villagers.

Under the advice of his uncle and aunt and the entrustment of his fellow villagers, he is about to set off again, return to the army, and continue his military career.

On the day of parting, a drizzle fell in the sky, as if telling the sorrow of parting.

Li Ming stood at the entrance of the village, looking at the familiar and unfamiliar land, and an indescribable emotion surged in his heart.

He held his uncle and aunt's hands tightly, tears of reluctance glistening in his eyes.

He knew this farewell, and he didn't know when he would see them again.

And every inch of land and every face in his hometown will be deeply engraved in his heart and become the driving force for him to move forward.


They hope that he can study hard at the military academy and become a pillar of the country in the future and win glory for his hometown.

Li Ming nodded heavily, promising to study hard and live up to everyone's expectations.

The villagers also stepped forward one after another and shook hands with Li Ming one by one to say goodbye.

Their eyes are full of expectation and trust, and they hope that Li Ming can live up to expectations and achieve greater achievements in the coming days.

In 78, I was admitted to the military academy as an undergraduate, and when I received the notice, I went home to visit my uncle and aunt, and I was very moved in retrospect

Li Ming felt this heavy expectation, and he understood that he was shouldering the hope of his hometown and carrying the expectations of his relatives.

With the blessings of the villagers, Li Ming embarked on the way back.

With the warmth of his hometown and the love of his relatives, he embarked on a new journey.

He knew that this parting was for a better future.

And in his heart, he always kept in mind that promise - to win glory for his hometown and serve the motherland.

On the way back to the army, Li Ming had a lot of thoughts.

He recalled his own upbringing, from his poor childhood, to his military career, to the military academy he was about to enter, every step was full of challenges and hardships.

But he never gave up, because he knew that only through his own efforts could he change his fate and repay those who loved him deeply.

During his days at the military academy, Li Ming always maintained this belief.

He studied hard, trained hard, and constantly improved his abilities and qualities.

He understands that every effort is to win glory for his hometown and prove his worth to his relatives.


Time flies.

Li Ming's study career at the military academy has long ended.

His heart was full of anticipation and gratitude. He knows that every step of his growth is inseparable from the warmth of his hometown and the love of his relatives.

In 78, I was admitted to the military academy as an undergraduate, and when I received the notice, I went home to visit my uncle and aunt, and I was very moved in retrospect

And he will continue to move forward with this gratitude, to realize his dreams, to repay the expectations of his hometown.

In the days to come, no matter where he goes, no matter what difficulties and challenges he faces, Li Ming will go on firmly.

Because he knows that the warmth of his hometown and the love of his relatives are the most solid support for him on the way forward.

And in his heart, he always remembers that promise - to win glory for his hometown and serve the motherland.

This is his lifelong belief and the driving force for him to move forward.