
Will the difference really be big whether the elderly drink milk or not? The doctor has analyzed it thoroughly and knows it in his heart

author:Yang Xuefei loves popular science

Introduction: Milk, a natural dairy product derived from the West, has long crossed borders and become an indispensable part of people's daily life in many parts of the world with its unique charm and nutritional value. Not only is it an important source of nutrition for children as they grow up, but it is also a secret weapon for adults to maintain good health.

When it comes to calcium supplementation, milk is undoubtedly the best of the many foods. It is rich in calcium and easily absorbed by the body, which makes it play an important role in the prevention of bone diseases such as osteoporosis.

Will the difference really be big whether the elderly drink milk or not? The doctor has analyzed it thoroughly and knows it in his heart

In addition, milk is also rich in protein, vitamins and other essential nutrients, which play an irreplaceable role in maintaining the normal physiological functions of the human body and promoting metabolism.

From a health point of view, there may be some subtle differences in physical condition between the elderly who drink milk for a long time and those who do not drink milk.

Will the difference really be big whether the elderly drink milk or not? The doctor has analyzed it thoroughly and knows it in his heart


Milk contains hormones, can drinking too much cause cancer?

There have been some controversies and reports about whether milk causes cancer. However, after the interpretation of professionals and the confirmation of scientific research, we can draw a clear conclusion: normal consumption of milk does not cause cancer.

First of all, regarding IGF-1 and tyrosine in milk, although there are some studies that suggest that they may be linked to cancer, these studies do not prove that they are carcinogenic factors.

In fact, the IGF-1 content in milk is very low and it also loses its activity during processing, so it is not harmful to humans. The rumor that tyrosine causes cancer stems from a misunderstanding and misinformation, and there is not enough evidence to prove that it causes cancer.

Will the difference really be big whether the elderly drink milk or not? The doctor has analyzed it thoroughly and knows it in his heart

On the contrary, some studies have also shown that drinking milk in moderation is good for good health. For example, a study in Japan found that people who regularly drank milk had a significantly lower risk of stomach cancer. This may be because milk is rich in nutrients, such as calcium, vitamin D, etc., which help protect the gastric mucosa and reduce the risk of stomach cancer.

Of course, we also need to be aware that if the cows are raised with a lot of hormones, or if the environment is heavily polluted, these may indirectly contaminate the milk produced.

Therefore, for people at high risk of breast cancer, it is best to drink less milk. However, this does not mean that all people should avoid drinking milk.

In short, we should maintain a scientific and objective attitude towards the carcinogenicity of milk. Drinking milk in moderation is good for your health, but we also need to pay attention to the source and quality of milk. When choosing milk, we should choose products that come from legitimate sources and are of reliable quality to ensure our health and safety.

Will the difference really be big whether the elderly drink milk or not? The doctor has analyzed it thoroughly and knows it in his heart


Soy milk or milk, which is better for the body?

Soy milk and milk, as two common beverages, each have unique nutritional values and health benefits. However, to determine which is better for the body, it is necessary to consider the individual's physique, eating habits, and nutritional needs.

soy milk

As a traditional Chinese drink, soy milk is rich in high-quality plant protein, dietary fiber and a variety of minerals. It has a positive effect on lowering cholesterol and preventing cardiovascular diseases.

At the same time, the soy isoflavones in soy milk can help alleviate menopausal symptoms, which is especially beneficial for women's health. However, the calcium content in soy milk is relatively low, and it may not be the best choice for people who need to supplement with a lot of calcium.

Will the difference really be big whether the elderly drink milk or not? The doctor has analyzed it thoroughly and knows it in his heart


As a nutritious animal food, milk is rich in protein, calcium and vitamins. The calcium in milk aids in bone development and maintenance, and is especially important for teenagers and the elderly.

In addition, milk has a calming effect and helps to improve sleep quality. However, for people who are lactose intolerant, milk may cause uncomfortable symptoms such as diarrhea and bloating.

Therefore, when choosing soy milk and milk, it should be decided according to the individual's physique and needs. If you need a lot of calcium and protein supplementation without lactose intolerance, then milk may be more suitable for you.

And if you're looking to lower cholesterol, prevent cardiovascular disease, or have a preference for plant-based foods, soy milk may be a better fit for you.

