
Ma Ying-jeou went out and expressed his opposition to "Taiwan independence," and Lai Qingde issued an order intended to be in the hinterland of the mainland

author:Moderator: Liu Meixi

Ma Ying-jeou went out and openly expressed his opposition to "Taiwan independence." Seeing this situation, Lai Qingde was furious and issued a new order to target the hinterland of the mainland. What kind of discussion did Ma Ying-jeou's remarks trigger on the island? What does Lai Qingde want to do when he has his eyes on the hinterland of the mainland?

According to a report by, former Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou's second trip to the mainland has come to the last stop in Beijing. Previously, during his visits to Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Xi'an, although Ma Ying-jeou used the posthumous teachings of Dr. Sun Yat-sen to convey a signal of support for cross-strait reunification, he did not directly say the most important words. However, when he arrived in Beijing, Ma Ying-jeou went out and made it clear that he must adhere to the "consensus of '92" and resolutely oppose "Taiwan independence." Ma Ying-jeou also stressed that any so-called "de-Sinicization" operation will never succeed! On 9 April, Ma Ying-jeou, who was currently visiting the mainland, climbed the Badaling Great Wall and sang the anti-Japanese song "Ballad of the Great Wall" with the young people accompanying him. When he sang "Outside the Great Wall is my hometown", Ma Ying-jeou was emotional and shed tears.

Ma Ying-jeou went out and expressed his opposition to "Taiwan independence," and Lai Qingde issued an order intended to be in the hinterland of the mainland

With regard to Ma Ying-jeou, many people on both sides of the strait have questioned his true position. As an important figure in Ma Ying-jeou's former team, former "Mainland Affairs Council" director Su Qi commented that he was "a good person." However, in the political context, Ma Ying-jeou's call to be a "good guy" is not a positive assessment. Su Qi said that Ma Ying-jeou was a "good person", which was to criticize his character for being too weak, not daring to take strong action against the green camp, and even blindly tolerating it. During his term of office, Ma Ying-jeou asked Lai Xingyuan to be chairman of the "Mainland Affairs Council," and this person is an out-and-out "Taiwan independence" element. At the same time, Zheng Ruicheng, who was then the head of Taiwan's "education department," not only did not abolish the "Taiwan independence" syllabus on the island, but stepped up efforts to promote its implementation, resulting in a flood of cultural "Taiwan independence" in the Taiwan region after Tsai Ing-wen came to power. Now, Ma Ying-jeou has finally changed his weakness and bluntly said that any so-called "de-Sinicization" operation will never succeed, which is to openly criticize the DPP authorities.

Ma Ying-jeou went out and expressed his opposition to "Taiwan independence," and Lai Qingde issued an order intended to be in the hinterland of the mainland

However, it is regrettable that after Ma Ying-jeou's statement, his Kuomintang stepped up its efforts to cut ties with him. Regarding Ma Ying-jeou's remarks in Beijing, the KMT "party officials" claimed that this was "Ma Ying-jeou's personal behavior, and the KMT can only respect it." However, this "party official" stressed that Ma Ying-jeou's actions do not mean that the KMT will "change its line" and will still adhere to the "pro-US and mainland" approach. Obviously, the Kuomintang does not oppose Ma Ying-jeou's visit to the mainland on the surface, but in fact it is extremely resistant. What makes people even more angry is that after Ma Ying-jeou's visit to the mainland, Xia Liyan, vice chairman of the Kuomintang, immediately set off for the United States, not only making contact with members of the US Congress, but also participating in the "military push" of "the United States, Japan, and Taiwan." It can be seen that the current KMT top leadership has taken a position very close to that of the DPP authorities, and it has completely failed to conceal its true features of "coercing foreign countries to resist reunification."

Ma Ying-jeou went out and expressed his opposition to "Taiwan independence," and Lai Qingde issued an order intended to be in the hinterland of the mainland

At the same time, Lai Ching-de, who is about to take office, still issued the latest directive to step up the research and development of the "Yunfeng" missile to enhance the so-called "defense capability of Taiwan Island" after Rosenberg, chairman of the US "Taiwan Institute," went to Taiwan to demand that the mainland not be radically provoked. According to the Taiwan military, the "Yunfeng" missile has been upgraded with an extended range and a range of 2,000 kilometers. You Xikun, the head of the "legislature" at the front desk, once clamored that the Three Gorges Dam would bear the brunt of the "Yunfeng" missile attack on the big cities and important infrastructure facilities in the hinterland of the mainland. It can be seen that Lai Qingde and other "Taiwan independence" elements have resorted to unscrupulous means in order to "seek independence." However, relying on the strength of the Taiwan military, it would be self-defeating to carry out a "strike at the source." The People's Liberation Army (PLA) has completely controlled the situation of Taiwan's "military deployment," and even the tunnels where Tsai Ing-wen and Lai Qingde fled have been informed of the exact location. If a conflict breaks out, all the missiles of the Taiwan military will be destroyed by the PLA, and there will be no chance of launching them at all.