
"Patients don't taboo mouths, doctors run and break legs", please put away the list of taboos after illness

author:Dr. Cai said in popular science

As we age, our physical fitness will continue to change, and the body's resistance will also decline, so many people will cause diseases.

"Patients don't taboo mouths, doctors run and break legs", please put away the list of taboos after illness

After getting a disease, it is accompanied by taking medicine and treatment, which is a long-term process, and in the process of treating the disease, there are many drugs that need to be avoided.


Why should I avoid eating and drinking when I am sick?

When we take medicine or treat when we are sick, the most common thing we hear from doctors is to avoid eating some things, which is mainly because some foods will aggravate the disease and delay the recovery of the disease.

For example, if there is a fever syndrome such as boils, we should not eat fish, shrimp, beef and other hair products, because these foods have the effect of heating or wind, which will help evil and hurt the good, which is not conducive to the health of the body.

"Patients don't taboo mouths, doctors run and break legs", please put away the list of taboos after illness

Moreover, when we eat some food, it is likely to conflict with the medication we take, which may cancel out the effect of the drug, which is not conducive to the recovery of the condition as soon as possible.

Depending on the disease, the contraindications for each disease are different, so we should not be all in one go, because too much "taboo" may also lead to a lack of nutrients in the body.

"Patients don't taboo mouths, doctors run and break legs", please put away the list of taboos after illness

What we mean by taboo is to make corresponding adjustments to the diet, if according to what you think of as taboos, it may have an adverse impact on the body, and there may be a delay in the condition, so when we are sick, we need to avoid food, we need the guidance of a doctor.


"Patients don't taboo mouths, doctors run and break legs", please put away the list of taboos after illness

Now the incidence of many diseases in the mainland is very high, and the three highs are now well known to us, that is, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high blood lipids.

1. There are "three taboos" in the diet for high blood pressure

Through relevant data, we can find that there are a lot of hypertensive patients in the mainland, and hypertension also has great complications, which can easily lead to kidney dysfunction, and vision loss will also lead to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, which seriously threatens people's health.

"Patients don't taboo mouths, doctors run and break legs", please put away the list of taboos after illness

In addition to taking medication on time and checking blood pressure regularly according to the doctor's instructions, patients with high blood pressure should also avoid eating food.

1. Avoid eating salty food

If the intake of salt increases, it will lead to the narrowing of the lumen of the blood vessels, which will also hinder the speed of blood flow, increase the burden on the kidneys, and easily lead to urination disorders, which will have an adverse effect on blood pressure.

Therefore, patients with high blood pressure should strictly control the amount of salt they eat every day, and try to avoid some foods with high salt content, such as pickled foods, which can be controlled within 5 grams.

2. Avoid diets that are easy to cause excitement

In our lives, many people like to drink tea and alcohol, and these foods will cause the nerves to be excited, and the burden on the internal organs can easily cause blood pressure to rise.

"Patients don't taboo mouths, doctors run and break legs", please put away the list of taboos after illness

3. Avoid grapefruit during the medication period

Grapefruit is rich in potassium, which can help lower blood pressure, but if it is done at the same time as medicine, it will increase the sensitivity of blood pressure medication, which can easily lead to physical discomfort, dizziness and panic, and stroke in severe cases.

2. Diabetes should be cautious about eating 3 types of foods

There are also a lot of diabetic patients in the mainland, if the blood sugar is not controlled in time, it is likely to cause hypertension, hyperlipidemia and other related diseases, and will also lead to vision loss, myocardial infarction and other serious complications.

"Patients don't taboo mouths, doctors run and break legs", please put away the list of taboos after illness

Therefore, diabetic patients should also pay special attention to their diet to avoid adverse effects on blood sugar.

1. Control the refined staple food

The impact of Jingzi rice noodles such as white steamed buns and zongzi on blood sugar is relatively large, so you should usually eat as little as possible, and you can eat more coarse grains, such as multigrain rice.

2. Eat less high-sugar fruits

Some fruits are suitable for diabetics, but some fruits are really not suitable, such as jackfruit, lychee, cantaloupe, etc. contain very high sugar content, usually try to avoid eating, you can choose apples, blueberries, grapefruit and other low-sugar fruits.

"Patients don't taboo mouths, doctors run and break legs", please put away the list of taboos after illness

3. Limit vegetables with high starch content and sugar content

After starch enters our three-body, it will be digested and decomposed into polysaccharides, monosaccharides, etc., which will significantly increase blood sugar, so diabetic patients should control the intake of starch.

Some of our common vegetables, such as potatoes and sweet potatoes, are high in starch, so diabetics should try to eat less of them. Beans and carrots are also vegetables with a relatively high sugar content, so they should also be used sparingly.

"Patients don't taboo mouths, doctors run and break legs", please put away the list of taboos after illness

3. People with high blood lipids should pay attention to the "three reductions" in their diet

According to relevant data, the prevalence of hyperlipidemia has reached 40.4%, and hyperlipidemia is also one of the important factors that induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

People with high blood lipids should pay attention to the three reductions in their usual diet, so that they can control their blood lipid levels to have certain benefits.

"Patients don't taboo mouths, doctors run and break legs", please put away the list of taboos after illness

1. Reduce cholesterol

If you have high blood lipids, you should usually control your diet, such as pig brain animal offal and other high-cholesterol foods, try to eat as little as possible, and try not to exceed 200mg per day.

2. Fat loss

Although chicken skin, duck skin and other foods are more delicious, but the fat content contained here is very high, if the blood lipids are high, you should usually eat as little as possible, and try to put as little oil as possible when eating, and try to eat as little as possible for fried and fried food.

"Patients don't taboo mouths, doctors run and break legs", please put away the list of taboos after illness

3. Reduce sugar

The reason why we want to reduce sugar is because sugar is converted into triglycerides in the metabolism of our body, and the level of triglycerides is one of the important indicators to judge whether it has become hyperlipidemia.

Therefore, it is necessary to eat as little as possible for drinks and pastries with a lot of added sugar, and steamed bread and bread containing a lot of carbohydrates also need to be controlled.

Each disease has a corresponding taboo food, which needs to be paid attention to, so we must follow the doctor's guidance, otherwise our condition will not be well controlled, only by following the doctor's arrangement, can we better control the level of the body and maintain good health.