Will the difference really be big whether the elderly drink milk or not? The doctor has analyzed it thoroughly and knows it in his heart


Will the difference really be big whether the elderly drink milk or not? The doctor has analyzed it thoroughly and knows it in his heart

Whether the elderly drink milk or not, this seemingly simple daily habit, actually has a profound impact on physical health. Doctors have conducted an in-depth analysis of this, revealing two key differences between those who drink milk regularly and those who don't.

1. Calcium supplementation

Calcium supplementation is essential for older adults, as the body's loss of calcium accelerates and its absorption capacity decreases as we age.

This double whammy makes osteoporosis more severe, causing the elderly to be more susceptible to injuries and even fractures caused by a fall.

As a "master of calcium supplementation", milk contains up to 110 mg of calcium per 100 ml of milk, which undoubtedly provides a convenient way for the elderly to supplement calcium. Of course, relying on milk alone for calcium supplementation may not be enough, but it is undoubtedly one of the great sources of calcium.

Will the difference really be big whether the elderly drink milk or not? The doctor has analyzed it thoroughly and knows it in his heart

2. Physical strength and personal immunity

The nutrients in milk, such as vitamin B12, also have a positive effect on the health of the elderly. Vitamin B12 can assist in lowering blood pressure to a certain extent, which is beneficial to the cardiovascular health of the elderly.

In addition, other nutrients in milk also help to improve the immunity of the elderly, making them more resistant to various diseases.

Therefore, doctors suggest that if the economic conditions allow, the elderly should drink milk every day to supplement the nutrients needed by the body, enhance their physique, and improve their quality of life. Let milk become a part of the healthy life of the elderly, and add a healthy guarantee to their old age.

Will the difference really be big whether the elderly drink milk or not? The doctor has analyzed it thoroughly and knows it in his heart


2 "common sense" about milk, in fact, are fake!

Myth 1: Milk should be drunk hot

Many people prefer to drink warm milk, believing it will warm their stomach or help them sleep. However, overheating milk may destroy the nutrients in it, such as protein and vitamins.

In fact, milk that is at room temperature or slightly cold can also satisfy our needs without overheating.

Myth 2: Milk can whiten the skin

Some people think that washing your face with milk or drinking milk can make your skin whiter, but this is actually a misconception. The color of the skin is mainly determined by melanin, and milk does not directly reduce the production of melanin.

While some of the ingredients in milk may have some moisturizing effect on the skin, it does not change the basic tone of the skin.

Will the difference really be big whether the elderly drink milk or not? The doctor has analyzed it thoroughly and knows it in his heart


Don't ignore these 4 points when drinking milk healthily

Choose fresh milk

Fresh milk has the highest nutritional value and the best taste. When buying milk, pay attention to the production date and expiration date and choose the freshest milk.

At the same time, try to choose milk from grass-fed cattle or organic pastures, which is more nutritious.

Drink in moderation

Although milk is highly nutritious, it should not be consumed in excess. It is recommended to drink 200-300 ml of milk per day, which can meet the body's nutritional needs without burdening the body.

Avoid drinking milk on an empty stomach

Drinking milk on an empty stomach may cause the nutrients in the milk to be wasted, and even cause problems such as diarrhea. It is best to eat it after a meal or with some grains, fruits, etc., so that the nutrients in the milk can be better absorbed.

Pay attention to the temperature of the milk

Milk that is too cold or too hot can affect the absorption of nutrients. It's best to heat the milk to a moderate temperature that preserves nutrients without irritating the gastrointestinal tract.

Will the difference really be big whether the elderly drink milk or not? The doctor has analyzed it thoroughly and knows it in his heart


Extended reading: Can drinking milk before bed really help you sleep?

As for the question of whether drinking milk before bed can help you sleep, the answer is actually not so simple.

Although milk contains an amino acid called tryptophan, which is a precursor to the synthesis of melatonin and serotonin, both of which are involved in sleep, the amount of tryptophan in milk is not high, and the body's absorption and utilization of it is limited.

In addition, milk contains a protein called casein, which can combine with calcium ions to form calcium caseinate, which is difficult to digest in the intestines and may affect sleep quality. Therefore, simply relying on drinking milk before bed to help you sleep may not be the best option.

Will the difference really be big whether the elderly drink milk or not? The doctor has analyzed it thoroughly and knows it in his heart

In addition to maintaining a good routine and avoiding overexertion and mood swings, you can also try some other sleep aids.

For example, you can engage in relaxing activities such as deep breathing, meditation or yoga, or relax yourself by listening to some soft music and reading some relaxing books.